What Is This Weird Emotion Called

People call me weird?

People can be very cruel either intentionally or nonintentionally. Especially in their tweens, teens and 20's, and many people are just insensitive their entire lives. Some people practice cruelty as a sport. They may be quite good at it.

Either way, just try not to react to them or to take what they say as a truth. I have had experienced nasty treatment from others my entire life. I have had great treatment from others. We tend to remember the nasty comments and treatment. I guess because it stirs up our emotions more. The good things we say "thanks" and we go on. The bad things, we run through a whole set of emotions and we can stew and boil over them, and then we finally move on, but we remember.

Just try to ignore the bad and to remember and to recall all the good things people have told us, or the good treatment that people have shown us. This has been one of the hardest things that I a have had to learn.

You can not change how people behave. You can change your reactions to their behaviour. Just ignore them and live your life. You will get better with this with time.

Is it weird to have emotional attachment with students? Not physically of course; just a friend relationship.?

I don't think it's weird at all; I think it's the mark of a good teacher, actually! Obviously, you have to maintain a certain professional distance; you can't be their peer, or pretend that you are, because that would be inappropriate. However, I think that most really good teachers develop close relationships with their students due to the nature of the profession. There's a Jewish teaching that when you give to someone, you come to love them - and what is teaching, if not giving of yourself day after day after day?

Last year, one of my students was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I didn't know why she was missing school; I just knew she was absent for a few days. I called her mother to find out why. The mother was so touched that I was concerned about her child's absence, and was thrilled when I asked her if I could come visit the student once she was up to having visitors. I went over to her house once she was out of the hospital but before she was up to coming back to school, and the student herself was also very glad of the visit. I was open with the administration of the school about all of this, and they were totally fine with it.

I miss my students from last year. They gave me so many headaches and heartaches, but I loved each and every one of them, and I worry about how they'll do this year. (I had to leave the school due to financial considerations, so I am no longer there.) Will their teachers be patient with them? Will they be successful in their classes, in their relationships, in their lives?

I think it is only natural for a teacher to develop an emotional attachment to his or her students, because when you invest in anything, you feel a connection. How much more so when you invest in young souls - through your efforts to teach and help your students succeed?

How do you cope emotionally with everyone thinking you're weird?

After being called “weird” for a decade, now I take it as a compliment.If I overhear my classmates or colleagues gossiping about someone being weird, I would immediately get interested in that person.If I come across a Quoran who often uses the word weird on themselves, I would a lot more connected with that Quoran. That’s how I became a fan of Eliora Ben-Gurion when she only had 20 followers.Believe it or not, when my partner and I first dated, they told me that it was my weirdness that intrigued them. After a while, I have turned my partner into a weird person as well.Today, if someone calls me weird, I’d actually feel glad about it. If they don’t like me being weird, it’s their problem, not mine …. unless they pay me, in that case I’ll be normal temporarily.I guess I’m really beyond help now.

How should you feel when someone calls you "weird"?

I had somewhat similar childhood in my past. I had experienced bullying and people often told me I’m immature and weird.I was quiet, clumsy, slept in class, got horrible grades, was told that I’m slow in everything. Some people were friendly with me but were experts in backstabbing behind my back. Teachers never cared or bothered about me. I got yelled at by my folks when the management complained that I slept in every class and got poor grades.My problem was that I just couldn’t understand anything that was taught in the class, my mind would just go blank.I tried to talk to cool kids to get accepted by others, the situation became much worse which caused lot of embarrassing situations I don’t want to talk about. Although my parents loved me, they always thought I was a scared of everything and I was a coward. My dad and my sister, although they loved me, never respected me because of my odd behavior.This had a significant impact on my overall personality. I suffered from low self-esteem and had zero confidence. I couldn’t even walk straight and and my head was always down, which made people assume that I’m awkward and weird.Apart from the low self esteem and zero confidence, I stopped trusting people completely.I never got to enjoy my childhood. It was horrible as fuck.It took me a hell lot of time to be confident and to feel good about myself. I gained respect from my dad and my sister just recently. My sister asks me for advice all the time, which I thought was amusing initially.While I’m a completely different person right now,I still don’t trust people.People always say that I have a friendly face, but I consider it as a useless hypocrite talk.I never get angry or agitated.ever.I can take on any failure, I won’t get depressed or flustered.I’m ambitious and I don’t give a fuck about what people think about me.I don’t like people praising me. I consider that hypocrisy.I can make friends or start a relationship, but I don’t know how to sustain it.I have a soft spot for neglected,ostracized and other vulnerable people.I’m really picky when It comes to the people I interact.I’m not an asshole, people consider me as a nice,laid back guy.So there you go, a weird guy’s confession:)

