What Should I Do With My Life Advices

I need advice with my life. What should I do now?

Step1— Set 2 goalsA long term goal (for a span of 5 years or more)- like you want to be a great engineer, doctor, actor, entrepreneur, salesman etc in next 5 yearsNow chose a day to day goal that can help you fulfill your long term goal -like working out for 8 hours a day to practice skills that can help you achieve your dreamNow my friend you have successfully set up your goal .Step2— Priorities- Now that you have your priorities set do that task daily for 8 hours a day before any other tasks . Work hard no matter what it takes. After successful completion of your task reward yourself with the things you love the most ( maybe you like to eat chocolate cakes)Step3—Stay committed - Daily commitment will get you going in the flow and it will become your habit .You will no longer have to be dependent on the daily motivation as it will be a part of your daily habit or routine and so you will definitely be able to see the results.Bonus tip-Stay relaxed , practise meditation,read self help books, develop a growing mindset ,learn from your mistakes and don't presume anything.You will achieve anything that you want , provided you are willing to work for it .Stay blessed,NamasteyANKIT CHAUHAN.

I need some life advice. Can someone help?

Hi, I am a 17 year old. I take online courses for school (started 3 months ago, because the old public school was bad). Anyway, I need life goals. I find myself lacking in motivation because I always feel alone. I've been learning the piano, but that's not making me happy all the time, is there any goals? I don't know what I'm asking, I just feel like I need to say something.. I hope you have a nice day.