What Is The Soviet Union Was Here

Did the Soviet Union lose a cosmonaut in space?

Did the Soviet Union lose a cosmonaut in space?Yes, and here’s a partial list:U.S. intercepted final words of doomed Russian cosmonaut Komarov as he 'screamed in rage at people who put him in defective craft'Soyuz 11 - Wikipedia

Would the Soviet Union work well in 2018 if it didn’t collapse?

If Andropov had stayed in power and not have died, his socialist reforms of reforming the stagnating Brezhnevite economy such as promoting working culture and fighting corruption, would have continued to have worked. Under Andropov the USSR's GDP was increasing at 5% per year compared to previous stagnation. Revisionists such as Gorbachev would potentially be removed from the Party due to most of them being corrupt. And the Soviet economy would likely be greater than the USA's and potentially cause political instability in the U.S., making the Soviet Union dominant. Here is also a graph of Soviet economic growth and it's comparison with Russia.

Why did Soviet Union switch sides during WW2?

Russia didn't switch sides - Germany did.

There was an agreement (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) to divide up Poland, which happened in 1939. (Incidentally; I've never heard anyone ask why Britain and France declared war on Germany for invading Poland; but did not declare war on Russia for invading Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland).

Both sides viewed the M-R Pact cynically. Both expected to go to war against the other eventually, but used the pact to buy time. To look at Russia specifically, their armed forces were in a mess after the purges, and expected Germany to become bogged down in the west after the fashion of 1914-1918. When this didn't happen, Stalin still thought he had until at least 1942 to prepare, and was caught utterly by surprise by the German invasion of 1941.

What was the Soviet Union's Involvement in the Vietnam war?

They provided weapons and training.

They offered to send troops, but the US threatened to use Nuclear weapons if they did.

The Soviets thought the US was crazy to be fighting that war and they also thought that the US was determined to use nukes, so they backed down.

In the end, the soviets did the right thing, because they won.

In what order did the countries leave the soviet union, and when?

In which order also with the day, month, and year. Here were the members.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
The reason for wanted to know this is I have a school project! Also thanks for the help!