I have this weird emotional feeling...where I feel nothing?

Lately I have been feeling strange. I don't get happy. I don't get sad. I'm not depressed. I just sort of cruise through life. Usually I acknowledge attractive men, but lately I just don't care if their cute or not. Everybody seems to float in orbit and I just ... cruise. I wish there were an easier way to explain it but I literally just cruise. I don't go fast, and I don't go slow. ( when I do things like walk, cook, drive, type) I'm sixteen and my mom thinks I'm depressed, but I'm not. I just don't care. I'm just sort of ...existing.

Is this abnormal? Or am I just shaping my personality?

People keep calling me weird, crazy, and psycho?

I'll admit I have some "weird" habits, but it hurts my feelings when someone calls me a psychopath. Even my teacher thinks I'm weird because she think I can't stop myself from doing some things. My closer friends always imitate me like when I tap each of my fingers to my thumb, but I do this when I'm deep in thought. During class, usually math and korean, which are my most boring classes, I would take out an index card and start cutting it into strips and just lay them out in whatever way appeals to me during that time.
I guess I act a little differently from others and my opinions are completely different from what other people would think. I'm a very apathetic person in general, so they call me heartless because the only emotions I show is when I'm happy or annoyed or angry (I look like this when I'm deep in concentration)

I don't know what to do. Knowing I have to see these people the next day at school makes me want to move far away, change my name, or at least hope that something would hit my head very hard just so I could forget everything or become stupid.

Do patients always act weird/emotional after wisdom teeth extractions?

You may not want them to use the drug called Versed ( Midazolam ) for the procedure.

In fact, many people who use Versed for " IV Sedation,Conscious Sedation" during a procedure are awake for the entire procedure but remember nothing, often believing they were "out" the whole time.

Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is commonly administered in combination with anesthesia before and during surgery. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like colonoscopies dental procedures like extractions,conscious sedation,twilight sleep, so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort.HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THOSE SENSATIONS WILL NOT BE EXPERIENCED!!!!Forgetting does no mean it did not happen!! Amnesia does NOT take place for some patients.


Here is a note from a Dentist Who uses Versed
I've used Versed 1000+ times during oral surgery procedures and I've never had a complaint. It's a miracle drug because it is safe and it causes you to not remember an unpleasant experience. My answer to him is isn't it better to have not experienced the pain than to have forgot it. No wonder you have had no complaints they have no memory of the procedure.

I'm getting this really weird feeling, nothing like I've experienced before, what is this feeling exactly called?

Don't confuse romance with validation.  Talking with someone who is easy to talk to, who gets you, who you feel you can say anything to is actually a bit rare.  When they come along we tend to want to grab on to them because we want that validation over and over that someone understands us.The emotion you are feeling is elation.  Your spirit has been raised up.  Enjoy it while it lasts. The fact that your work motivation has increased goes along with this theory.  Elation can often cause manic feelings which make you feel on top of the world.I would try to form a friendship.  Keep talking and sharing.  Listen to her boyfriend woes. Share your woes.  Who knows, you may have made a friend for life.