What Is The Good And The Bad Of The Industrial Revolution

Was the Industrial Revolution good or bad?

Long run: since we're here now, and are people whose lifestyle was formed by the industral revolution and its successors, the industiral revolution was good. Any complaints are luxuries that we enjoy because we have now advanced beyond the industiral revolution. If this isn't obvious, think like this: let's say the industrial revolution had not occurred and China, or some other place, had enjoyed continued advance. We would be the underdeveloped area and there would no doubt be major campaigns, rock concerts, and the like to raise aid for us.

Short run: in the first generation or so of the industrial revolution, perhaps for as much as the first 100 years, from the late 18th century through to the late 19th century, there was considerable misery. People were dislocated in country regions, drawn into big cities, housed in slums, overworked, lived in unsanitory conditions — the change was something not planned, chaotic, and rudiments of living in large, close settlemens (such as basic public health and hygiene) had not yet been worked out. But the debate is still on as to whether stayiing in the countryside would have been better, since conditions of rural overpopulation and poverty belie the romantic myth of the happy peasant who was corrupted by industry.

Added value: there is an interesting comment I remember from the book by Professor Ulam, THE UNFINISHED REVOUTION, a study of Marxism that was first published in the 1960s. Ulam frames his major criticism of Marxism around the idea that Marx and Engel confused the troubles of the early industrial capitalism (the industrial revolution), the birthpangs of industrial capitalism, with what they thought were the death throes of the system, and hence their entire theory was misdirected as an "end days" theory rather than as a contribution to the rudimentary theory of economic development.

Was the Industrial Revolution Good or Bad?

The industrial revolution was both good and bad.
For example it was good because the diet of the average worker had improved drastically. Meat was no longer a rarity and peoples diets improved. As production increased, clothing dropped in price and the working class was able to afford them. More jobs were available so people begin to bring home more family income. The industrial revolution benefitted the country's economy because the trade was even more home based.

Now for the negatives-- yes as we all know, the industrial revolution brought forward child labor and really harsh city living conditions and working conditions. Children were a prime candidate for becoming workers in the mills because they were small and could reach into small places, they were easy to manipulate and didn't need to be paid as much.

Through all this negative there is a positive, child labor laws were created preventing children from facing these harsh working environments.

Industrial Revolution: GOOD or BAD? why?

There is some truth in what JJ says that it led to the technology of today computers, engineering, medicine etc and that is a very good thing! But with all good things come side effects.
It depends on which country you mean. In the UK there were bad side effects of the Industrial Revolution (IR). Before Britain was mainly rural and farming was the biggest industry. The IR meant many farm laborers and country dwellers left the land to work in growing cities. Huge areas of land were covered in houses which led to high population density and all social problems. It would not have been so bad if the industry was sustainable. During world war 2 many of these cities were heavily bombed. The houses were repalced by ugly concrete tower blocks, which were havens of crime and social disease.
Problems came in the 1970s and 80s when most of the industries that created such cities closed down. What you now had in effect was a displaced population without employment and internal conflict, crime and drug abuse which prevails in many of Britain's Inner cities.

Interestingly there are old and new cities in Britain. Old cities were those that were significant landmarks before the IR, they include, York, Bath, Exeter, Lancaster, Wells, Salisbury, Durham. Today these have far fewer social problems crime etc than the new cities or big towns that were created by the IR, they include places like: Sheffield, Luton, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham. Many of these had been cities befor the IR but grew massivly and today have many social problems.

Having said that side effects can be reduced with aditional medication. Good law enforcement, proper deterents reduce crim. Education, better town planning reduce social disease.

Other European countries such as Austria, Switzerland etc did not go through such massive industrial revolution they kept their rural lifestyle and their low crime rates, higher employment levels and quality of life reflects the difference.

Is the Industrial Revolution good or bad?

Depends…..good for us now in the manner that it has extended our overall life span by 20 or so years, but that took well over 150yrs to get it to the level where there are limits to employee treatment etc. (of course not over the entire world). It gave us mass manufacturing so that not only the rich could have a clothes washer or a fridge or perhaps a vacuum . these are perhaps the most prolific bemefits to daily life from the industrial revolution. Try living without them. Finally for better or worse we have vehicles to supply us goods and transport us in such short time spans. The negatives would be modern times, stress levels through the roof from instant information overloads, employment, the exact thing the initial revolution gave, has been lost at unprecedented rates and will get much worse soon with the ongoing robotics revolution. What will the world do for the vast majority who will not be working? There can only be so many engineers or owners of the companies which are making everyone go down these roads, ie: cell phones, computers robtic cars that self drive, etc.I guess philosopher or futurists will need to get busy on these issues to figure out if the 1world government will just kill off the extra 6 billion or so people to leave the managable 700000000 people that has for so long been said is the perfect world population!

Second Industrial Revolution Good or Bad?

It is absolutely impossible to qualify something like this with such vague terms. The second industrial revolution created the world as we know it. A mass society of the middle class emerged, with regulated work days, benefits, and leisure time. The automobile was introduced, steel replaced iron, electricity was becoming widespread, urbanization exploded, literacy rates increased with the introduction of public schooling, and much much more.

If you'd prefer we remained ignorant hunter-gatherers or farmers, or feel incredibly guilty about global warming, then you might not like it. But it's not like we can do much, eh? This is how it is now.

What is the fourth industrial revolution? Is it good or bad for humanity?

Industry 4.0, Industrie 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies.Yes it was good. The long term effects of the industrial revolution was increased prosperity, better health and longer life spans.A big market for slaves was galley slaves and agriculture workers.Fourth Industrial Revolution may indeed have the potential to “robotize” humanity and thus to deprive us of our heart and soul. But as a complement to the best parts of human nature creativity, empathy, stewardship it can also lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny.The Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world.Transportation and communication costs will drop, logistics and global supply chains will become more effective, and the cost of trade will diminish, all of which will open new markets and drive economic growth.

Was the Industrial Revolution good or bad for people in a society? Why or why not?

This sounds like an essay question on an exam. It also calls for opinion, which you will likely have to support. So here goes... I believe it was good in many ways, and bad in a few. The good involves the mechanization and automation of many tasks which increased manufacturing technology exponentially. It also lead to improvements in food processing, innovations such as the internal combustion engine which is still used some 120 years later in nearly all automobiles made, and it lead to the creation of a middle class through the collective bargaining rights acquired by employees in the late 19th and early 20th century. The bad? Pollution, dumping of waste and chemicals in rivers and landfills, and exploitation of labor. Love canal in New York is a prime example. Hooker chemical had acquired the assets of Charles Love including the toxic waste dump site. The Niagara Falls school board desperately needed land and threatened to take the land through eminent domain. Hooker, knowing how toxic the site was, sold the antire parcel fo $1.00 on the following conditions: The school board inspect the land, witness test borings, and sign a deed with a 17 sentence caveat fully explaining the danger of populating/ building on the site. 25 years later, the entire site became known world wide for elevated illnesses such as cancer, etc... It became one of the first "Superfund" sites. There is also the Cuyahoga river fire which was a direct result of many companies in Cleveland dumping into the river. So it was good on the whole, but it came with unfortunate and many times, fatal consequences. And this is our history. All of our advances, all of our technological innovations, all of our leaps forward have come with a price. Whether it's been the wars we have fought or astronauts perishing in an effort to advance space exploration, no new knowledge or innovation has come without a price.