What Should I Feed My Newborn Kittens

Should I bathe newborn kittens?

No, there’s no reason to bathe them; it might even be dangerous. Newborn kittens can’t control their own body temperature and catch a chill very, very easily. They need to be with their mom, or in a kitten pile with their siblings, to stay warm.It’s normal for there to be a bit of blood. When mom eats the placentas and chews off the umbilical cord, there’ll naturally be blood from those organs. Birth isn’t a neat, clean process for cats any more than it is for humans.She’ll lick the kittens clean and dry herself. If she doesn’t, take a soft, clean towel, pick up the kittens, and gently dry them off. Sometimes, when Mom is exhausted from the birth, she won’t have enough energy to clean off all her kittens properly, so you can help her. It doesn’t matter in the least if they’re still a bit gunky—they just have to have their faces clean and their coats dry. Mom will do the detail work later when she’s recovered from birthing.When Mom gets a chance to rest and eat, she’ll get her energy back (you should be feeding her a high-calorie kitten food; she’s nursing and she needs the calories). She’ll go about cleaning her kittens thoroughly, licking them all over, and then lick herself clean.When things have calmed down a bit from the birth, you can swap out the towels or blankets in her nest for clean ones. Hopefully she’ll let you do it. If she won’t let you close enough to put in some clean towels, that’s okay—she’ll probably move her kittens when they get a little bit older, to get them away from the old grime of the nest; you can provide an alternate, clean nest and hope that that’s where she moves them, but cats are picky and it’s a toss-up whether she chooses your prepared nest or not. Mom cats have the instinct to keep the nest clean and keep it from smelling, because predators could find it that way; if the nest isn’t clean enough, they’ll move their kittens.By the way: Get Mom spayed as soon as she stops nursing. Cats can go into heat very soon after birth, and you do NOT want her to have another litter, especially not right away. It’s amazing how fast a cat can get pregnant again, trust me; get her spayed before it happens, or you’ll end up with another batch of kittens to care for.

What can I feed a newborn stray kitten?

Walmart sells Cat formula - similar to humans- it comes in a can and you mix a little at a time and offer it every couple of hours. Using a plastic syringe, holding kitten face forward as in natural nursing position NOT UPRIGHT! Only squirt drops at a time and give it time to swallow. Its important that the formula does not get into its lungs as it can literally fade in a few hours developing respiratory problems if any formula goes down the wrong hatch so to speak. As it feeds give it more each time every few hours starting with about a tablespoon worth initially and gradually more as it grows. The first few weeks are tricky but after about 10–14 days it will be able to suck down its formula easier.If you opt for homemade formula, you can use diluted evaporated milk with kitten vitamins and light karo syrup to achieve same results. Using karo sparingly as to not develop a sugar problem as kittens can develop diabetes . If you compare prices the kitten replacement formula which comes in a can as a powder is your best option.You can also try a kitten bottle and put just a small pinhole in it if it sucks alright. Milk must enter slowly in tiny amounts to avoid choking.Also if at any time the kitten becomes lathargic or fading, you can put karo on you finger and swab it around the tongue and roof of mouth to stimulate it to the end of the 3–4th week you can try placing milk on a saucer and stick its mouth into the milk to taste and it should start to lap it up on its own . They have tiny stomachs and tiny lungs so its important to go slowly with its own pace to swallow which will increase its demand daily.

How much should I feed a newborn kitten that has not opened its eyes yet?

I wish I had more details. Is the mother absent, did the mother reject the kitten? Do you know what to feed the kitten?If I had a newborn kitten but no mother, or mother could/would not feed the kitten, I would first get it warm. Newborn kittens cannot maintain their own temperature and cannot digest food if cold - plus they will easily die from being too cold. So I would find a small container - a cat carrier is ideal, but you could temporarily use a shoebox or other such box. Line it with soft fuzzy material or even just a handtowel. Put something warm under it like a heating pad (set to LOW, no higher). If I didn’t have a nursing bottle or formula, I would first dissolve a teaspoon of sugar into a cup of warm water, then dip a corner of a washcloth into that and offer it at baby kitten’s mouth, try to get a few drops of sugar water into its mouth. Repeat until kitten won’t take any more. This will keep it from getting more dehydrated and hypoglycemic while you are looking for another mother cat to take in the kitten, finding veterinary advice, and/or obtaining real supplies.The kitten will do best with a mother cat, and often another mother cat will take in an orphan. Call an animal shelter or veterinarian to ask for help with finding a suitable mother cat. They also may be able to show you how to feed the kitten if they can’t help otherwise.Here’s a good summary of what you need to know:Bottle FeedingBest of luck!

