What Is This Written Piece About

What is your favorite piece of writing?

My favorite book is "Sundancer" By Shelley Peterson. I love this book because it is so unique, and it has horses! I love how the main character is far from perfect, but throughout the book she discovers the good qualities in herself, while training Sundancer at the same time. This book is also very funny, and I love that too. When looking for books, I usually like them to have some sort of animal/fictional creature in them. I just absolutely love animals, and I can never be without them, even in books. I also like the main character to change greatly through the book. And I like books that leave you hanging or have a somewhat happy ending.

Good question! And even though it doesn't relate to the question: Good luck always! :)

Is this short written piece correct?

It's not incorrect. Two issues with the parse:"Jack said and exited" sort-of implies that Jack's exit was an emote related to "he'll come soon.""a short Chinese man with a waving hand" is passive or imperfective case, as if the Chinese man's hand waves casually all the time rather than for a specific purpose.You can improve the piece by addressing these parse issues. I don't mind the use of the word "hopefully" as it's part of a quote, and might be (is, by definition, as you are the writer...) how Jack talks."He's not here yet," Emily said, as Jack parked the car."Hopefully he’ll come soon," Jack said.Jack exited to the corner, leaving Emily inside safe from the rain.Five minutes later, Jack saw a short Chinese man waving at him.

What is the name of a written claim to some piece of property?

This is not a tax question and is unclear in any case.

What are the most well-written pieces of software?

There have been a lot of genius pieces of code in the last two decades.Most of those are considered such because of some new functionality or a twist in the usability, but as the keyword here is "well-written" ... in this case i have only one option and this has been my opinion for more than 10 years now.Chris Sawyers Transport Tycoon game ... hands down probably the best piece of code ever written. Haven't seen the actual code but taking in account its graphics, interface, playability, lack of bugs and the fact that the thing was written 99% in x86 assembly. Best game ever to fit on a 3.25" floppy.You probably expected more of a "professional" answer, so for that i give you my second runner up: vim :D

Can I see what was previously written on a piece of paper?

pencil, charcoal. Scrape it on the new sheet lightly covering the area.

What are some incredibly well written pieces about death, facing death, "cheating" death, etc...?

This poem by Michael Astrue (former head of the U.S. Social Security Administration), under his longtime literary pseudonym of A.M. Juster, is one of the most powerful poems concerning death and dying that I have ever heard:Cancer PrayerDear Lord,Please flood her nerves with sedativesand keep her strong enough to crack a smileso disbelieving friends and relativescan temporarily sustain denial. Please smite that intern in oncologywho craves approval from department heads. Please ease her urge to vomit, let there bekind but flirtatious men in nearby beds. Given her hair, consider amnestyfor sins of vanity; make mirrors vanish. Surround her with forgiving familyand nurses not too numb to cry. Please banishtrite consolations; take her in one swiftand gentle motion as your final gift.

Magic trick - guess any word written on a piece of paper.?

My friend asked me to write a word on a piece of paper, then screw it up into a ball. He then took the ball, and moved it around on a small chart he drew, which was a square with a number in each corner, and a letter in the middle of each side (Or something, my memory is a bit hazey). There was also something in the very centre of the square - maybe another letter.

After he had finished making small movements around on the chart, he had written down the word that I had written on the screwed up paper.

A few notes:
He didn't speak english very well, but managed to correctly guess words that are a bit complicated for non-english speakers (toothbrush, eraser, etc)

I used random words

He was out of the room when I wrote the word, and I watched him the whole time, so he didn't unscrew the ball to read it.

Can anyone give me the name of this trick, so I can research it, or just plain tell me how it works?