What Is The Role Of A Carer In Hospital Ireland

What is the difference between nursing home and hospital?

In a hospital patients are more or less acutely ill and are being treated to get better, or at least to achieve a certain stability. In a hospital there are nurses and doctors all the time (also on weekends sometimes)A nursing home is a place where people live who need continuous or very frequent care, either because of (usually chronic) medical problems, or because of decreased mobility due to age, arthritis etc., or because of cognitive problems. They are generally stable though, even with their illness. Some people do get better, but most don't and will stay there until the end.

What happens after patient fell in the hospital?

The exact protocol may differ depending on the facility, but here is a general run-down:1. If you're with the patient and they're falling, DO NOT try to catch them. You can seriously hurt yourself. (This is true even if you're a healthcare professional.) Gently lower them to the floor, protecting the head.2. If you find a patient on the floor, first check to see if they're conscious. If they're not, start CPR. If they are, check vital signs.3. Ask the patient what happened, if they are able to tell you. (Sometimes the CAUSE of the fall may be more serious than the EFFECTS of the fall. For example, you want to know if your patient got dizzy, had chest pain, or was short of breath. These could signal life-threatening conditions - much more serious than "I tripped over the cord for the IV pole".)4. See if the patient has any pain. This can alert you to potential broken bones or other injuries. Also check for other injuries, especially the head, legs, and arms.5. If the patient is able to get himself/herself off the floor, let them stand up carefully. If the patient cannot get himself/herself off the floor, check your agency policy on how to get them up. (One agency where I worked had a policy that ANY patient who couldn't stand up on their own had to be raised in a sling lift, regardless of their mobility and transfer status before the fall.)6. Get the patient back to bed or into a chair.7. Notify the charge nurse, patient's physician, and the family that the patient had a fall.8. Carefully monitor the patient afterward. Some facilities, especially seniors' care facilities, have protocols for monitoring vital signs for a set period due to the risk of head trauma.

What do we call a person who takes care of old sick people at home?

in other country they called them caregiver, others call them personal care assistants

Can i put myself into foster care?

hello , i dont know how to start this ?
Well ... Basically , i'm 14 and for the past 13-14 months my mum and me have been arguning preety much everyday , i constantly get told how worthless , stupid and mental i am , she always tells me how she doesnt want me in this family and how i should go back to living with my dad (my dad lives in poland) however if i do move in with my dad , i will just loose everything i ever had ? i have already done that once and i dont want to have to go through it again ?
Since me and my mum have started arguing my grades have dropped and i've just become really miserable , i love my mum ... well no , wait , i loveED my mum , untild she started doing all of this to me , i just wanna get away from all of this ? get away from her and her stupid boyfriend , from the arguments , from EVERYTHING. Recently i've been thinking about running away , however that pointless , i mean when i come back the situation will be even worse ? and thats where i need your help , i want to get put in care, i know this is rather a drastic thing to do but i just cant stand life the way it is atm , i just want to have a normal life like every single one of my friends ? Not the life that i have filled with screams , hatred and rejection . How can i possibly get put in care and what do i have to do for that to happen?

Please help me ?

Mother-in-law moving in. Husband wants ME to take care of her and sacrifice my career?

My mother-in-law always treated me like trash and like I wasn't good enough for his son but now she had a stroke and is almost completely paralyzed. She'll be needing help for everything, even getting out of bed.
My husband says I have to take care of her because that is a woman's business and her mother is a woman too.
About me: I work as a conference interpreter and spend about 200 days a year in Europe, on work. When I am at home actually I am not relaxing because I have to prepare my next job.
My job is very well paid but I literally worked my a** off to get where I am. I have a PhD and work full-time. Not that I'm complaining, I love my job.

When we got married I decided I wouldn't have children not to sacrifice my career and now husband wants me to practically give up my job because his mother needs care 24/7?????
I didn't sacrifice my job for a child and now am I supposed to sacrifice it for a person who hates me and I hate too????

He says I should start working less and he doesn't trust nursing homes nor strange people taking care of her at home.

Obviously he doesn't want to sacrifice his job either. He has a nice job in the Government.
I am not gonna take this situation!!! I worked my a** off my entire life to get where I am, my parents helped a lot financially when I was studying and now I am supposed to throw this all away??????

Furthermore I don't want to depend on my husband when I need to buy something for myself.
Also I love my husband and don't wanna divorce him. What am I supposed to do?

How is it like working as a Caregiver?

I worked as a caregiver for many years and it was a wonderful career. I did private care for a few years. I truly loved that kind of care. I prepared meals, snacks, assisted them in bathrooming and walking safely around the house. I did the bathing but the wife insisted on the private areas which was fine. One orher patient I had was far more demanding. She stayed bedfast, refused to walk to the bathroom (which she could have done) , refused bed pads and preferred to do her bathrooming on the sheets which made me a ton of laundry. She did sit in a recliner for lunch. She wanted homemade biscuts in sweet coffee which I had to feed her. However, she could hold her own cigarettes quite easily. Then I put her in bed for three hours oxygen. She was a real challenge!
Then I ran a group home for elderly mentally retarded citizens with maladaptive behaviors. I did this for 10 years. It was interesting work, I dealt with families and some who had NO family. I would have done that work forever but my health failed and I had to retire. I would recommend private care for anyone who enjoyed elderly people, wasn't disgusted with any bodily functions, who had a lot of respect for the elderly or disabled. It is a very rewarding thing but of course you have to be mature and not have any rude or hateful attitudes toward elderly people.