What Role Does Race/ethnicity Play In Maintaining Social Harmony

Why does race play such an important role in society?

Because the liberals keep bringing up the past and won't let the pot settle. The liberals love the words racism and racist. It's a card the liberals can use to shame someone into submission. But Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Michelle Obama and the rest of the Libs can say what they want because its free speech....unless your a white conservative, then it's a thought crime or racism. Every time you hear the word race look at the party or person behind it. They have an agenda. The libs love to play the game of Reverse Psychology while they stick it to you. Look at Obama...he is always playing the poor me race card. And someone is always attacking poor wittle me. In reality the only one bringing up race is the Democrats. so, screw you libs....stop judging people by the color of their skin.

Why do the majority Filipinos so full of annoying "pinoy" pride?

Poor you, it must be a really hard time for you, the insecurities, the self hate because you are who you are. Don't tell me boy, that you don't hate yourself, you do... situations like that is exhausting I know, you're not the only one who went through that phase.

You can't change those people but you can start the change in yourself, just don't be like them.

When you are older you will understand more.