What Percent Of What You Read Here Do You Really Believe

How can i prevent my horoscope from being a reality?

horoscopes r not really true they r conjectures only use your MIND ONLY AND U WILL BE WHAT U WANT

Why do some people believe everything they read?

Writing has traditionally been a powerful medium. For most of its 6,000 year history, writing was the sole property of the upper class.Only in the past 400 years has writing become more Democratic. The Protestant Church around 1500 CE recognized that they could only sustain a massive culture of Christianity by ensuring that all Church members could read the Bible.That was a radical move for its day. Many or most people were barely ready for such a move.Yet, when the experiment of mass literacy first expanded in the West, the primary book to read was the Bible. As everyone knows, the Bible was treated as Sacred in those days — it was socially unacceptable to question it or to express any doubts at all.Even today, in some remote communities this taboo still stands. This, I believe, is the ultimate root of public passivity with regard to the written word.In the 1700’s and especially the 1800’s, newspapers held high standards for writers with regard to accuracy, truth and editing. Generally speaking, the passive reader in those centuries was well informed, and so rewarded for passivity in reading.Because of politics and wars, accuracy and truth took a slide backwards, but information greatly expanded, and literacy still benefitted the public, generally.In more modern times, people are far more critical (comparatively) about printed media, yet there still remains a historical inertia of passivity among millions of readers.

Who has ever read the entire Bible?

There was an associate pastor at my church who used to take a few moments at the beginning of each Sunday school class that he taught to emphasize: “Read your Bibles!” He knew better than to just assume that folks were actually reading their Bibles every day. He had read through the Bible probably 20 times, and his practice was to buy a new Bible each time and pick a theme, say ��forgiveness”. Then as he read through the Bible that time he would highlight all the verses having to do with forgiveness.To each his own. The highlighting approach doesn’t do it for me.I take an 8.5x11 piece of copier paper and cut it along the short dimension so as to get four 8.5″ by roughly 2″ bookmarks (with some scrap left over). Put the first one in your Bible at Genesis 1, the second at Psalm 1, the third one at Matthew 1, and the last one at Acts 1. Each day you read five chapters corresponding to the four bookmarks plus, if it is October 8th, read Proverbs 8. After reading Genesis 1 I write “Gen 1” at the top of the bookmark. (The next day I would write “,2” and so forth.) Bookmark 1 cycles through the Old Testament except for Psalms and Proverbs; Bookmark 2 cycles through Psalms (note: in Ps 119 I just do the six or so verses for each Hebrew letter each day); Bookmark 3 cycles through the Gospels; Bookmark 4 cycles through the rest of the NT.One of the nice things about my approach is that since there is no calendar, it doesn’t mess you up if you miss a day. Or I might decide that instead of my usual five-part reading I will just read Colossians or 1 Timothy or the section on wisdom in 1 Corinthians or Jesus’s encounter with the Jews in John 6 - 8.I would estimate that I have read through the entire Bible 5 or 6 times. And I never skip what I consider to be the boring parts (e.g., census counts, description of how the tent of meeting is to be constructed, etc.).The Holy Spirit teaches and convicts His people through the Word, which Hebrews describes as being “living and active and sharper than any two-edge sword” (Heb 4.12). The Scriptures also act as a powerful corrective to our personal theologies, if we are honest with the text. Our theologies tend to oversimplify things and to emphasize one principle at the expense of others. They also want to take on a life of their own and break away from their mooring in the Word.

If you are an atheist, have you actually read the entire Bible before dismissing it?

Original question: If you are an atheist, have you actually read the entire Bible before dismissing it?Why yes. Yes I have - cover to cover, no less than three times (Though I confess I skipped Psalms on the second and third times).Born in a Christian family, my childhood was one where I sacrificed Sunday morning cartoons to devoutly attend Church every Sunday. Being a voracious reader, I didn’t wait until Sunday School began to pick up the book and devour all of the readings ahead of time. Before the age of 12, I’d already read it cover to cover once.Though I stopped attending church in my teens, I still identified as Christian. I casually read it a second time in my late teens for comfort and affirmation. Took quite a while, but I again read it in its entirety over the course of a few months.The next time I picked it up was in transition to Atheism, where I struggled against a childhood of indoctrination. When you read it without the lenses of bias and a preconceived conclusion in mind, you begin to notice things just don’t add up. The book itself consistently contradicts established scientific and historic facts (lets not talk about ethics here, because some people believe those to be subjective).But don’t just take my word for it. Here: BibViz Project - Bible Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies interactively visualizedThis is a carefully curated repository of inconsistencies and outright contradictions in the bible. It is an excellent resource, whether you are a Christian who is genuinely in search of truth or an agnostic/atheist.Each red arc represents one of said contradictions, with the relevant verses cited.So do humor me, OP and think about the question from the flip side. The bible is said to be the infallible word of god, written by Man. If it can be wrong about a single thing at all, that should probably be raising some red flags.The fact that the entire book is rife with contradictions should really make us wonder.

Do you believe this book?

CAustin: It's not really that counterintuitive to understand what she is trying to say. I interpret it as this: If you have a guy and a girl who are the exact same height and weight and have the same amount of lean mass, the woman will have slightly stronger legs (presumably because as far as muscle distribution, women are bigger on the bottom but smaller on top than men). But 5.8% is so small, it only represents 5 lbs out of 100 lbs.

Do I need to read all the Bible to not believe in God or at least to refuse all what Christians want to tell me?

No, don’t bother reading the whole Bible, instead, just read this one verse.Romans 1:20 By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can't see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of His divine being. So nobody has an excuse to not believe in God.And then face the fact that if there is a creation, then there has to be a creator. It’s quite the same as if there is a building, then there must be a builder.Here’s the real issue. God created us and every one of us has a “God-shaped hole” that we either fill with Him or with disbelief, drugs, sex, power, or you name it. If that weren’t true then your question would be mute, because you nor anyone else would even give the thought of God a second thought. After all, if Darwin truly freed us from God, then why do we still care at all about God.Here’s the crux of it. By saying there is no God, it’s the same as claiming that if a tornado were to go through an airplane junkyard, a fully assembled, operation and fueled 747 would be deposited by the tornado on the other side of the airplane junkyard.Which is more believable? A powerful being capable of creation or a powerful tornado capable of creation.Human beings are the greatest of all God’s creations, or so He claims in His Bible. And He desires that we all seek Him. This is what I did as a skeptic and now I believe in God and now I have a peaceful heart.