What Should I Do Or Say When

What should you say when you first meet a girl?

“Hi” the most common word ,bring out the first conversation with the girl.Do nothing but say it with full energy and with a sweet smile on your face this helps a lot in building your relationship.Try not to talk in a silly manner.Try it with some beautiful words that you are looking beautiful and about her likes and dislikes,continue it with some soft and lovely words that can brings a faith in her.At last say the words like I enjoy a lot with you and being with you makes me feel good.And this was the loveliest time which I spend and I’ll never forget.End up with a “BYE” and a saying by-meeting you soon again with a smile on your face.I hope it will help you a lot.

What to say when a guy calls me cute?

So, there is this guy and we have been texting each other a lot lately. I am not sure if he likes me, but he often calls me cute a lot. He will just kind of slip it onto the conversation. At first I would just thank him politely and move on. Now because he has done this so much, I in a way, feel bad for just saying thanks. Should I continue like this? If not, what should I say?
Thankyoou! <3

What do i say when a girl says "sooo..."?

there's this 1 beautiful girl im talkin 2 right now and when we run out of things 2 say she says "sooo..." and a lot of times i just say i g2g but i feel like such a dbag when i do tht but if i don't then the conversation gets very awkward 4 us both and she ends up tellin me she has 2 go i need some advice plz. btw were not going out yet and we r tryin 2 go out but both of us r very busy.

How do you react when a girl says yes after you ask her out?

Always keep your cool. She may be doubting her decision but giving you a chance. Don't do anything desperate like a "fist pump", cheer, or go running to tell your friends. Instead, give her a hug. Stay confident so she knows she made the right decision. Also, you should have plans for the next move. A real man knows how to lead.Have plans ready for an event like dinner, a show, handing out, etc.. Never say something like "so what do you want to do?". Instead something like "There a ___ concert playing on Saturday, would you like to join me?". Just stay true to your own personality when you plan.

What do you say when a friend's grandpa dies?

You could say....:

Hey(Her/his name) Im so sorry about what happened. But you know your grandpas up in heaven now? Everyone has to go one day, and we'll all meet him in heaven soon. And now he's in more peace, and that shows how much god loves him and wants him. Don't be upset, because your grandpas your family gardian angel now, and if you stay upset like this then i don't think he'd be at peace seein his beloved family crying and upset. You have to stay strong in order to keep you gramps happy!

I hope i helped


What should I say to a friend whose mother has died?

First, I have to say "good for you" that you are going to use the phone and not email.  I am horrified when people use email to inform others of someone's death and/or to respond.  I had to get that said.When someone dies, we are always sorry regardless of how well we knew the person or what we thought of him or her.  So, that is what you say:  "I am so sorry to hear that your mom died."Next, we want our friend to know that we care.  So, that is what you say:  "f there is anything at all that I can do for you or the family, you will ask me, won't you?"Most people want to empathize with how painful this is for their friend.  So, go ahead and say it:  "I am sure you are really hurting OR this is just the hardest thing OR I know it's going to be tough going on without your mom's love to support you."When we have known the person well enough -- say in this case, your friend's mom had you over for dinner countless times or treated you like you were a part of the family -- we say something about how important they were to us.  So, go ahead and say it:  "I just loved your mom.  She had such a wicked sense of humour.  I am really going to miss her."Lastly, avoid platitudes.  They are as empty as the thought that went into them.  No, never, not at all say thing like these:  I'm sure she's in a better place or she is at peace now or at least the suffering is over. further, the only appropriate occasion to mention anything religious or spiritual is when you attended the same church or shared the same faith.  If not, stay off the subject.In short, the most important things to say are the simple, heartfelt things.  Trust me.  Those are the words that mean everything.It is nice that you want to be thoughtful about this.  You must be a kind and caring person.