What Is With Having Pride In Your Country

What country do you think has the most pride in their country?

Japan or Singapore.

Japanese culture has a real emphasis on pride and honor.

Singapore is the happiest country in Asia (believe it or not. It's true, look it up).
A higher percentage of people are truly happy in Singapore than in any other Asian country.

Are Americans losing pride in their country?

When I read some questions and answers, I know not all Americans are asking and answering them but I have to wonder - how many actually are, and if some are losing pride in their country and not learn, remember, or care how we became the country we are today and know what kind of country we are today

Why do people feel pride in dying for a country?

Often people who do not make God the reason for living, will instead choose to live for something else. Most people live for their family or their spouse, or drugs or sport; but some people live for their country as it gives them a life purpose.In their minds, what better way to die than to die for their country? It makes them feel like their live was worth living.Unfortunately a “Country” is simply a made up concept that doesn't really exist. Only a large group of people living on a land mass exist; but what transcends people?Ideals. This is what people who “die for the country” often truly die for. They die for the ideals of their country, because they want their countries ideals to be spread to make the world a better place.

Why the EXTREME pride in one's own country, race, or color?

This question will surely anger a lot of people, but I am only asking it because I have wondered it many times myself. See, we do not choose our race, skin color, parents, or where we are born...I understand having pride in your country or race, I am an American but I don't feel "better, stronger, or more powerful" than others.I don't understand putting down others of a different origin or race. You could be in their shoes just as easily as they could be in just so happens that your parents had you and their parents had them...Think about that the next time you put someone down for uneducated or ridiculous reasons such as race, color, or origin....xxxxturtlegirl

Why is it Haram to be proud of your country?

Great answer from Shaybani

You probably havent studied the Islamic History.

There used to be only one Islamic state.. dar al Islam under one Khalifah.Then the kufrs divided us.

So, if u say u r proud of this and that, its like saying i am happy that the kufrs divided us.

We have only one nationality and that is Islam.
Islam doesnt have any boundary.
But our leaders will promote nationalism, coz thet want to rule people, stay in power.

They will never let us establish khilafah and erase that boundary made by the kufrs.

Its sad , they have been successful to brainwash many people like a few users here, who are proud of their country( a product created by the Kufr)

Why are people proud of their country?

Many people are critical about their country and want to move away. And do move to better countries. The ones who are proud, it's something they are taught. Patriotism is taught in all countries. The school pledge in India has 'I m proud of my country' in it. It's stupid and hilarious if you think about it. And unsophisticated people who don't have any aspect of their personality that they are proud of usually cling to labels that they have been assigned to at birth like religion, nationality, caste etc.Of course, it is totally possible to like your country's history in an objective manner if there are values important to you. Or if your country is perceived as pathetic, you might celebrate a defensive pride(like gay pride). Or be like 'it's not perfect but it's mine'.But, loyalty to your country is necessary for it's function. Which is why treason is seen as a terrible crime. So the design of teaching patriotism is actually sensible. The people that fall for it and are super proud, not so much.