What Should I Do With This Dog

What should you do if a dog bites you?

Is it your dog or someone else’s dog? Check to see if the dog has it’s rabies vaccination. If that information is unavailable, the dog will need to be put up for observation for 10 days. Doctors may recommend starting the rabies series on you. If the dog is vaccinated for rabies or not, most doctors will usually recommend a tetanus booster unless you recently had one, and antibiotics for to prevent infection from the wound. The wound itself can be treated with, anti-bacterial soap and hot water, then hydrogen peroxide and anti- bacterial ointment. Deep puncture wounds are usually left open to drain. I’ve been bitten before while breaking up a dog fight, between my dogs. All my dogs had their rabies vaccinations, so the tetanus booster and antibiotics were the treatment I received. If the dog bite is from a strange dog, and vicious in nature (not something you brought on yourself by teasing the dog), then report it to law enforcement. Many medical facilities will do this when they treat a dog bite.

What should I do if my dog ate grease?

Depending on the Time the grease was consumed, type of grease and the amount of grease… There are a couple of things that could seriously go wrong. I highly recommend that you call your regular veterinarian to see what they want you to do. If your regular veterinarian does not cover after hours or emergency visits, please call the emergency clinic and see what they want you to do. They will very likely I want you to bring your pet in immediately, they may induce emesis, they may do blood work, IV catheter and fluids, they may administer charcoal or other binding agent, they may screen for pancreatitis or kidney failure at various points in your pet's hospital stay.Good luck - take quick action, ir may save your pet and your money!!

What should I do if my dog ate garbage?

Nothing, as long as it was not something poisonous like grapes or apple cores. If the dog got ahold of something that doesn’t agree with them, they might throw it up, or it could cause loose stools.If there seems to be any negative reaction, like constant vomiting, gagging, shaking, etc, take your dog to the vet. Don’t wait. Perhaps the vet can say is that you can give the dog something for nausea (dogs can take many of the same medicines we take, but ask your vet first).

What should I do if my dog ate almonds?

Why Almonds Are Bad for DogsWhile many dogs love the taste of almonds, consuming them can cause gastric intestinal distress. If your dog accidentally eats a few, be on the lookout for these symptoms:VomitingDiarrheaGasLoss of appetiteLethargyGeneral discomfortAlmonds, like most nuts, are high in fat and can put your pup at risk of developing pancreatitis. It’s a serious condition that requires the attention of your veterinarian.This snack also poses another dangerous problem: obstruction. Almonds can block your dog’s esophagus, intestines, or windpipe, especially in small breeds. These obstructions can be fatal if not treated, and they occasionally require surgery.Flavored almonds come with unique risks. The spices and flavorings can irritate your dog’s stomach, and the salt in the seasoning can lead to water retention and salt toxicity if consumed in large quantities.In short, almonds are not healthy for dogs. I found many articles in the internet about this and so helpful for what I read. In some other topic I found this website: Likeable Pets this grooms your dogs and are so friendly.

Help my dog bit my vagina! What should I do?

stop hiding the bacon in there

What should I do if my dog ate antifreeze?

There IS a home remedy that you can use.Okay, listen to me very carefully... Get the animal to a vet now! You only have two or three hours after ingestion before irreversible kidney damage can occur.My answer below is to be used ONLY if you cannot get the animal to a vet.I'm going to repeat that again-you do NOT use this method unless you cannot get the animal to a doctor or clinic in time.This method has about a 60% chance of a fatality anyway, but if the dog has had ethylene glycol then your fatality rate gets closer to 95 - 100.This is a last-ditch, emergency only method!Normal treatment by a the normal treatment by a vet is a chemical called fomapizole.It is expensive, but it's administered in a timely fashion i.e. few hours after ingestion it works very well- a few tablespoons of ethylene glycol can kill a medium sized dog.if, and only if, you can't get your dog to the vet you can try dosing the animal with alcohol.Specifically the type that that you drink, vodka or Ever Clear.It really needs to be given intravenously, but if you have no choice you can try to get the animal to consume it orally!It needs to be administered at the rate of around 8 ozs of vodka over 4 to 6 hours giving it evenly.If you use Everclear use 4 oz.this needs to be administered over the course of a day and a half or 2.You will see all of the symptoms of acute alcohol intoxication/poisoning!Please be aware that alcohol is also very poisonous to your dog and you will likely kill your pet.Again this is a last ditch effort where you are willing to run a 2 out of 3 chance of your dog dying as opposed to a 3 out of 3.DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER CHOICE!

