What Is The Government Trying To Distract Us From With All This News About Ebola

What is going on that the media must distract us with this ebola scare?

Thank you! Literally on the entire news broadcast here in dallas this afternoon they showed a plane getting ready to take off then doing so. With ebola patient on board heading somewhere else. Talking about these 2 nurses who contracted it after caring for a patient in the hospital. They talked about where they went to school, there faith, their pets. So ridiculous. I seriously doubt the rest of the world has stopped because of this but nothing else is making on the news because scared sheep like to watch the news and be scared. Idiots wake up there is a war, elections, crimes, droughts all kinds of of things going on that we should pay attention to but nobody seems to notice they are being distracted with news of a yes deadly disease but one they have 99.99999 percent of not catching.

The same as any government: Spin. For example:Blow trivial but divisive issues way out of proportion: Abortion. Same sex marriageCreate "us and them" problems : Conservatives vs. liberals, black vs whiteConjure up external threats: Terrorism, GlobalismConjure up internal threats: "Big Government", conspiracy theoriesPoint out external "responsible agents" for the real or not so real internal problems: China, Islam, NATO, Jews, the Martians...Make people focus on how their lively-hood is threatened when it isn't: "They'll take our jobs", "they'll increase my taxes". Blame the victims: The ---------------- (fill in the blank) are like that because a) they don't help themselves. b)enjoy it. c) were born like it (choose one)Putting on Media shows: Putingate, Benghazigate, FBIgate. reality T.V.Bread and Circus: Keep prices artificially low, control television, Hollywood, etcEngineer the past: JFK, Vietnam, Iran, Civil warAll of this is done by controlling: Education, Belief systems and mass media.

I doubt it. Think about a network like Fox for a minute. They have been going full-on blitzkrieg with their Ebola coverage to the point that two of their own suggested that they were partially responsible for spreading an irrational fear of a disease that has only infected 3 people and killed 1. Do you imagine for a second that Fox News wants to deflect anything for the government? They've been inserting ISIS into the Ebola conversation wherever they can, and they would gladly talk about nothing else but the administration's failures with ISIS, but they found an even better way to scare their viewers into hating the administration. This is just par for the course with our media. Remember the Anthrax scare post 9/11? Non-stop coverage. The media is a sucker for a juicy deadly disease story. It does nothing but incite fear when all you hear 24/7 from the news is Ebola this and Ebola that, but they need something to fill those 24 hours with and they know people are going to tune in to find out if their children are at risk. Fear is a powerful advertising tool. Provided Ebola doesn't get markedly worse ISIS will make their way back to the top of show in no time.

How much of an issue is it?MinimalThe disease comes from West Africa.There is minimal trade or travel between West Africa & Central America.Far less than between West Africa & USA Obviously: there is a lot of business in USA, so more business travellers.Foreigners go on holiday to USA far more than they do to Cemntral America.There are a lot of immigrants in USAThere are a lot of African Americans in USAQED any infected person is almost certainly in USA because they want to be in USA and they flew to USAJust think on the practicalities.Someone flies from West Africa (hard) to Central America.That probably means flying via USA anyway...They are rich enough to afford that flight, they have passport & visa.So why are they going to go to central america, get off and smuggle themselves into USA?Why not just buy a ticket to JFK or DFW and get off the plane?

The question is why it's more difficult to develop a vaccine against Ebola than many other viral diseases.  It's more difficult to do early vaccine research on these kinds of viruses (filoviruses) because the viruses themselves are so dangerous to work with and because the is no simple animal models. Before any clinical testing can be done one must go through animal systems. Ebola requires extremely expensive experiments in monkeys under highest bio safety standards (so called BSL4) where scientists wear "space suits".  The bottom line is that not exactly any lab can start working on these kind of vaccines.There are, however, and number of facilities that have set up good animal models to various Ebola viruses and there are several experimental vaccines that have shown great effect and probably would work in people.  But to develop these further takes lots of money, and only governments would be able to take on such projects given the (at least up to now) tiny market.

