What Is Wrong With My Housemate

Can I throw my housemate's food away?

Rotting food can cause a growth of bacteria which can then spread to other food in the fridge and surrounding areas. If you don't want your food to become contaminated with potential harmful bacteria then throw the out of date food away. If your flatmate confronts you about it just explain calmly why you threw their food away or maybe just leave a note on the fridge so you don't have to speak to them at all?

How can you be a housemate of another gender and not think about having sex with them in case they are attractive for you?

There was a guy in my dorm freshman year that I had a crush on for about 30 seconds. I think it was mostly his height (he was 6’ 4”) because I had a thing for tall guys at the time. Anyhow, then I met his roommate and he was quite forgotten.Two years later, we ended up roommates in our first apartment with two other girls. He played Lacrosse and had a girlfriend and a busy school schedule. We shopped for groceries together quite often and he and another roommate and I got addicted to Friends together.He was a really nice guy and I hope life turned out well for him. He was a person, not a piece of meat, so I thought of his personage, not what hung between his legs. Besides: girlfriend. They’d been dating since freshman year and I knew he was besotted. Why waste a single second wishing for the impossible? Thinking that either of us wouldn’t have been able to control our genitals because of proximity is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard.Kind of makes me wonder what the OP thinks of sisters and brothers and incest. Cuz that’s about what it would have been like if Dave and I had ever tried anything.

My housemate has whooping cough. What should I do to prevent getting it too since it is contagious?

See your doctor. I think there is a shot you will have to get.

How do I go about telling my housemates to not touch our food?

I'm currently rooming with my boyfriend, whilst the rest of his family lives in the house. I'm pregnant and get cravings for silly things like popsicles and ice cream. We've had a problem where when he buys this stuff for me, his siblings and cousin will eat it and I won't even get a quarter of it. I'm tired of it but I don't know how to go about handling it. We both are non confrontational and it's not our house so it feels like we have no say. (It's his cousins house but his cousin doesn't pay bills or for food, the parents do, he's 27 years old.) I need advice. My boyfriend and I are not making enough money to move out right now so that's not an option.

My housemate doesn't look after his dog, at the end of my tether, help :(?

Hi, first of all I have 3 dogs, I work full time and spend most my free time with my dogs. My house mate has 1 dog that I feed, walk, water and clean up after 6 days out of 7. This dog spends 23 hours a day in the kitchen waiting for his 'dad' to come home. My house mate works 5 days a week, goes out straight after work and comes home around midnight then goes straight to bed. On his days off he can't be arsed to stay in with the dogs so he goes out for the day. He feeds and walks my dogs on a Sunday.

His dog is larger than mine and pushes my dogs out the way when we are playing or I am fussing them, I have my hands full with mine and do not want the responsibility of his dog. I've tried talking nicely to him and asking him to pay more attention to his dog and take him with him some nights when he goes out, this has fell on deaf ears and I swear I've seen happier dogs on death row.

In the last 5 months his dog has started having fits, he has been to the vets who could find nothing wrong with his blood test and believe it may be bought on by stress, nothing has changed. A couple of nights a week he pees in the house even though I have let him out and he is slowly loosing weight even though he is well fed.

I've thought about telling him to find a new home for the dog as he obviously has no time to look after him or I could tell him to feed, water, walk and let his dog out when he wants to go 7 days a week and I will give him no responsibility with my dogs (which is just a Sunday morning) but I don't want to fall out over it, but I also am sick of seeing this dog suffer.

What would u do?

My Roommate uses my razor without my permission?

I noticed today when I went to use my razor, that it had been put away in the wrong place. I'm very consistent about putting my razor away in the same place everytime I use it in the shower. I'd noticed before that the blades had been getting dull quicker than they used to. I figured since it was summer that was just from me shaving my legs more often. Either way, I asked my roommate if she had moved the razor. Her first words were "don't get upset". She's previously had issues with using my things without my permission (soap, towels, toothpaste, food, etc), and I thought we'd fixed the problem. But then she tells me she used my razor because she "was desperate" and doesn't like her current one. Turns out, she'd been using mine for awhile! I'm pretty angry. I don't see why she couldn't just go and get a new razor for herself. I told her not to use my razor, but honestly, I don't trust her anymore not to. We've already talked about her using my stuff, and she seems to have fallen right back into it. How can I get across not to use my things, especially things like my razor?

My housemate doesn't flush the toilet each time after she uses it. What's the best way to tell her to stop being so dirty?

The best way is to NOT tell her she's dirty. That leads to a quarrel and hard feelings and will get you nothing that you want. If if bothers you so much, then you flush it. When she notices, tell her you thought she forgot. She'll tell you if she's doing a water saving thing because clearly if you are going around flushing after her it isn't accomplishing her goal. Find a way to laugh it off as an OCD thing you have, like you get that it's your problem and not hers and you hope she doesn't find it too irritating. Really, you will never in your life live with another person who never does something that bugs you. Figure out just how much this bothers you, consider what you do that bugs her, analyze just how intolerable this is in the big scheme of things, and teach yourself how to accept minor imperfections in others. If this flushing nuisance is all you've got, then you are fortunate. If you decide to hate this so much that you get another housemate, one who flushes, you'll see soon enough what I'm saying to you. It could be worse.

I think my roommate is crying?

Just leave her alone... if she wants to tell you she will. Last semester my roommate would do the same thing and she wouldn't share what was wrong at first. But then one day I decided to put on sex and the city reruns while she was crying. She rolled over and started to watch... then I offered her some chocolate. We laughed about how cliche the whole thing was. Then she just started to tell me what was bothering her. You might try something similar to break the tension or just let her have her space.