What Is Worse Than A Snitch

Poll:whats worse, snitching or lying?

Both are bad,,stay silent,do neither.

Is there anyone worse than a snitch or tattletale?

Yeah, a back stabber!!!

What is worse, snitches, or bullies?

Bullies the whole idea that it is wrong to tell an authority when something wrong full is done implies that rule of law should not exist. No police no courts no law enforcement because bo laws no rules everyone for them selves and the strongest survive period. If ubr assaulted or robbed so what yr wife raped who cares. The preasure against snitching says that if I witness u being robbed or beaten etc… inshould say nothing to police else i am a snitch. So what do u think is worse the criminal/bully or the person who tells the victim/witness?

What's worse: a Backstabber or a snitch bee-otch?

A snitch-bee-otch is a backstabber so both!

What is snitch testimony?

Bad word for it. Better term would be "witness testimony" - because it's testimony by a witness who can identify the perpetrator.

And that is a GOOD thing. Don't listen to anyone who says "Don't snitch."

Of course, the police had better be able to protect them.

Why do girls have to snitch?

because they have nothing better to do. but to tell on people. there trouble yes they are terrible girls. it's none of there business so why snitch on guys.

Is it wrong to snitch?

I'll tell on everyone and anyone unless there is something to be gained by not telling, and then I'll still turn around and tell on you after I've gotten my maximum come-uppance. This happens every day on Wall Street and in Washington.Ok, but seriously, I was raised to follow every rule and law to the best of my ability and understanding. This is called a middle class American upbringing. This is how most middle class Americans are raised. Obey the laws, serve your country and countrymen, bring honor to your family, and pay Uncle Sam. Ergo, your largest pool of nosy neighbors are middle class. And that's why we get to have nice things, like tree-lined streets and matching homes with green lawns. It's your duty to snitch in such a neighborhood under the guise of the “Neighborhood Watch,” locally formed snitch operations whereby anyone who looks out of place or looks similar but has the gall to think differently is summarily black-labeled and ousted. Even in the city, there'll be an old lady on the first floor who sits in the window, minding everyone's business and informing the gossip circuit if not the hired security firm.Unfortunately, people who rattle on about “snitches” will miss the fact that the real people of whom they need to be wary are those who know and don't tell. Those people make for future blackmailers, and then you'll have a much bigger problem than merely serving time, which you should EXPECT to do if you commit crime. It's never an “if” you’ll get caught; it's always a “when” you'll get caught (as many criminals will eventually be caught or caught up in their own webs), a concept that seems to be lost on criminals.Sincerely,Proud Snitch

Poll- Do you hate snitches?

Lmfao. <3
& they call us the immature ones? Snitches suck.
They won't make us blue if they know what's good for them. ;]

Snitch or Child molestor: which is worse when in prison?

I hear that these two are the most HATED out of all prison types, so which usually is often more hated by other isn't this kind of ironic considering many of these same prisoners often kill, steal, etc