What Is Thing Blockage By My Eye

If blockage of the drainage duct for aqueous humor causes this pressure to increase to about 50.0mm of mercury?

Under normal circumstances, the vitreous humor, a jelly-like substance in the main part of the eye, exerts a pressure of up to 24.0mm of mercury that maintains the shape of the eye.

1-If blockage of the drainage duct for aqueous humor causes this pressure to increase to about 50.0mm of mercury, the condition is called glaucoma. What is the increase in the total force (in newtons) on the walls of the eye if the pressure increases from 24.0mm to 50.0mm of mercury? We can quite accurately model the eye as a sphere 2.60cm in diameter.

Please help!!! I have something in my eye.It feels like its stuck inside,towards my nose,where my tear ducts..

You may have, as another poster suggested, a blocked tear duct. You may also have a chalazion.

Read about chalazions at

If it's a chalazion, you may be able to treat it with a warm moist compress several times a day. Some chalazions can be reabsorbed; some burst spontaneously; some must be lanced by an eye surgeon or a physician.

Although it isn't excruciating, eyesight is a very important sense. Simply put, you don't want to fool around with something that might damage your eyesight. Please consider seeing a physician.

Blocked ear, pink eye, cough, and runny nose?

When the discharge from your nasal passage entered your ear (they are connected), the ear could become blocked with pain and abnormal hearing. The fluid from your nasal passage could also enter your throat (post-nasal drips) and causing coughs. Try clean your nasal passage with saline nasal spray followed by decongestant spray ( the ones with oxymetazoline should work well). Please keep in mind while the saline nasal spray can be used daily for long period, the decongestant spray should not be used for more than a week.

What are the symptoms of blockage of Carotid Artery and how it can be cured?

I’m not a doctor, my experience is limited. You had better ask a surgeon or a medic.Talking of carotid artery disease (as distinct from stroke), people I’ve met with this condition have been rather anxious - understandable but it’s not clear to me if this is a direct symptom - they describe a sensation of ‘foggy’ thinking and not being quite ‘there’, They are sometimes dizzy and are prone to passing out and falling. There can be headache. It can affect sight and hearing. Sometimes there is a ‘bruit’ brewy sound over the artery, and sometimes a patient will actually hear it.The cause can be a deposit of arterial plaque, which is starving the brain of proper circulation. There are various approaches that might reduce this, including ‘lifestyle changes’ (unorthodox nutritional medicine, over a long time, maybe chelation), but there is always present a risk of stroke, and of serious stroke.If the condition is sufficiently bad, there is a judgement call to be made. Surgeons can operate to remove plaque, but there is a distinct risk of dislodging some part of the plaque resulting in massive stroke. Surgery an be to strip out plaque, or to insert a stent. Each of these has its own problems and attempts at solution. Even with surgery, a lot of advanced medicine is needed to reduce risk.Surgeons may suffer mild apoplexy if I mention homeopathy, but it is an interest of mine and there are recorded cases of it helping. So far as I know, its effect on risk reduction is unknown.

Why can't we taste our food when our nose is blocked?

We taste with our sense of smell as much as we do our tongue. Our tongue and taste buds really only recognize sweet, salty, sour, and more broad flavor components, while our sense of smell is what tells our brain what we're tasting and eating. This is why you nose a glass of wine or scotch, this is why we take a whiff of food before we eat it, why our mouth tastes sour just from smelling sour candies. When kids don't want to taste nasty cough syrup, that's why they clamp their nose. When people ask the age-old hypothetical of which sense they'd be willing to give up, some people say smell not realizing they'd really be giving up taste too.

My eye won't stop watering, what's wrong with it?

I have this crazy watery eye problem too but I did see my doctor and he had to check my tear ducts to see if they were blocked. It turned out mine were not blocked but that could be a cause of tearing. (he had to numb my eyes and stick a large hypodermic needle into my eye-into the tear duct.)
A home remedy for that would be to get a really hot washcloth and put it over the corner of eyes to see if it will dissolve a blockage, (which if it was that would be maybe mucous, or something like that from a cold or drainage-I know, sounds gross).

Another thing it could be, which they said mine may be is "dry eye", which is nuts as my eye is not dry, it is wet. But in that case all you do is add lubricating drops, over the counter kind, every few hours, to help balance the fluids. (It hasn't helped me, but that is what my doctor told me...)

The other thing my doctor told me is that it may be allergies. He gave me over the counter allergy eye drops, which also didn't help me. I am not sure if this would only effect you in one eye, but it may be worth a try if you are trying everything else.

Good luck. I think you may want to see a doctor, though mine didn't help me at all.


ps-it has been 6 month that mine has been watering...

What are some good apps that tell you who has blocked you/has visited your Instagram account for free? No paying to unlock things?

Who visited your Instagram is easy if you have your profile on Public. Basically everyone who would possibly stalk you will watch your story, so that is one possibility. As for an app, I have found none who are non-paying to see your 'stalkers'As for who blocked you, there is one that is free:That one in the middle with an eye on it.Hope this helped.Edit : It doesn’t work anymore, atleast not for free. You have to pay to see who blocked you now.

My baby has a blocked tear duct. Any experience?

My daughter had a blocked tear duct. When she was 18 months the doctor did "probing" to open it up. She was given anesthesia and it only took a short while.

A blocked tear duct usually clears up on its own by the time a baby is 1 year old. However, you can help prevent infection by keeping the eye clean and massaging the area of the blockage so fluid does not build up in the duct. If signs of infection develop, your baby may need an antibiotic medication.

If the duct remains blocked after your baby is 6 months to 1 year old, a simple procedure (probing) may be done to open the duct. Other surgical treatment is usually not needed. Rarely, babies with blocked tear ducts have a more severe problem that requires more complicated surgery.