What Is The Liberal Agenda I Keep Hearing About

If you are conservative, what is the the liberal agenda? If you are liberal, what is the conservative agenda?

It depends on which conservatives we are talking about.There are some very wealthy conservatives who just want more money from tax breaks and to end as many regulations as possible so they can do whatever they want in pursuit of the almighty dollar.There are some rural and/or older conservatives who feel that their way of life is ending and it scares them. Their agenda is to keep the status quo.There are some evangelical conservatives who honestly believe that they need to save society from itself. Their agenda is to reverse some social freedoms like abortion or gay rights.There are some more libertarian conservatives who believe that government is inherently bad and takes away their rights so they just want it smaller.There are some conservatives who work in the conservative media. Their agenda is to make revenue from ad sales. The best way to do that is to make their audience scared and angry. That way they will tune in more often.There are some conservatives who consume conservative media who just see their side as the winning team. Their agenda is to stick it to those liberals on the other team.Then there are all sorts of smaller groups of conservatives who have various other agendas. Some of these are nutty and others are perfectly reasonable.Neither conservatives nor liberals are made up of one cohesive group. There are all sorts of agendas that are constantly competing with one another. Life is messy and grey. There isn’t one overarching agenda for either group.

Does CNN have a liberal agenda?

Well if you watch CNN for just a couple hours a week then it sure does appear as if they have a liberal agenda.. Have you watched the undercover video of the CNN producer admitting that CNN is airing stories that are anti Trump baseless lies, especially regarding the Russia thing?However the CNN producer does say that the reason CNN is doing this is simply for ratings which of course equals money.I personally believe it goes a little deeper than that, and it's not just CNN - it's all the left-leaning media Outlets.If you remember, all of the liberal media Outlets were doing poll after poll before the election and every single one of them had Hillary way ahead of trump - some had Hillary winning the election by the biggest Landslide ever and one gave her a 97 percent chance of winning!Obviously these polls were not realistic or objective and some were probably flat-out phony. So when Trump won after these media people practically guaranteed Hillary's victory, that’s when they started scrambling to come up with an excuse - or an alternative reason for why she lost because they surely weren't going to admit they were duping Americans.First they tried to say that the ballots in some states were miscounted either on purpose or otherwise - so they spent millions of dollars to have a recount of the states that Clinton should have won. When that didn't work and the ballots were shown to be counted correctly, then this bogus Russian thing suddenly came about - and somehow it stuck. I think these liberal media Outlets did this to prevent a liberal backlash against them by keeping the very angry liberal voters focused on something else (like Russia and Big Bad Trump) instead of the unscrupulous media.I believe they're even going one step further by trying to right a wrong by doing everything in their power to have the rightfully elected Donald Trump impeached.I think this will make the media feel as if they made up to their liberal base for their major screw up! While at the same time making it seem as if they - and their fake polls were right all along. I understand this all sounds ridiculous, but this is the future of politics, and it's only going to get crazier unless the American people put their foot down and say enough is enough!

Why do so many TV shows feature liberal propaganda? “Stranger Things” season 2 will apparently show a lot of political anti-conservative bias. The writers and cast are predominantly liberal, but why abandon all neutrality? No one likes propaganda.

You're under no obligation to watch what you may consider liberal propaganda.In the 80’s, during the height of the Cold War, Hollywood produced some of the most right wing propaganda ever made: Rambo, Top Gun, Rocky IV, Predator, Commando, Delta Force, and my personal favorite - Red Dawn.None of those films were actually any good. But I still love Red Dawn.Let's see what those films had back then: unquestionable loyalty to the state? ✔️Rugged individualism? ✔️ Masculine authority? ✔️Good vs. evil painted in strict black and white? ✔️ Capitalist David succeeding against communist Goliath? ✔️ Predominantly white male cast with women relegated to side roles?✔️Now let's look at some of Netflix’s three most popular shows: House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Stranger Things. I know I'm comparing a TV format to a film format, and that could be a topic for another discussion, but I'm strictly comparing Hollywood then and now, the format and delivery service is irrelevant to the story.Unquestionable loyalty to the State? It depends, the “state” is something different in each of those shows now. With the exception of House of Cards, I'd say the only loyalty anyone has in those shows is to each other. Rugged individualism? ✔️ Masculine authority? It gets subverted from time to time, but it's still there (even in OITNB). Good vs Evil? Yes, but it's not so black and white. There are shades of grey now and some of the “evil” characters have the most interesting story arcs and motivations. Capitalist David v Goliath analogy? Eh, not so much, but all of those shows are still about the underdog fighting the good fight, except the good fight is a little more complicated. Predominantly white male cast? Nope. Some of the more interesting characters are the women, and finally actresses have some pretty great roles available to them.What you see as liberal propaganda, I see as better storytelling. All of the films I mentioned from the 80’s are exactly the same, while the Netflix shows are more nuanced, and quite different from each other. They're just better stories.