How much should a newborn kitten eat?

If it’s an orphaned kitten, as in needing to be hand fed, it goes by weight. This is a good chart to go by.

Should i leave my newborn kittens outside?

Bring the newborns in - they need to stay extra warm or they can "chill" or "fade" (become so cold their hearts stop beating). Also, being exposed to the elements isn't a good idea for newborns, they need to be in a sanitary environment.

Perhaps set up a kitten home for mom and kittens in a spare room or bathroom. Make sure mom is feeding them and keeping them warm.

If not, e-mail me!

But definitely bring them in. They'll become infested with fleas, become anemic, get diarrhea, become dehydrated (all from fleas which are outdoor little bugers (boogers?).

Ah, I read someone above wrote letting them out at 6 weeks was okay. Keeping them indoors is always best, they will live a longer, healthier life. As kittens, they shouldn't be going out at all as they are completely at the mercy of their mother and you, their guardian. There eyes won't even open for 10 days, they have no defense mechanism right now.

Yeah, bring them in, please. Precious little babies. :o)

Congrats on the new extended family! :-D

What should i do when my newborn kittens fight?

This is fine. They are figuring out their "pecking order" let them figure it out they will find another nipple. If one cant find it then move them to another one, but move the one that got kicked off, not the one that won. But try to just stay out of it unless mom is rejecting them or one is not doing well health wise, mom should take care of it on her own or the kittens will figure it out.

My cat's newborn kitten won't eat what should i do?

Is he unable to latch onto the momma's teats? Hun, if he won't latch onto momma, and is refusing to bottle feed, you need to take the tiny darlin' to the vet.

How long can newborn kittens be left alone?

Depends on what you mean by left alone. Ling enough for the mama to get up and stretch her legs, get something to eat or just mingle with the humans? She is a great judge of that. If you are bottle feeding them and their mama isn't around, I'd say jot for long periods at all. I'd check on them at least every hour or so. They will want to eat a lot and you may want to check on them more than every 45 minutes in the beginning. They need to be stroked and loved on during the early stages of their lives if they don't have a mama. They need to feel that love. I wouldn't stay away from them long at all until they start growing. That would be at least a couple of weeks.

? about newborn kitten that I am bottle feeding (4 days old)?

I have a newborn kitten (4 days). it is eating and pooping a lot, pees a lot, and sleeps inbetween every feed. She is starting to get restless when i am done feeding her though. Even though she doesn't want to accept any more food from the bottle, she still keeps sucking on the bottle nipple. I dont understand what she wants. Also, it poops so much that its little rump is so sore. I bought desitin because i know it is gentle. Is this OK? and I think its rump is so sore that it is bleeding sometimes, today being the first time i have witnessed. If anything knows anthing to help me out, i would appreciate any help graciously. I have never had a cat and now i have a 4 day old. PLEASE HELP!

Can newborn kittens drink evaporated milk?

Yes you can, but you need to make a formula.

The best food for kitten is mothers milk. Let the kittens suckle to produce the milk and get the colostrum.
Second best is Kitten Replacement milk which is available at most stores and pet supplies.
Third best is goats milk. Plain and simple.
Last is evaporated milk. Mix 4 oz evaporated milk with 4 oz boiled water (cooled). Add one egg yolk and 1 tablespoon Karo syrup. Feed with a syringe or kitten bottle. They should take a few mls at first. Burp them and then stimulate them to pee and poo by gently rubbing their genitals with a warm wash cloth. When you feed them, have them legs down, like they would be if they were nursing. They can choke if you feed them in a baby position.
Good luck.