What Is The Best Way To Undo The Discrimination Against Boys In K-12 Education

How can we end caste discrimination in India?

Our society is infested with this disease of casteism since many centuries, infact millennias. And still majority of Indians do not want this problem gone. My answer is going to be a short one as it requires little effort to remove this but every single individual should have the intent and sanity to put this little effort which, unfortunately, can't be seen in the society.First of all if you hold any such notion that your caste is your identity or it has any worthy meaning in reality, you need to shade away that view. This is first and foremost thing. Castes are totally useless and nonsense gradation of human beings. It not only divides people but also make them feel superior or inferior. So to remove caste basef discrimination, you need to leave the very idea of caste from your life. Caste based discrimination isn't limited to ill treatment of lower caste of people. Absolutely not. It is also caste based discrimination when two people in love can not be together just because their castes are different or when someone leans more towards a person of their own caste than those of other castes, or when your caste become the basis of stereotypes. And even if you want to look at it from the Sanatan or Hindu perspective, Varna and caste has no use in today's society (not that it ever had any use whatsoever). Different castes were assigned different jobs which people were forced to abide. Is imposition of job acceptable in today's world? Certainly not. Then what is the need of the caste system.So if you want to end caste discrimination or even caste based reservation, boycott castes totally. No caste based last names, no caste based marriages, never ask anyone's caste, never tell your kids their castes, no exceptions for the person belonging to your own caste. Just completely denounce caste itself. And spread this idea as much as you can. No government, no system can solve this but we people. It's a Herculean task and it will need support from everyone to make it work but you must do your own bit honestly.Thanks for the A2A and please point out faults if you find any.*And to add one important thing, always try to stop and protest if you witness caste based discrimination. It's time we speak up.

What are the disadvantages of co education?

It creates tension in the family, society and education place.It promotes love affair and frndship among b/g that's way the are distract their track.It cause of failurence of students in exam.It makes students fashionable and both want to attract each other so they were anything on the name of fashion.They thought like a Metro boys nd girl.1 Metroian are not respect to our elder2 They forget their responsibility what have do.

Can we succeed in our life without education?

Many of us agree that education is very important in helping us determine and shape our future and is complimentary for one’s knowledge and wisdom. However, it is not the only way that a person gains knowledge and wisdom. People gain knowledge through experience as well, therefore, uneducated people too possess valuable knowledge which they have acquired through experience.It is not fair to undermine the level of intelligence or wisdom of an uneducated person and it does not give educated people an upper hand over those who have not been fortunate enough to obtain quality education. Due to various reasons such as poverty, gender discrimination and political instability, smart people have been deprived of receiving a good education through no fault of their own.There is no difference between educated and uneducated people when it comes to humanity. There are instances where educated people get inspired by uneducated people who influence them with a great sense of humanity. For example, today an educated individual has a Master’s degree however it was his mother who has never attended school who influenced his academic accomplishments. She taught her son important lessons by setting examples herself. Her son grew up and observed his mother working very hard to achieve simple goals and he followed her work hard ethos until he reached his goals in life to become highly educated, improving his mothers and his own life.Millions around the world are deprived of an education and forced to find a way to survive through basic, hard labour work making opportunities to success very rare, hence not improving one’s quality of life. People without education should not be judged, after all everybody has something special about them but education is vital and a key to success. Through education one learns about theoretical concepts but what is important is how education provides ideas, boosts creativity and talent allowing one to apply the skills learnt correctly to their life leading to success.

Does anyone know what are the cons and pros of banning the book Huck Finn?

Easy to use links that will help with all your research needs, try typing a keyword or two into the search engine and see what happens.

What can be done to completely eradicate dowry from India?

Before going into the steps of eradication, lets understand the place of origin for this dowry system.Earlier, payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to a bridegroom's family  along with the bride (household items that help the newlywed set up her home) as there was no property share for a girl child along with sons. So, a simple or casual gifting tendency turned up into an evil thought of dowry. This evil has distorted the sex ratio of India and may have given rise to female foeticide.The payment of a dowry has been prohibited under the 1961 Dowry Prohibition Act in Indian civil law. Because female-based inheritance was not legal in India until law  reforms in the 1950s, dowry may have begun as a form of legal  inheritance for daughters.So, considering the above mentioned factors, In 2011 a bench of justices R. M. Lodha and Jagdish Singh Khehar in a judgment  said that under the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, the daughters are entitled to equal inheritance rights along with other male siblings, which was not available to them prior to the amendment.What I mean to tell you is one cannot blame the system but the weird culture followed by the people. Instead of putting an argument about our parent generation we should come forward the dig out the roots. Take a dowry pledge - Do NOT demand dowry/ Do NOT agree to marry into a family that demands dowry. Talk to the girl you are marrying that you are not going to accept dowry anyway so that you can make sure that she'd let you know when her parents offering any dowry.Even if it is not related to your family do not keep quiet if you found any harassment case. Your complaint may save an innocent from being harassed or burned to death.The existing laws are not implemented strictly and the cases filed take a long time for the verdict. Many of the rules are illogical, outdated, archaic, stupid and sometimes misused. Misuse of laws: In a landmark judgement recently, the Supreme Court said that without a magistrate’s  permission police cannot arrest the accused automatically under the  existing provisions of anti-dowry law. The Court’s ruling came with  concern over the misuse by estranged wives  against in-laws and husbands.Once  you bring the murderers/felons to justice with tailor-made laws  & fast-track courts, the culture of fear disappears among normal/good people. Once good  people stop being afraid, they will be more open to whistle blow.