What Is Your Opinion Of An Adult Who Doesn

In your opinion, what does it mean to be an adult?

I'm. Of the mind thatbeing an adult doesn't have much to do with your chronological age. I think you're an adult when you are comfortable with the fact that you DON'T know it all and are comfortable with learning as you go along. I think to, it means that you are for all intents and pirposes, self sufficient, able to care for your needs without being a burden to society, family and friends ( there are obvious exceptioons to this rule, of course like full time college students, unemployment due to job loss, etc.) And most of all its about having a sense of responsibilty fr yourself and the world around you and understanding that you play a part in the whole. Most people I consider are adults understand that when you are an adult, you care for more than just yourself and what the world can give YOU. Its way more to it than that. Blessings.....

What is your opinion of "Adult Underage" drinking, meaning between the ages of 18 and 21?

By law, you are an “adult” when you turn 18, but nobody really considers you an actual adult until you are 25–35. True autonomy, which is what I believe actually makes someone an adult, doesn’t happen until you are old enough to do anything and everything. If that doesn’t happen for the better half of my entire life, I believe that’s an injustice. You can’t drink, smoke, or buy certain firearms until you are 21. You can’t rent cars until you are 25, and you can’t run for certain political positions until you are 30+. But here’s the nail in the coffin; You can’t do all of those things stated above, but you CAN and are ENCOURAGED to put yourself into sometimes lifelong debt with college loans if your family isn’t fortunate enough to be able to help with them.Last year I was planning a camping trip to the Sierras for a couple friends and I. Everything was going fine until at the last minute when the only person with access to a car backed out. I couldn’t rent one because you have to be 25. The trip I was planning for upwards of 3 months collapsed, just like that. All because of the stereotype that young people are bad drivers. Because of age descrimination, I and all of my buddies going on the trip missed out on a major life experience. I think that’s dispicable.So what is my opinion of “adult underage” drinking? In America, there is no such thing. You aren’t really an autonomous adult until you are 25+.

What is your opinion about young adults that choose deliberately to stay with their parents after they pass adulthood?

I lived with my parents until I was 29, for a lot of different reasons, and I do not regret it.Now, I was still off and away at my own apartments/dorms during most of my college years, but I also changed majors and started attending a University like 30 minutes from their house.After graduation, I, like many people, had a hard time finding a good enough job for a while. My parents understood this and have a rather large house with plenty of room. So they sort of felt like “why not stay here and save up money ?”.I continued to stay at home once I got a “real job” because my job had me traveling often, and usually for 5–25 days at a time. Why should I pay rent somewhere to never be around?Yes, I had and still have a gf, she was always welcome to be at my parents house, and we had an entire large finished basement with bathroom to ourselves. I realize this is a privilege most people don’t have. However, my privacy and accommodations were part of what made being there not so bad.You are not wrong in your assessment that it does slow progress for some people. Not to mention you are always entitled to your opinion.When people are comfortable, they do not try to hard to advance, they don’t need to, at least not immediately. This kind of thinking can absolutely slow progress. Additionally, some people have no goals or ambitions because the reality of life and accomplishment hasn’t sunken in yet.When you are on your own fighting to sink or swim, you do tend to paddle faster.But what if I left my parents house earlier, and to spite my efforts things had gone poorly for me, would I be in a better place financially or mentally if I was buried in debt and worried about my car braking down or buying food?Not to mention, my father has had cancer for a long time. I will never regret getting to spend more time with my parents once they are gone.I guess my point is we all have reasons for things and life is more complicated than that. What worked for me, would have caused someone else to fail perhaps. Maybe other people have better or worse reasons for it. (Not to be confused with excuses)Yes it holds some people back, but it lets others thrive.

What is the punishment for a muslim adult that doesn't pray?

Okay so my sister-in-law lives with us, it's been 4 years she's been married, she came from afghanistan and the whole reason my brother wanted to marry a native afghan was that she'll be decent and religious and not westernized sooo now they 3 of her boys is with my parents... she basically has nothing to do with him. The thing is she doesn't pray.. my brother never questioned her in the beginning but he noticed she doesn't pray.. like she'll watch tv and doesn't have a care in the world if it's prayer time..Everyone in the house prays except parents have sat down with her and explained everything like you would to a child..and that Allah will forget about you if you don't remember him but she just doesn't care. It's not only that but she does other things that i dun even wanna get into now. But what is the punishment for that? She's 23 years old by the way. My brother is fed up.. like just to make everyone stop nagging her she'll wear her hijab w/o wudhu and just stand there like she's praying (like once a week). Is she crazy? How could someone that's been raised in an Islamic country be like that?

A few questions for some independent adults over the age of 21?

Okay, this is a little lengthy, I'll admit. I would really appreciate anyone who completes the questions. There are some rules, though. Anyone wanting to answer has to live on their own, with no outside help, and no government assistance. They can be either married or single, with children or without.
I really would appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer.

1.What does it mean to be an independent adult?
2.In your opinion, what are the characteristics of an independent person?
3.When did you feel you became an independent adult?
4.What are the biggest challenges of being independent?
5.What aspects of becoming independent required help from others?
6.What is the biggest adjustment you made in the process of becoming independent?
7.What are the biggest rewards of being independent?
8.What's the biggest surprise you discovered after becoming an independent adult?
9.Is there a certain age at which people should be independent? If yes, what is it, and how did you determine it?
10.In your opinion, why do some people never become independent adults, or take a long time to become such?
11.What advice can you share about personal responsibility for finances and debt?
12.What advice can you share about searching for and selecting a job?
13.How did you determine what type of work you wanted to do?
14.What advice can you share about keeping ties with your family while still maintaining independence?
15.Did your family treat you like an independent adult once you truly were on your own?
16.What view of independence were you raised with?
17.What advice can you share about education?
18.What role does education play in being independent?
19.What do you wish you had known as a teenager that would have helped you become an independent adult?

What is your opinion of Max Hardcore?

What is your opinion of the adult dvd producer Max Hardcore, aka paul little, max steiner?? I don't think he should be any trouble for what he has done, he has not broke the law... I actually like his dvds...