What Should I Do About Me Head Aches And Minegrans

Can oranges cause headaches and migraines?

Headaches and migraines can be caused by chocolate, cheese, stress, anxiety, etc.

The following foods and drinks are known to precipitate migraine attacks in some people (a minority of sufferers):
Cheese (especially matured cheeses; cottage cheese and cream cheese tend to be all right)
Oranges and other citrus fruits
Alcohol, especially red wine, brandy, and whisky
Vinegar and pickled foods
Smoked foods
Sour cream and yogurt (some people are sensitive to all dairy products)
Caffeine (found in tea, coffee, cola drinks, and chocolate)
Foods containing nitrites and nitrates (such as hot dogs, salami)
Foods containing monosodium glutamate (avoid all processed foods unless you're sure they do not contain it — it gets into almost everything!)

Interestingly, a study at Charing Cross Hospital in London, England, involving 60 migraine patients isolated the following foods as the most common culprits in causing attacks:
Wheat (found not just in bread, but in all flour-based products and also as a thickener, as in soups): 78%
Oranges: 65%
Eggs: 45%
Coffee and tea: 40%
Milk and chocolate: 37%
Beef: 35%
Corn, cane sugar, and yeast: 30%
Peas: 28%

Doctors now believe there has to be a combination of triggers present for an attack to start. Some triggers, like stress and certain foods, are well known; but everyone's triggers are different. If you can identify and remove one or more of your personal trigger factors, you may be able to stop having migraine attacks for good.

Does anyone get headaches or migraines when they go to work?

About 90% of the time I go to work, I get real bad headaches to the point of dizziness. I'm just fine before I go to work but once I clock in and get on a register(I'm a cashier) my head goes to banging terribly. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similiar, and what could be the cause of this?

Headaches/Migraines Make It Hard To Pray?

Asalammu Alaykum, Brothers & Sisters! :)

For the past few months, I've been having terrible headaches every night & early morning. (I think they are migraines, but I'm not sure. I'll be going to the doctor in a few days.)

These headaches are so bad that it makes everything 100 times harder to do. I have a hard time doing my homework & studying. But worst of all, I have a hard time praying. My headaches start around 6 PM every night & last until 7 AM in the morning. Sometimes, I have headaches for a few days straight.

Basically, praying Maghrib, Isha, and Fajr prayers are so difficult. My head starts hurting really badly during the middle of prayer until I feel nauseous. One time, I was literally about to black out. I've skipped a few prayers due to my headache.

And yes, I've tried medicine, but my annoying headaches always come back. What should I do? Is it haram for me to have been skipping these prayers?

What should I do if I can't sleep because of a headache?

Headaches usually take place when the brain is hyperactive, when the body is not getting enough oxygen, when there’s no sufficient food in your system or maybe because of excess use of electronics/technology. Whatever the reason may be, headaches are quite unpleasant.It is suggested to get out of the bed when you’re not able to fall asleep because of a headache. Try to turn off all electronics around you that you are using at the moment (if any), for example, your TV, phone, laptop/computer, iPad and such. If your room is too dim or too bright, your eyes can strain, which could be causing the headache, so be sure to stay in the right light.It is also suggested to drink a nice hot cup of tea. Especially Chamomile Tea. It has rich vitamins and anti-oxidants that will help relieve stress.Try to diffuse a pleasant aroma in your room or use a room freshener that makes you feel positive. Citrus flavors and musky flavors are most recommended. Pungent flavors will make the headache worse.Some people even try to watch the night sky lying down on a flat surface. It seems to calm down the brain activity and helps calming the nerves.You can also try applying some eucalyptus oil to your forehead and take long breaths. The oil has unique healing powers and the long breaths will help in smooth flow of blood and oxygen in your body.We hope this helps you. Thank you.

Does Provera Cause Headaches/Migraines?

I take 10 mg of Provera for 10 day(1 pill a day) in order to bring on my period. I just seen a neurologist who diagnosed me with migrainies and has advised me to discontinue my Provera. He has told me that the Provera has most likely made my migrainies worse which they are. So, I called my OB/GYN and he is telling me that there is nothing else I could take and that Provera does not cause Headaches or Migraines. I am at a total loss now. What should I do?

I'm having headaches and migraines every day. I'm taking Excedrin for it. But is every single day concerning enough to see a doctor?

A migraine is a neurological disorder which is totally different than a headache, even though it can cause head pain. These are two different conditions with different treatments. Excedrin won’t touch a migraine.If you are having daily headaches OR migraines, you should have seen a doctor when this first started happening. ANY change in headache pattern must be checked by a doctor. This is especially true if you suffer from migraines, as migraine sufferers are at higher risk of stroke and other issues. Severe headaches can also be the sign of other neurological issues which can be dangerous or even deadly if left untreated.Taking painkillers every day can lead you into a pain cycle where every time you take it, the pain comes back sooner and with more severity. Once it goes too far, your only option is to not take any painkillers. This happened to me and 2 years later I still can’t take any painkillers. Don’t make the same mistake.See a doctor, get to a neurologist, and figure out how to prevent these. Do this now.

Does sprite help with headaches?

I don't drink anything that's not Organic or good for you.My favorite drink is water. I had a serious headache today that kept me in bed till two this afternoon. A friend being nice brought a sprite thinking it would help my stomachache. So i took a few sips knowing she just bought it. my head feels great! please explain.

Flashing lights give me headaches?

I have an iron deficiency which has caused many problems, one of those problems being migraines. I was watching a YouTube video that had flashing lights which I now know is a trigger for me for migraines. I'm going to a Twenty one pilots concert in December which I am sure will have lots of flashing lights. What should I do? Is there anything to prevent the migraines other than not going?