What Is Your Favorite Mode Of Exercise

If you are over 55, what is your favorite mode of exercise?

I’m well over 55 and have 2 favorite forms of exercise, aerobic and anaerobic. I need the endorphins calming effect I get from riding self-powered vehicles such as the Me-Mover, and weight training that stays with me all day.I often read about, how to get motivated to exercise, and I wonder what people expect? Is it an instant gratification after a week of training? If so, they will be disappointed. You must give your body time to adapt depending on your present physical condition. Have patience and we all can improve after the acclimation process. Your motivation will happen when your body is rewarded with strength and an increase in self-satisfaction, in time.

What are your favorite breathing exercises?

What’s your favorite breathing technique?Breathe in through the nose, and fill the belly, not the chest. and exhale with the mouth. Focus on the breath. Push other thoughts as they come out with the exhale it does lower blood pressure but not pulse rate with me because i have disautonomia or autonomic nerve damage from antidepressants. i also have difficulty 'switching' my sympathetic nervous system or fight and fight biological mode to parasympathetic mode or relaxed biological mode. Relaxing is difficult and frustrating for me.

Which is your favourite personal mode of transport? Why?

It really depends upon the situation - If I want to travel very nearby, what is situation regarding weather, roads, sidewalks, safety, I could walk (I’ve got some physical limitations, so I can’t walk or bicycle as easily as I could when I was younger) bicycle, or maybe taxi. There’s a kind of quasi-taxi in Argentina that’s usually safer and more reliable, but also more expensive. Buses in certain places. Most buses in USA aren’t nearly as nice as many other countries. Trains in many locations are fantastic, but not always. Trains on a hot humid summer day in Scandinavia can be uncomfortable as they don’t have air conditioning. Also there are several categories of trains just within an urban context. When you include national and international, there are more choices. Many places in Europe have an excellent comprehensive system, either trains or planes for long distance, then trains or buses for intermediate, and finally buses, trains or taxis for local.

Is dancing a good exercise?

Dancing is great exercise!

If you have a game console like an xbox kinect then I would recommend Dance Central. It has a workout mode that tells you how many calories you have burned. If you have a wii I recommend Just Dance 2. It's a lot of fun-especially with friends. If you have a playstation, I recommend Dance Dance Revolution. It's very challenging, but fun. It has an excellent workout mode too.

There are dvds like hip hop abs and much more. They aren't expensive at all and they are usually very fun. I'm sure you could find a broadway/musical version as well.

Don't forget to make healthy decisions in terms of food. Consume at least 1000 calories a day so your metabolism doesn't slow down, eat only when you are hungry, and drink plenty of water. The water gets the junk out of your body, making you lose more weight. Try not to drink juices or sodas, because they have calories too, and their high sugar content converts to fat when the sugars are not used- besides wouldn't you rather eat your calories instead of drinking them?

I hope this helps! Good luck! :)

Can i lose wieght with fasting and exercise?

When you're fasting, or eating less than 1200 calories a day, your body will go into "survival mode". This means that iyour body will burn less calories because it, instinctively, thinks that you are being deprived of food. Plus, losing weight while eating too little food will cause your muscles to waste; and, you'll take on a sick look (something that you don't want being in a wedding).

The best thing to do is eat 1200 calories a day and workout for 2 hours or 1 hour twice a day and you should lose at least 3 pounds per week. Losing more than 4 pounds per week isn't healthy either.

Good luck!

What mode of transportation is your favorite for mid-distance travel?

Mid-distance? I guess for me in America that would something like 600–1,500 miles. I assume in the question that I’m not in a hurry, have no particular event waiting for me, the weather is nice, I’m not rich, I’m traveling with fewer than 5 people, and its over dry land.While trains can be quite pleasant, I like driving the car. It’s more versatile, usually much cheaper, and slower than other modes. I like the mechanics of it, stopping here and there, going far or short in a day, taking advantage of opporunities or whimsies along the way.Last winter, I drove 2,700 miles from Seattle to DC in three days — two nights. Cost? About $187 for gas (not sure). Hotels? About $200. Food? Three days worth of fast food. It was a bit grueling to go that far in so short a time, but it was fun, got two of us across country with a car load of stuff for under $500 (we also bought some souvenirs along the way, coffee, candy, that kind of thing). I think I flew out to Seattle from DC for $500 and in five hours or something . . . but not with a car, a car-load of stuff, and another human as cargo.If we’re talking about going mid-distance on the Mississippi River or along the Inland Waterways, I’d really prefer a boat of some kind. Those are most pleasant.

What is your favorite mode of travel: planes, trains, or automobiles?

AutomobileI only own manual-transmission cars, and I love to drive!!!!