What Is The Exposition Of The Pardoners Tale

Canterbury Tales, The Pardoners Tale?


Sorry idon't understand what you want about the Canterbury Tales.
Check Sparknotes.

What is the exposition of the wife of bath tale?

It is that the husband did not wish to marry his wife unless she provided a dowry for him to live on. All that was required of him was to give her sex and progeny.

The exposition of the pardoners tale?

I'm taking up a collection so we can buy this poor impoverished little girl a verb so that she can make a complete sentence next time.

What is an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution? ?

An exposition is where everything is introduced. The characters, the setting, the time, the place, the problem, etc.

The rising action is when things begin to escalate. It takes the reader from the exposition and leads them towards the climax. This part tends to be dramatic and suspenseful.

The climax! When you finally take a breath after holding it in in suspense. This is the most emotional part of the book. For example, when Harry faces Voldemort in the end of any Harry Potter book.

Falling Action is when everything tends to slow down. The climax is over. Relating back to my Harry Potter example, this would be after Harry faced Voldemort, and he is in the hospital wing recovering.

The resolution. The conclusion. The end. Whatever you want to call it. But this is the final part of the story when everything is wrapped up. Sometimes the story is finished off completely, answering every reader's question. Sometimes authors leave mysterious, to intrigue the reader. Or sometimes authors leave hints of a sequel.

Hope I helped!!

What is the mood in the wife of bath's tale?


The prevailing mood of The Canterbury Tales is obviously that of comedy. The most prominent aspect of the book is the amazing magnitude of the range of its representation of medieval society. The poem aims at wholeness and presents an amalgam of all the Themes and conventions of contemporary medieval literature.

The tales thus range from:

Courtly Romance
Knight’s Tale
Sergeant at Law’s Tale
Squire’s Tale
Breton Lay - Franklin’s Tale
Fabliaux - Miller’s Tale, Reeve’s Tale, Merchant’s Tale
Saint’s Legend - Second Nun’s Tale

Monk’s Tale
Exemplum - Pardoner’s Tale

Parson’s Tale
Tale of Melibee

Beast Fable

Nun's Priest’s Tale.

As such the poem has a wide range of tone and mood.

The "General Prologue" serves as a kind of sample of what will follow. The serious ideals of chivalry, religion, and agricultural labor which operate in the portraits of the Knight, Parson and Plowman, provide a sober and solemn tone, while the comic, ironic and satiric portraits of the Prioress, Monk, Merchant, and others provide the predominant comic tone. There are frequent abrupt shifts of mood and tone from the ludicrous to the sublime, from a note of sincere appraisal to outright mockery, from scathing criticism of social corruption and moral depravity to light- hearted gibes at a certain innocuous inanity. This contributes to the charm and humorof the work. The main body of the tales also operates on a similar principle. Serious, grave and sober tales are offset by comic ones.

The Wife of Bath's Tale - Study Guides:

The opening section of the Canterbury Tales that introduces the characters is called the ___________?

Prolog or exposition

What are the best research paper writing services?

If we are talking here about any kind of scientific “research” paper, done as part of an academic program, and hiding the fact that it isn’t your own work:That’s cheating, and is the sort of thing that the research world takes very seriously.It’s not just a matter of who gets credit for the results. The progress of science depends on the honesty of researchers. Not every reported result will be replicated by others, and fake reports cause immense trouble. If you turn a paper in with your name on it, you are asserting that you did the work and you are taking responsibility for the correctness of the results. Honest mistakes can be tolerated, but not fraud. So:You may not get caught. If you do, your career as a researcher is probably over, maybe before it even begins. Think about it.If the service in question is taking your results and just putting them into more understandable language, and if you’re sure they didn’t mangle the meaning or leave out essential qualifiers and caveats, then it might be OK.If you think it’s OK, put a disclaimer in the paper — something like this:This paper represents my own research results, but the presentation was heavily edited by “Zippy Research Papers and Auto Repair, Inc.”That might not help the paper get accepted, but at least it’s honest. If you present such a paper as your own work and writing, that’s still fraud, and I, for one, would deal very harshly with that if you were my student.

Why is Melania Trump still sticking with Donald Trump?

Love. It’s a beautiful thing, right? It’s the basis for a sound marriage, right?But it wasn’t always so.The thing we have to realize is that for most of history (in fact until fairly modern times), love was just something in story books. Marrying for love was pretty rare in reality, especially for those wealthy enough for marriage to have a more tangible value. Historically speaking, our aversion to marriage for any reason other than love is rather strange. We see marrying for wealth, prestige, looks, politics, or any other reason as abhorrent.I’m right there with you, mind you. I’ve been brought up to believe that Jane Austen had it all figured out.My students are reading some of the Canterbury Tales right now. Chaucer has a lot to say about marriage. The Wife of Bath wants us to believe that women should have the upper hand in marriage. The Merchant wants us to believe that marriage is a pack of lies which both partners believe in for their own good. The Clerk wants us to believe that marriage is a woman’s subservience to a man. The Franklin wants us to believe that marriage is about good communication and equality. The Shipman wants us to believe that marriage is sex in exchange for money. You know what? Chaucer (through his characters) is right every time. Marriage is about all these things for different people.I can’t imagine any woman being attracted to Trump without his money. I cringe to think that any woman is attracted to Trump with his money. Apparently his wife has different priorities.On the other hand, I have an avatar sitting right up there next to my name. I’m no looker either. I’m a bit of a jackass. I have a wife. She’s a nice person. I’m as shocked as anyone else.One other thought occurs, though. Maybe he’s a complete jackass in public but a nice guy to his wife. I doubt she’d be with him if he didn’t have the money, but maybe she’s into him with his money. Maybe she’s into the whole package. A rich, powerful guy who treats her personally with respect (and yes, I know he doesn’t treat other women with respect and don’t know what they’re like behind closed doors, but we don’t know that he isn’t respectful to her).Who are we to judge? Seriously. What standing do we have? I dislike the guy. I cannot stand someone who holds women in such little regard. I would replace him with almost anyone else as president. Still, his personal affairs are his own. Her personal affairs are her own as well. The heart wants what the heart wants.

What is the climax of the Wife of Bath's Tale?

The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer

Study Guides.

Should an ordinary teacher know the details of English Literature to be a better English language teacher?

I am not sure from the question (which I know Quora often re-writes) whether your “ordinary” teacher is a Language Arts teacher or “any” teacher (such as Social Studies, Math, etc), and I assume you are basically talking about secondary (middle school/high school) teachers.If you mean a secondary Language Arts teacher, the definitive answer is “yes.” The first reason is, in most high schools, at least in my state, the Language Arts teacher is also the Literature teacher, and they are expected to do both. I have taught ELA grades 7–12 in my career, and I based my entire Language Arts curriculum on the literature books. We read every day, and I taught “English” from what we read.Unlike many ancient languages which emerged before their literary era (some were first written in stone, and it shows in their style and efficiency), English emerged simultaneously with its literature. We have writings such as “Beowulf” from the Anglo-Saxon “Old English,” “Canterbury Tales” from the Middle English, and literature that followed up to modern times, even as English moved from Elizabethan through Victorian to current times.Some writers, such as Shakespeare, actually coined words as they wrote, words that we still use today, as well as phrases and terms that we still use. So, yes, in order to teach this language, one should be very familiar with the literature, and should have read some from every major era of its development.I also think that other core teachers, social studies, science, and math, should be familiar as well, along with fine arts and even technical skills. But then again, I am a little biased, as I have studied and taught English Language Arts, English Literature, Art History, Social Studies, and English as a Second Language.