She is STILL in the news as is her husband WJC, because when the trump cult followers/sheeple/minions have NO defense for the POS in the WH, they believe they can once again deflect to HRC, WJC or BHO.They are STILL going on about WJC’s philandering because they think it will take the spotlight away from the philandering with porn stars and other low life people. I laugh because I read the laments like ‘no one carried on when WJC….’ which is a total pile of crap.They rant about HRC’s e-mails when it is now a FACT that several high level people in the oval office are also using private servers. They think their deflections will distract from the FACT that the wannabe dictator has, at least twice, given classified intel to a know Russian spy (Kislyak) or that dotard & his son-in-law thought it might be a good idea to install a secret back channel phone line to the Kremlin.They like to rant about Benghazi - in the hopes that rational, INFORMED Americans will forget about the debacles of Yemen & Niger.. Which strangely even the republikkkan Congress doesn’t feel necessary to investigate.This corrupt, greedy, self-serving, inept republikkkan party spend DECADES and MILLIONS $$$ investigating the Clintons and basically came up with nothing. But they sure seem determined to shut down the Mueller investigation with ALL the evidence known so far of the very close interactions the trump campaign had with many Russian entities.Now here is the puzzling part: I thought they voted in the wannabe dictator because they wanted ‘change’. Now they have the same crap only more flagrant and oppressive and they excuse this with their ‘whataboutism’??? SMDHTheir HYPOCRISY is on full display & would be laughable if it were not so sad.

No, not at all. Fox News, as I have stated before, is the media arm of the Republican party. That is what it was designed to be back in the mid-1990s, and that is what it continues to be even today. It is a platform for Republican and conservative ideas and beliefs. It is also a place where those ideas are often reported as facts by the network’s commentators. Since Mr. Trump, for good or for ill, is now the leader of the Republican party, it would not be surprising for the network to feature him, praise him, and defend him.Those who think “the media” are the enemy of the American people are usually partisan Republicans who have been taught to distrust any network other than Fox News (a point Mr. Trump frequently makes); so those passionate Trump supporters would see Fox News as a courageous truth-teller, fighting against the “liberal media.” If you think that the continuous flow of partisan talking points, conspiracy theories, and misrepresentations that come from many Fox News commentators (but not, as I have also noted, from their news reporters, like Bret Baier or Shep Smith or Chris Wallace) is bad for democracy, then their uncritical support of Mr. Trump will just be one more reason for you to distrust what is on Fox News. But in reality, nothing much has changed about the network’s mission, and nothing much has changed about its ongoing support for Republican candidates/elected officials.

My house got broken into...Are burglars scared of alarm systems?

There are trainging techniques that you can use. Learn here

1. A dog straining on the lead is the result of improper early heel-training. Reinstruction will be required to remedy the fauly.
2. Correct positioning ensures that the dog can anticipate the owner's actions such as a change in direction, sudden stop or new instruction.
3. A lagging dog can also indicates bad heel training. Frequent sharp tugs on the check chain should encourage the dog to keep up with its owner.

1. On the command 'sit', press the dog's hindquarters firmly down with your left hand while keeping the dog's head supported in the air.
2. Keep the lead taut in the right hand, giving it a slight upwards pull as you press the hindquarters down to help the dog respond.
3. Crouching down beside, but not over, the dog may prove helpful in teaching more unruly dogs to perform the exercise.

1. Pul the dog in the sit position by holding your hand up in front of the dogs face and giving the command ' sit' in a firm voice.
2. Then move in the front of the dog jerking on the check chain if any attempt is made to move. If the dog does move, start agian.
3. Keeping your hand high up in front of the dog, and repeating the command 'stay', back off bit by bit, increasing the space between you.

1. Tell the dog to speak, if he doesnt, the owner must bark to encourage the dog to bark
2. soon enough the dog will bark

Do you believe these new diseases are released by drug companies so they can make millions selling Vaccines?

Here's some interesting information I came across:

"According to other sources, a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, has concluded that the current swine flu virus possesses certain transmission 'vectors' that suggest the new strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon.

The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents.

In addition, Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick -- the same Army research lab from which the 2001 anthrax strain was released, according to a recent article in the Fredrick News Post.13 In February, the top biodefense lab halted all its research into Ebola, anthrax, plague, and other diseases known as 'select agents,' after they discovered virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory and might have been switched with something else."

BTW, those "massive supplies of antivirals" could also have something to do with it:

"Swine flu is extremely convenient for governments that would have very soon have to dispose of billions of dollars of Tamiflu stock, which they bought to counter avian flu, or H5N1. The US government ordered 20 million doses, costing $2 billion, in October, 2005, and around that time the UK government ordered 14.6 million doses. Tamiflu’s manufacturer, Roche, has confirmed that the shelf life of its anti-viral is three years."