What Is Wrong With My Foot

What is wrong with my foot?

Nearly three weeks ago at work a fire extinguisher fell on my foot. I went to A & E and had an x ray they said they just thought it was soft tissue, nerve and ligament damage and gave me a follow up appointment for a week later. When I went to this, the doctor said the area looked unusual on my x ray and was warm to touch indicating that in fact there could be a small break. I wasn't given any treatment or a follow up appointment.

However, nearly 3 weeks later the pain and swelling is worse than ever and the bruising has not even gone down yet. The pain is undescrible. Its such a dull aching pain that by the end of the day it can make me physically sick.

What do you think is wrong with it? Should I go back and see a doctor? Or is this normal for a foot injury I don't want to seem like Im being a pain and don't want to waste of doctor's time if I don't need too.

Help! What wrong with my foot?

About 3 months ago I started running 2.5 miles everyday for a little bit over a week. I noticed a sharp pain in the arch of my left foot that feels kind of like a rubber band is being stretched to the point of ripping. Because of this I stopped running. I put ice on the arch of my foot and massaged it with cocoa butter(since it's oily) and even wore a compressor sock thing for the most of the days after that.

However, the pain hasn't left. It isn't to the point where I can't walk or anything. I walk half a mile everyday from school. While I'm walking I'll get the sharp pain and sometimes when I'm just hanging out at my house I'll get it too for like a second. Sometimes that foot feels sore too.

Did I pull a muscle or rip a tendon or something? I can't go to the doctor for personal reasons, how can I fix this?

What's wrong with my foot?

It's a muscle spasm! This has happened to me a bunch of times, and I know, it sucks! Lol. But to help it, and prevent it from happening again, you need more vitamins! Specifically Potassium which helps with muscle spasms. Also it could be that you are not getting enough sleep. Sleep helps your muscles relax! So your problem is not much of a big deal, just take some vitamins and get some rest and you'll be all good! ;D

What is wrong with my foot?

Might be an allergic reaction- usually to a dye in the sock or shoe- might be dry skin, might be a fungal infection, might be — who knows?If it is bothersome, go see a dermatologist. If it is not, keep it clean, dry, and try some fragrance and dye free lotion.But, really, even with a photograph, asking for medical advice from a bunch of strangers online is bad form- and potentially risky. See a doctor.

Is it wrong that I am foot fe*tish?

YOU are not foot fetish, you HAVE a foot fetish. It's not wrong. A little weird, but everyone has their quirks.

What is wrong with my foot, got stepped on?

Walking is just too important - go to a doctor and insist on x rays and also MRI's being done. If you have damage you don't know about, it could affect your entire future. A wheel chair is no fun, believe me, I had to use one for months because of a fall into a cement ditch. Bones were smashed & broken but didn't show up on the x ray, - it had to be a really bad x ray tech who did the x rays - so the doctor put a cast on and my foot/ ankle healed deformed. The cartilage was destroyed in the joints, 6 months later I wasn't walking ok, the foot had healed deformed, and I had to have corrective surgery on it by a sports medicine doctor - now I have permanent hardware in my ankle and have a loss of balance as a result.

It just doesn't pay to guess or to not make absolutely sure, You need to check your problem out with a professional.

What is wrong with my foot? Is it possibly broken?

Today i tripped on the stairs and banged my left foot- I think it got bent the wrong way or something like across from my big toe to the left side of my ankle. There was like a line where my foot was reddish tinted on the left upper side and normal colored on the right, and purplish spots appeared for a few minutes then faded away. The red also mostly faded over the course of an hour or so. So I took a motrin (cause it HURT) and it stopped hurting. Later in the day, it started to hurt again a lot, especially when i bend the inside of my foot downwards and when I'm walking normally on the ball of my foot. So now i'm just walking on (like stepping on) my heel and it doesn't hurt that way. So I took another 2 motrins and- I don't know if it was because of the motrin or if it had nothing at all to do with it- this prominent red bruise patch appeared on the top of my foot, then faded away several minutes later. I don't know what that was all about.

There's no swelling (there was no swelling at all in the first place either) or bruising anymore on the most part, although it still hurts. I'm getting an x-ray done tomorrow but I'm just curious. Thanks for any answers, I'm really grateful!

What’s wrong with my foot/ankle? *URGENT*?

I know this is pretty much a shot in the dark since not many people use this anymore. I’m a longboarder, and recently my ankle that I push off with, and land with when jumping off my board, has been really hurting.

The bone that sticks out on the outside (lateral mallous I believe) and inside (medial mellous) have been really hurting. Especially the one on the outside. I can barely walk on it without pain (like a 7) and when I sit it also hurts a lot. But for some reason it doesn’t hurt too bad to push on the area. Don’t get me wrong, it hurts, but not as bad as when I’m walking (like a 4)

My parents don’t really think anything is wrong but I’m not sure if it’s a sprain, strain, fracture, stress fracture, etc. There’s no bruising or swelling yet so that’s why I don’t really know why I’m having so much pain.

I’ve tried RICE, Advil, etc.

Do you ever just flex your foot wrong and it cramps and you are like, "this is it, is this how it ends"?

If you mean the pain is so bad you feel like you are dying then my friend, you are lucky. You've never been in true severe pain! I know for you it's seems bad but trust me!I've gotten some doozies of muscle cramps but that doesn't even come close to delivering a baby without drugs, severe migraines, having a nerve pinched by a broken and dislocated shoulder, gallstones or pain from inflamed joints from Lupus. Never mind people I've seen as a nurse with burns, heart attacks, kidney stones, broken femurs with the ends displaced (the muscle spasms and drags the rough ends last each other and further into the muscle) and many many other things. Sorry you get leg cramps and I'm not discounting your pain as to you it is really bad. But I'd call them more like a 3 or 4 of of 10. And they are temporary. A 3 or 4 that lasts for days or weeks or even months is very different and so much worse too as it is exhausting and you don't know when you'll ever feel normal again.Taking a magnesium supplement can help with cramping. Try it!!