Do minorities believe liberals encourage a culture of dependency and victimhood?

No. Helping people in need is what a decent society does. We know that Republicans are opposed to social programs and instead worship the rich while waiting for something to trickle down on them.

The conservative/Republican narrative regarding African Americans is highly insulting and includes terminology that is apparently meant to be degrading.

Republicans try to play to their racist, bigoted base by condemning and ridiculing African Americans for voting for the more liberal, progressive ideas of the Democrats.

Conservatives have always been our enemies. They fought against the abolition of slavery and they fought against civil rights for African Americans. (And before some fool says Republicans fought for those things, the good Republicans were obviously not conservatives.)

In any case, today’s Republicans realize that minorities detest their party for its backward, regressive, racist and bigoted agenda, policies and adherents.

While it is true that 27% of African Americans live below the poverty line, that means that the 73%, the vast majority, do not. The claim of “handouts” as a motivating factor is not only insulting but it has no basis in actual fact.

In any case, we will not be intimidated from advocating for programs to help those in poverty just because Republicans feel that poor people are worthy of disdain and ridicule.

If Republicans were deliberately trying to alienate minorities, they couldn’t be doing a better job.

Why do liberals hate the recent SCOTUS "Citizens United" ruling? Isn't free speech a protected right?

Because libs only want their screech to be free not our speech

Does the Australian Liberal Party have a racist agenda?

Yes. All governments do.Have a look at the visa conditions. If you’re under 28 and want a 12 month working visa, Q1 is “Are you from UK or Ireland?” Most other nationalities can’t, because they are assessed as greater risk of overstaying / illegally working. In fact, a Kiwi can stay permanently!Furthermore, the LNP wants to recognise indigenous people constitutionally as having a special role and connection as the First Nations. They also receive specific classes of welfare (eg Abstudy) and dedicated positions designated as roles for ATSI persons. That’s racist - I can’t apply for those jobs due to my race.When I go to Saigon for work, I have to apply for a visa. My g/f (travelling on a Thai passport) does not. I’m being specifically treated differently due to my nationality. That’s racist. So other countries are also racist.But I don’t think that’s what your friends mean. I think they feel that strict border protection laws are inherently racist, or racially motivated. They’re not. If I overstay my visa by 91 days in Singapore, they don’t ask me what race I am. They simply arrest me, jail me, and after a 2 minute hearing in front of the magistrate, cane me. Then they will deport me when my jail term is up. The sentence is identical for a white Australian as it is for a Nigerian, Burmese or Malay. Countries protect their borders, and Australia treats all races equally in that respect.Perhaps you could expand on the “anecdotal evidence” your friends have come up with?

Why are American liberals and Democrats called "leftists"?

I am not trying to insult American liberals or leftists, but I was wondering why I keep hearing people call the Democrats "leftists. From what I've seen, any cursory glance of their goals shows that while they are to the left of Republicans, they are still considerably to the right of center and have a completely different set of goals from any traditional leftist group. Again, I don't wish to cone across as offensive to anyone, and this has nothing to do with my personal political beliefs, I am simply wondering.

As a person who has been around to see many leftist and rightist governments come and go, I fail to see what makes the Democrats far enough on the proper side of the spectrum to be considered "leftist". Any clarification would be good. Thank you in advance.