What should I do if a dog eats chocolate?

Chocolate is toxic to dogs. The darker it is, the more toxic it is.My dog recently ate my entire birthday rocky road which was made from sugar, dark chocolate, marshmallows, dairy chocolate etc. I was convinced she was going to die and my vets was closed.Prior to that a couple of years ago, she ate an entire chocolate Guinness cake and nearly died. Luckily, she vomited most of that up and on the advice of a very sleepy on call vet, we nursed her through the night and she was very very sick, but she was just fine after a couple of days.However, I read online that vets will often give dogs activated charcoal in order to absorb the toxins from the chocolate. I take Activated Charcoal and was able to give her a fair amount (I got the amount from a charcoal / dog calculator) in some pieces of ham and she was completely fine within a couple of hours! This time around with the rocky road, she didn’t vomit at all so I was even more worried. I did find that with the Charcoal, the results were very fast and she drank huge amounts of water to compensate for it but the next day, apart from a HUGE poo, she was non the wiser for it!My advice is to keep Activated Charcoal in the house for if your dog ingests anything they shouldn’t. It could be the difference between life and death if you are unable to get to the vets for any reason or if they are already looking very ill. Make sure you give them lots and lots of water and have a source next to them to drink through the night. Activated Charcoal is completely harmless and absorbs the bad things in the stomach and gut to ensure it all doesn’t reach the blood stream. You need to give a fair enough so look for AC that has the highest content otherwise you can be there for a long time opening capsules and giving them to the dog and it’s a very messy business.When and how to use activated charcoalCan I Give My Dog Activated Charcoal?My dog is 13, she can barely jump up on the sofa and has to be carried up the stairs to bed every night. But when chocolate is involved, she goes full on ninja dog. We are still scratching our heads to this day as to how in the hell she managed to get both the cake and the rocky road as they were, as we thought, completely impossible for her to reach. But when a dog wants something and you aren’t home, you’d be surprised at the lengths they’d go to get it so keep things out of reach!

My dog ate a magnet, what should I do?

I agree with the other answers that the magnet pieces may pass through normally, and that giving some foods to help pass the pieces may help, but make sure you see a Veterinarian if you don't see the magnet soon. I'd recommend using clear plastic sandwich bags to pick up and then "search" the droppings for the magnet (so nothing gets on your hands).

I'd also recommend getting some dog-safe chewing toys like a small Kong to satisfy the dog's natural chewing hobby. Some dogs are relaxed by chewing, and it's good for their teeth. My dog has a mini Kong toy and I put peanut butter on/in it once in a while.

What should I do when my dog gives birth?

Make sure u plan ahead and have someone who not afraid of handling blood and gook around around the time she will give birth. And u can actually tell when that will be because her stomach will as if it will bust open at any given time. Confine her in a comfortable and clean area. U don’t want her running around. Have some clean sissors, clean towels and some floss ready and clean gloves.As each puppy pops out let her do the mothering and interfere only if U see she isn’t doing anything. And in that case, help the pup out the plecenta, cut the cord off the pup and then use the floss to tie the cord. Throw out the placenta.If mother eats placenta it’s ok. She will need the caleries because those pups will be suckin out all her fat and Weight while milking. So keep her fed well and hydrated. Prepare to hand feed pups too. But let mom to the mothering. It’s amazing to watch. She just knows instinctly.Also watch some you tube videos on this matter. Probably better than the info I wrote cuz I’m citing from what I recall when my dog had puppies.Good luck. Hope it helps.