What Kind Of Weird Things Have You Seen In Japan

What are those weird Japanese thong things?

They are called fundoshi and were actually worn by men as underwear before World War II.

Why is Japan so weird?

I blame cabin fever. Millions of people crammed into an island smaller than the size of California - somebody's going crazy.

Just kidding, kidding. A lot of the weird stuff that you see is the youth culture of the day. Truth is, you have to admit that traditional Japanese culture is very strict and conformity-heavy. Not so much nowadays, but it's still considered a bad idea to stand out from the crowd. And, like all young people the world over, whenever adults tell them to go left, Japanese kids love to take a right. A HARD right.

Then, in 10 years time, most of them will grow up, say "My God, what the hell was I thinking?!" and go left.

Why is Japan so weird?

Japan is not weird at all, what they do on TV and the producer who makes those people do weird things are for entertainment. There's no way that that is what all the people do in "JAPAN". It's not like all the japanese people in Japan do those things. I once went to Japan, thinking oh they have some different way to entertain people but when i walked around Tokyo, the fashions in harajuku, shibuya is amazing! You need to have a confidence to wear those type of clothing. So i think its pretty cool.

Why is Japan so weird and messed up?

They want to be on top of the list of weirdos

WHY is Japan so weird?

Not like I'm complaining or anything but Japan is just so strange...Their ghosts are original, they have fetishes and stuff (panty. ect.) they do weird scientific studies and we over here in the US always hear strange thins about Japan and it's people...The people are even perfectly hot too, all SO strange!lol

Does anybody have any answers to this inquiry???

It's like every other culture is a bore compared to the Japanese, I'm not trying to be racist (I actually like them) but I am just wondering.