What Is The Minimum Number Of Days Per Week A Person Should Exercise To Improve Cardiovascular

How many hours of exercise should one do per week?

It does not matter the hours of exercise one partakes in, but rather the intensity, the effort and the consistancy one puts into the exercise. According to doctors, everyone should be getting at least 30–90 minutes of various exercise (walking, cleaning, weight lifting, dancing,etc.) everyday. For some people this isn’t attainable due to their schedule. Therefore if you can only workout 1–2 times a week, make sure they are intense workouts that you put in your max effort, while still trying to challenge yourself when they become simple to you. If you are able to put a little bit of time aside each day, I recommend doing a little bit of exercise everyday, whether it be a light walk around the block, cleaning up your house to hitting the gym or playing sports. Putting in your max effort and keeping up with the exercises are what makes the workout successful in the end.

What is the minimum number of days per week a person should exercise to improve cardiovascular fitness?

how can someone workout 10 day a week

What's the maximum time of exercise one should do per week?

There isn't one.  Limits depend on what you are doing, how strenuous it is, how much recovery time is needed, and a host of other factors (diet; rest; non-exercise activities like walking; hormonal influences).A good "general rule", rather than giving numbers (which vary wildly depending on the individual and their level of fitness) is to do whatever your exercise is, for as long as you can possibly do it (as much time, as many reps, as high of a weight, etc, as possible), and then take a short rest (a minute or a few minutes) and do something lower intensity than that, for as long or longer (so walk slower, use lower weight and do more repetitions, etc), until you reach the point where your brain does not want to do any more.  Then stop, and do nothing until you feel your body has fully recovered; for cardio, maybe that will be the next day.  For weight lifting, this might be as much as a week.  Take whatever that amount of time is and use it to recover, and then go again and push yourself to do more.  run faster, lift a heavier weight, etc.

Is a 30 minute workout 3 times a week enough exercise?

Definetly yes, make sure that 30 minutes is intense; get your heart rate up as much as you can. There are numerous studies that show high intesity workouts in as little as 20 minutes can be more effective than a 2 hour low-to-moderate workout such as a jog.

The biggest determinate in whether you achieve those goals will be your diet. Keep the sugars low, and your calories in check. Go lower carbs right before your workout, so you body can tap into the fat stores for energy instead, but keep protein up, so you don't lose muscle.

How long should you do cardio workouts per day?

Don't know everyone is different, but I'd say a good hour of intense cardio workout. It also depends what cardio exercises you do.

To lose weight you must also have a healthy diet, the average calories a human will consume in one day is about 2000, drop it to 1600. Stay away from sugary things like ice cream, soda, all the stuff you tend to eat/drink for no reason other then flavor.

A simple routine would just run/jog around for 30 minutes, then jump rope for 15 minutes, then jumping jacks. The next day, sprint up and down the block 6 times (it will make you take a ****), and if you don't know what sprinting is, you start at point A, and you run as fast as you can to point B (make sure it is about 400 feet away, or it should take you at least 10-15 seconds sprinting at full speed to reach point B). Take a minute break, stretching the muscles.

Any exercise will do, but a very good exercise I find great is swimming. If you can't swim, just stick to ground exercises. Did you know ONE game of basketball (generally around 30-45 minutes depending on intensity of the game) burns 500 calories? I'm able to play four games after another (of course with about 5-10 minute breaks) and I burn 2000 calories just doing that. Not to mention I do weight lifting.

Just watch your diet, mainly fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole weat (no white bread, no processed foods or perserved (cold cuts- salami, hot dogs, bologna), lean meat (chicken, non-fat slices of ham), no FRIED foods, no soft / sugary drinks.

For breakfast eat egg whites and ham

Lunch a good salad, light on the dressing, chicken


Healthy whole wheat home-made sandwich or from subways

Chicken with whole weat pasta / rice (white rice is a bit unhealthy, I eat it though because it's instant energy for me)

or you can come up with your own meals.

I'm 6'0" 155lbs and 16 years old. The only fat I'm concerned about me is on my lower abdomen, which isnt that much but it is pretty ****** hard to get rid of.

How many days per week should you strength train?

I started exercising about a month ago, things are looking good. I need to lose alot of weight. My thing is I want to add strength training to my daily workout program, right now I walk at the outside track, do some treadmill walking and stationary bike at the gym. I have to add strength training, I heard it helps lose weight. How often should I strength train during the week and how many reps? I will use the strength training machines at the gym. Oh, by the way I workout/exercise 6 days a week.

I'm a skinny guy, how many days per week should I workout?

I am assuming that you want to gain weight.So first of you need to eat beyond your maintenance calories. Don't increase your calories immediately by high amount , increase in increments of 200–300 calories per week. Try to eat calorie dense foods so you won't have to eat a lot.Now coming to workout.Workout atleast twice a week and atmost four times a week. Your workout sessions need to be short 45–60 mins.You need to keep 3–4 rest days as your body needs to recover in order to grow. If body doesn't recover properly then you won't grow.You also need to sleep atleast 6 hours per day.Eat,Sleep,Lift,Rest,RepeatHope it helps.