What Precautions Should Women Take With

What precautions should a women in her early 20's take in first dating a 35 old man?

All this will solve any precautions - ask four big questions to yourselves and to Him:Do You really attract each other (chemistry)? Test it.How Your core values and lifestyles correspond?What are your downsides & problems? Do both of You tolerate?Do Your parents accept & bless Your potential relationship? These questions have important comments, intro and outro.

What type of precautions should a woman take when going out on a blind date with a guy?

Gwen's answer is excellent.  If you were my daughter I would add:Your date should be in a public place with lost of other people around.You should probably avoid alcohol, pot or anything else that impairs your judgement.It would be best if you could "double" on your first date with the friend who set you up.The best situation (better then 3) is to start with a lunch date or something similar.I don't want to scare you too bad.  Most guys out there are really, genuinely, nice.  But you *don't* want to be the girl who was attacked by one who wasn't.

What precautions should I take in pregnancy?

Hi.. Being pregnant is awesome!!;) stay positive always. Believe me I was 21 whe I was pregnant. I have always prepared myself for a normal delivery. I told my husband that I wanted a normal delivery and without epidural. I prepared myself for the worst pains. I used to see birthing videos on the YouTube. I was mentally ready. No negative thinking at all. I used to say I want normal that's it. I am ready for the pains. I prepared my hubby too for it.Some tips: ( I used to do)Stay Positive. ( very important)Eat whatever you like. ( I had non-veg aversion only thing I used to have was Saadhi dal and mango pickle)Drink milk.(3 times a day)Walking( go for walking twice a day)Eat fruits.Yoga.Avoid papaya and pineapple (cos they soften the cervix which may cause a miscarriage. You can have it in the third trimester)Avoid ajinomoto.(it's a chemical not good for pregnancy)Don't bend. If you have to then go on knees and then pick it up.Don't eat junnu(in Telugu) it is made from lactating cow’s milk. Usually it is prepared by the first 3 days milk from the cows who gave birth to calves , which is nothing but cow’s colostrum. But pregnant women shouldn't have it. The lower part will become numb if u have this.Avoid taking stress.No Negative thinking.Stay happy.

Why is it that when you tell women you should take precautions against rape, you are victim blaming?

I don't like victim blaming, but what you speak of are people who simply are out of touch with reality. Your analogy is a good one. It would be nice if we lived in a perfect world, but we don't. We live in a world that has all sorts of risks and to not take measures to reduce such risks is asking for trouble.

In the case of rape, I feel the rapist is always the one at fault, but that does not mean potential victims should not take reasonable steps to reduce their risk.

Suggesting one take precautions to protect themselves and victim blaming are not the same thing.


What precautions should we take before fingering?

MattyB, I can assure you that I am not a troll. I understand that it may seem strange to refer to a highly sexual, intimate act with technical language, but it is wrong of you to assume that I behave in such a manner with my significant other. I would prefer to be detailed and straight-to-the-point when it comes to this subject matter, as misunderstandings and carelessness may have catastrophic results.

The sequence of events would not necessarily require my boyfriend to have come into contact with his semen, but given his sexual needs, I would expect it to be somewhat likely that semen would have come into contact with his hand, whether it be from his own masturbation or from cleaning up after one of our sexual exploits.

Regardless, thank you for your response.

What precautions should I take after a hernia surgery?

First week -RestFirst Month -No exertionAfter one month -No restrictionsThe purpose of restricting activity during your recovery from hernia surgery is to maximize comfort, minimize complications and ensure optimal long term results.During the first week rest at home, do not work and do not drive. You do not need to remain in bed but do not walk more than is necessary to take care of your basic needs: going to the dinner table, using the restroom and finding the TV remote. Have someone else take care of basic chores. You may feel well enough to do these things but it is better if you rest. Do not drive a car in the first week because early in your recovery you are an impaired driver. Your reflexes are slower and your ability to judge speed and distance are not 100% and therefore you are a danger to yourself and others on the road.After one week if you are no longer taking pain medications you may drive. You may walk as much as you find comfortable and you may resume light duty work. Do not lift heavy objects. Do not go to the gym. Do not jog. And do not otherwise exert yourself. Sex is permissible after two weeks but let your partner do most of the work and do not traumatize the wound.After four to six weeks you may resume normal activity without restriction. Your surgeon will tell you if it is 4 or 6 for you as an individual. When resuming a strenuous work out routine it is advisable to start slow and easy and work your way cautiously back up to your normal strain over the next month.

What precautions should a female take before going on a date with someone she met online?

Start by confirming the person’s identity.Ask for a social media profile to confirm the person you’re talking to is truly them. When checking out the profile, look for activity that dates back more than 3 years. Also look for comments from users. Feel free to check out the profiles of those users commenting as well.Talk to them on the phone. Better yet, have a video chat with them. Seemingly everyone has a smartphone this day in age, smartphones have the capability to conduct video calls, so there’s very little reason why this isn’t possible.When meeting, meet at a public place that has a fair amount of foot traffic. Malls, shopping plazas, and the front of restaurants is often a great idea. If possible, try to meet in the afternoon or early evening when it’s still fairly bright outside.Tell a friend that you’re going on a date. Mention where and maybe even send a picture of the guy. Odds are you’re going to talk to this friend about dating advice anyway, so you might as well clue them in anyway. Many people will even send a text early on during the date to let the friend know everything is OK. While being on a phone during a date is discouraged, this is one of the few exceptions.Short of that use common sense and trust your gut. If things start to go awry, excuse yourself to the bathroom. It’s fairly common practice that local and popular date spots have a posting on the bathroom wall that will give daters keywords to use with the wait staff to help them safely leave if necessary.In situations where these signs aren’t present, I’ve heard of women requesting the help of other women while in the bathroom.

What are some precautions to take during periods?

EXtreme cleanliness of pads you are using.homemade sundried pads of cotton are good .ecofriendly alsoNo strength exercise s walking is ok .no yogasne also no pranayam.If you dont want todo anything listen to your body. take rest.Eat all balanced diet dailyhave a headbath at 4/5daydo meditation if possible.Body awareness is increased in ths time feel the energy at umbilcus looking to open sky. For/2hryou will feel charged like a battery.tell me your experience .Ihave observed no of times.