What Should I Do For My Friend

I Think My Friend Is A Lezz What Should I Do???

OK, this EXACT same thing happened to me in high school..!!

If you want to save this friendship, you CAN! You need to first tell her that her honest answer will not mess up your friendship, but that you would like an HONEST answer. Tell her you're wondering if she likes girls (dont ask if she's a LESBIAN maybe she's just curious or bisexual or maybe she doesnt know what to label herself yet and the L word may scare her). If she says "yes" then tell her that you're ok with it, as long as she doesn't hit on you.

As for the peeking during sleepovers, you should talk to her, but try to understand where she's coming from first...
I mean, if you were in a private room with a whole bunch of guys changing, wouldnt YOU want to peek? She's just curious...

But tell her that you dont want to be the object of her gaze/curiousity... tell her she needs to see you as a friend and no more than that, but let her know that you will happily be her friend in this platonic way if she wants... Good luck!

What should I do when my friend bullies another friend?

If you allow it then you are not only being weakened by it, but you are also inadvertently a part of it if you don’t step in.I answered a similar question recently so I will sum this up more quickly.Tell your friend you do not want to see it or hear it anymore. It is not funny, it’s unattractive, and it shows serious weakness.Many people who witness bullying but refuse to step in will often feel negative effects from allowing it down the road when they are older and wiser. Whether you are older or younger doesn’t matter. Let it be known it is wrong and you will not tolerate it. You will be all the wiser today by having nothing to regret tomorrow.

My friends bully me. What should I do?

Friends are the worst bullies because they are the people closest to you and can therefore hurt you at will. Therefore they will:Belittle you.Demean you.Cock block you.Gossip about you.Smile in your face.Spread lies about you.Encourage destructive behaviours and manipulate you.Gaslight you.Steal from you.Lie to you.Treat you one way when you're with them alone and then treat you completely different depending on who's around.Downplay or disregard your achievements.Project their sins and guilt onto YOU.Not trust you. Another form of projection. Similar to a romantic partner that habitually cheats, yet accuses you of doing the same with little to no evidence.Turn people against you.Try to steal your girlfriends.Impede your personal development.Never change.People that will keep you around as a “friend” and do ANY of the things mentioned here are NOT your friend.They are abusive, narcissistic, shallow individuals and should be avoided entirely.People like this generally don't go far in life. At best they will be partially satiated at the table of mediocrity fighting over the scraps of a middle class diet, but they very rarely will continue to grow as individuals throughout their lifetime until they live in abundance.Reference the psychology literature as you please, but people like the “friends” you are describing are generally losers and may recognize on a sub-conscious level that you are out of their league.Thus they lash out at you.Lions don't hang out with wolves….Who do lions hang out with!?………Now ya feel me.

Why do my friends ignore me?

There could be a few reasons:—Firstly you could be Assuming that your in a state where you are being ignored by your friends…What if these thoughts are infact distancing you from your friends?Each and Every one have their own personal and professional life due to which they tend to become busy.Make Your Mind to Understand this point!!Stop Expecting that Your Friends need to be constantly in Touch with you most of the time!! Expectations hurt..(PS:I have been there).But Make Sure that you be in constant touch with your Friends irrespective of how busy you are Make Time..(PS:Stop having the question Why Should I Text First?)..Perhaps You may not be opening up too much with them.Another Reason could be your too much annoying or having high attitude problem.If your not doing much for your friends or your not too serious about the friendship then they could ignore you.Avoid being a negative thinker and always believe that only good happen..People generally hate complainers and negative people!!At times even Kind and helpful people are also ignored by many…If you fall under this category then their not worthy of having you as a friend..(Have Your Own Self Respect.)Some Friends could even be “envious” of your Success in Life and may choose to ignore you also!!Never make your friend feel Unimportant.ThankYou:)

What should I do when my friend calls me FAT!?

she's not a friend if she calls you fat that is very rude and i don't concider that to be a friend

What can I do when my friend ignores me?

I've been through it very recently. My friend suddenly stops talking to me altogether one day. For a day or two, I thought she was having mood swings. But then, when I observed that she was normal to others but me, I went to her and asked her several times the reason behind her behavior. For a few times, she said I'm over thinking when clearly, I wasn't.Then, one day, when she still continued the same and I couldn't take it anymore, I sent her a long text saying everything I was dying to (I texted her because she wasn't answering my calls and we weren't able to meet due to our break). The next morning, she called me up and gave me an explanation behind why she was doing what she was doing.The reason she was ignoring me was, a third person told her that I was bitching about her (which I never did, because she was a really good friend of mine and I wouldn't do that to her ever). Then things got clear and now we are doing great again.So my point is, maybe someone told your friend something which might be true or false. You should go, talk to that person, and try your best to get an explanation. Because nobody does anything without a valid reason.Also, if your friend is of opposite gender, then maybe he/she feels something for you and that's why they're ignoring you.Whatever the case is, just go, talk to your friend if he/she really matters. I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose a friend just for another lame reason. :)

My friend is getting into drugs, what should i do?

hey so i’m 15f and my friend (also 15f) who i’ve been close with since kindergarden smoked week for the first time and now she’s like obsessed and has been wanting to try new drugs and drinks and such. what makes me really concerned is that her older sister was a raging alcoholic and semi-drug addict who just got clean and i know stuff like that can be genetic (addictive genes.) whenever me and another close friend go over she always asks if we can bring weed or alcohol, (just a little background, my other friend and i have smoke and drank before, she’s a fan of smoking but i’m not so much, i only do it with close friends when i want to which is like rarely) i’m just nit sure what to do, like i’d love to have fun drinking with her and my other friend but i just don’t want to enable her by supplying alc or doing stuff with her, what should i do? i’ve tried talking to her about it but she gets defensive and is kinda clueless as to what she’s potentially setting herself up for.

What should I do if my best friend is not talking to me?

A little more back story:So this week has been our first week back at school since the Christmas break and my friend wasn't talking much to me on Monday, but then continued this until Friday (today). I was very upset, constantly sad at home, my feelings of dejectedness intensified my hatred of my body and reminded me of my past earing disorder behaviors and so I stopped eating lunch and breakfast, I almost skipped a day of school, and I cried quite a lot. This may seem like a dramatic response but I have a habit of massively overthinking things and so I thought she would hate me for life and never talk to me again.I finally approached her about it today and she said that I was making things up and that there was no problem. Then she started “officially” ignoring me by declaring that she wouldn't talk to me, perhaps because I was overthinking things and she didn't like it. However, when she has problems and confides in me, I don't stop talking to her - I try and help and make her feel better.I can't think of anything that I've done that would cause her to hate me so much. I'm really upset by it and I feel like everyone hates me because of previously mentioned overthinking problems. I've asked her what's wrong, I've apologised, I've asked her to tell me why she isn't speaking to me, but nothing's working. Does she just hate me now?Advice would be greatly appreciated!

What should I do if my friend WANTS diabetes?
