What One Word Best Describes The Average Conservative On This Website

Is Quora liberal or conservative?

I have been a long time Quora lurker. This site has been and still is a trove of knowledge. However that being said, it is always important to tread with caution as you're fundamentally sourcing people's opinion (just as this is my opinion). Recently as Quora has gotten more popular and hit the mainstream there has been an inclination for the platform to shift further to the left. This phenomenon is not unique to Quora but can also be observed on other aggregation sites like Reddit and Digg (back when it was more popular).Ultimately quality and diversity suffers as vote brigading starts determining the popular answers. Dogma begins to prevail and you go from discussion to an echo chamber. This is especially noticeable in the more politics and economics related questions where you will often find an utter disregard for empirical evidence and a regurgitation of leftist ideology making it to the top with well thought out and more neutral points of views being snuffed out. Often any critique is met with sanctimony and snark. This is not to say that all conservative or neutral viewpoints are disregarded. One of my favourite defenders of capitalism here is Charles Tips since he has a knack for explaining things rationally, diplomatically, and with ample real world evidence. An old French quote comes to mind;"Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit."In English;“He who is not a republican at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”This is not meant to further paint a binary between left and right ideologies but rather illustrate a point. What do you think the average Quora users age is? As Quora hit the mainstream, do you think it is the old or the young who flock to the website?

What single word best describes you and why?

What single word describes you as a person?This is a diabolical question. Why? Because it demands a single word answer, and if anybody is inexperienced enough to answer in that way, the Quora collapse-bot will gobble up their answer and consign it to whatever limbo such bots reserve for brevity.Having said all that, and having lulled the bot into thinking that I am actually giving a reasoned, educated answer I may now proceed to give you the one-word answer you requested.Confused!

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

Why do Conservatwits always refer to MSNBC as if that's the only news source that liberals look at?

I'm a liberal and I can't stand MSNBC, just as much as Fox News.

Where do conservative intellectuals in the USA present their case online?

The US media is absolutely full of conservative sites. Right Wing propaganda gushes from every TV and radio in the nation. In these media, one has to search to find something that is not demonstrably conservative.As for the internet, there are plenty of conservative sites. But because they are not credible, they are widely discounted as unreliable. All you have to do to get a whole page full of conservative websites to view, is type in the search field the word “Benghazi”. You will get literally thousands of conservative websites with that one word alone.The internet seems to favor Liberal thought, because it is not yet owned by corporations who have the ability to control its content as all of the other media has been for the last 30 years or so.As for “conservative intellectuals”, there are lots of sites run by conservative think tanks like Heritage, Cato, American Enterprise Institute, and many others. These are propaganda mills whose purpose is to disseminate the so called “conservative” viewpoint by making it appear to be intellectual in origin. Indeed, some of these outlets hire actual intellectuals to put their names on the propaganda that is manufactured for broadcast from these sites. All of the “papers” that are published through these sites are very easy to read and do not require a level of education beyond Middle School to comprehend.

Is there another website like that is a lot less conservative?

As many of you probably already know, is full of rude, hateful, extreme right wing conservatives. If you're a liberal, gay, moderate, or anything but neo-con, they will be very rude and insulting towards you. What I want to know is, Is there another site that has the same concept as sodahead but a lot less conservative and more moderate?