What Is The Easiest Way To Establish Wa Residency Prior To Move

How do I Establish residency in Washington State?

If you have a lease for a residence in Washington, then that is all you need to prove residency in Washington.Add to that your Missouri license (which will be hole-punched to invalidate it when your WA license is issued,) your SSN, some cold hard cash and a few hours of your time at the DOL and you will have a WA license.Bonus: If you follow the steps to get an Enhanced WA DL, you will get a Real ID Act compliant license that you can use to fly domestically in the US, enter federal buildings and to cross the land border with Canada without the need for a passport.Enjoy the Everrain (ahem, Evergreen) state!

How long does it take to get residency in Louisiana?

I live in Washington State and want to go to college in New Orleans Louisiana but don't want to pay the ridiculous out of state tuition for college. So I wanted to know if there was certain steps I had to take and how long I had to wait before I could be a resident before going to school without out of state tuition. Thank you, God Bless!

How to become a Washington state resident. We are moving to Seattle.?

My husband and I live in California, moving to Seattle in a week. We need to have residency for a full year before we can start going to school. So how do we become residents? ive been researching, but no one has said exactly what to do.

How do you become a legal resident of a state?

You move there, take up residence, other than for college or the military, get a state I.D. card or a Driver’s License and intend for that state to be your residence of record on a year round basis. If you are say a professional athlete, you do NOT have to become a resident where the team you play for resides and you will NOT become a resident, even though you rent or own a home there unless you don’t have a residence in another state or country or get a Driver’s License or other state issued license which is only issued to that states residents.

Lotteries: If you win mega millions in a state that taxes it, can you move to a state like Washington before claiming the prize to avoid state taxes?

No, but you can avoid lots of unforced errors by talking to experts and no one else before you sign the ticket or go public in any way. If you're planning on helping friends and relatives, this gets even more critical, but just the tax planning and asset protection stuff makes caution and patience mandatory.You have several months available to plan and set things up before needing to claim the prize. If 'no one' knows the prize winner, that winner could be a group with different percentage stakes based on the money they put into a pool. Some of those winners might be in no tax states and be able to enjoy that shield even if the ticket was bought in your state. A trust could hold the ticket and protect you from your own ignorance later (lol, but serious).Anyhow, if you win huge, the feds are taking the big bite. Yes, it's better to live in a Florida for example than in a lottery and income tax state, but you, or some winner in your pool, would actually need to reside there prior in any case.

Moving out, college finances- question for you experienced adults and students!?

I'm living in California right now and am planning to move to Washington State by late December/ early January. I can't stand living in Cali anymore, and my mom really can't afford to take care of me anymore... and I sure can't keep living in Orange County on my own- it's so expensive!! I will be moving with my boyfriend and my best friend. I have a grandfather who will pay my tuition and books, but will not pay for my living expenses. Any job I get will be some minimum wage job, I'm sure, and will NOT cover my living expenses... I'm kinda living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and that will be a struggle getting in 15 hours a week and going full time... maybe it will cover gas, if I'm lucky.

I expect these to be my expenses:

Rent: around $300-$350
Car payment: $150
Health insurance?
Car insurance?
Whatever else!

This is my first time on my own... I guess I actually have a few questions...

How much will the other expenses cost that I realize now I have no clue about?
Should I marry my boyfriend (we've been together two years, it wouldn't JUST be for financial reasons) for more money as an independent on the FAFSA?
Even if he has bad credit?
Can I get financial aid from Washington state, even if I'll only have been living there a month or two before school starts? How do I become a resident?

I'm trying my damndest to save up right now, and I would really like to apply for financial aid and student loans ahead of time... but how can I fill out these applications with all the information they'd need to know about my living arrangements- if I'm not even there yet?

I'm terribly lost and the past month or two, I've been planning, researching, and coming to these crappy questions that need to be answered- this is my first yahoo answers questions, and I thought this would be a good place to ask... so, here I go. I hope you all can help me!