What Organelle Gives Structural Support To Animal Cells

Which organelles/subcellular structures are unique to plant cells?

There are few organelles or subcellular structures unique to plant cells as follows:
Chloroplast- Contains chlorophyll pigments associated with photosynthsis process.
Cell Wall- Made up of cellulose and also contains Ca and Mg Pectate. It gives mechanical support to the cells.
Vacuoles- Although this organelle is not exclusive in plants. But plants have very large vacuoles compared to animal cells.

Why do plant cells need these organelles while animal cells do not? Quick please.?

Chloroplasts are the organelles in which photosynthesis takes place. A chemical reaction in the chloroplasts produces ATP using light energy. The ATP is then used for sucrose and starch synthesis.

The cell wall provides structural support, especially when plant cells take in water and swell. The wall presents lysis of the cell membrane.

In plant cells what give shape, support, stiffness and structure to cells?

The Cell Wall

Why do plant cells have cell walls, but animal cells don't?

This is some of information about plant cell and animal cell:So animal cells can have various shapes, but plant cells only havethe shapes of their cell walls. That's nice for plants, because it gives them the ability to grow up and out, where they can get lots of sunlight for making their food.In particular, organelles called chloroplasts allow plants to capture the energy of the Sun in energy-rich molecules; cell walls allow plants tohave rigid structures as varied as wood trunks and supple leaves; and vacuoles allow plant cells to change sizExactly why plant cell have wall and animal cell don't :-Cell walls are supporting structures that help the plant to have a fixed shape and protect it from injury. Other than that, it helps to keep the plant turgid so that it can stay firm and upright. Because when it enters a high water potential solution, as water moves in, the water exerts turgor pressure on the cell wall and the cell wall thus exerts an opposing pressure to keep water out. Hence cell wall is needed for the plant.On the other hand, animal cells do not need to keep the structures, as they have the skeletal system to protect the organs and cushion them against any external Injuries.This was the all information I had thank you.

Why don't animal cells have a cell wall?

Animal cells do not have cell walls because they do not need them. Cell walls, which are found in plant cells, maintain cell shape, almost as if each cell has its own exoskeleton. This rigidity allows plants to stand upright without the need for bones .It is generally an advantage for plants to stand upright and grow as tall as possible. Plants need sunlight, so growing taller than neighboring plants make it more likely that the plant will survive and successfully reproduce. For animals, height may be an advantage sometimes as well, but most animals have skeletons and musculature. They do not need the rigid network that cell walls provide to stand upright.Furthermore, most animals can move, and this capability is an enormous advantage when it comes to feeding, finding a mate and escaping from predators. If animals had cell walls in the same way plants do, they would be incapable of movement. Animals that do not move, such as coral and sea sponges, tend to grow in communal groups and develop structures that are very plant-like.

What are organelles found in plant cells?

Plant cell wall and membrane provide shape, support, and aid in transportation, but they are not considered organelles.Plant cells organelles>Nucleus: control center of the cell; stores DNA/RNAChloroplasts: contain chlorophyll & other pigments. Process of photosynthesis traps energy from the sun to produce food for the plant.Ribosomes: synthesis of proteins. Ribosomes may occur freely or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.Mitochondria: break down carbohydrates into energy> ATP.Golgi body: package & transport substances to locations inside and outside the cell.Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): connects nucleus and cytoplasm, as a network of interconnected sacs. ER can be rough (with ribosomes) or smooth (without ribosomes). Serves in manufacturing, storing, and transporting glycogen, proteins, steroids, etc.Vacuoles: store water to regulate turgor (pressure) + excretion of waste products.Peroxisomes: Oxidative enzymes breakdown fatty acids into simple sugars and help chloroplasts in photorespiration.Read more: Plant Cell Anatomy -

Functions of organelles in a cell? I NEED HELP!?

Ok I need to know the function of each of these and if they are in prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells (if so plant or animal?) or both. THANKS SO SO SO MUCH IF YOU HELP! ok here we go:

Nucleus, central vacuole, vacuole, centrosome, nucleolus, lysosome, cell wall, cytoskeleton, centrioles, ribosomes, plasma membrane, smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, rough Endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast, cell membrane, and golgi complex. I REALIZE THIS WILL TAKE TIME TO ANSWER AND I WILL BE SO GREATFUL TO ANYONE THAT CAN HELP ME, I'm having quite a bit of trouble in my science class :/

How do chloroplasts interact with other organelles?

Here is some ideas for you to think about -A network of fibers that provides structural support for a eukaryotic cell. Gives mechanical support to eukaryotic animal cells that lack cell walls-It suspends other organelles, and allows the passage of bio molecules through the cell-The fibers that make up cytoskeleton are made of several types of proteins -Protects the cell, maintains its shape and prevents it from absorbing too much water and bursting-It helps regulate the traffic of molecules in or out of the cell.A membrane enclosed sac of digestive enzymes. Lysosomes break down food particles that enter the cell, it may break down old cell organelles and recycles the components through the cell and lysosomes can break down entire cells when they get too old to function properly-

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