What Should I Say To Her Help .

What should I say to her after I said ‘hi’ in a text?

Be different and interesting. You can go with the classic “How was your day?” or “How have you been?” but that won’t really grab her attention. Maybe say something silly or funny. You could do a joke or just ask an odd question. For example:You: HiHer: HeyYou: Okay… so you’re stranded on a desert island with three of your favorite celebrities… who would that be?orYou: HiHer: HiYou: So, be honest… between (name three people. It can be celebrities, friends, really anything you want) who would you screw, marry, and kill?It’s just very refreshing to talk to someone who doesn’t do what everyone else does. So, play it by ear I guess.

I hate my school counselor and i need help with what to say to her?

I would stay calm. It's easier for her to understand and accept what you tell her. Just thank her for wanting to help, that you understand she is there to help you if you need it. Right now you know your situation and know that you dont need her help but if you do you will approch her and come to see her.

This way its straight forward and you get bonus points for handling it like an adult and not going off on her which will only make things worse and she will probably think its rooted in some other problem and start digging there.

My friend's boyfriend just broke up with her what should i say to help?

Ok, tell her that it's all gonna work out somehow and that everything will be ok. And if he had the heart to just leave her then that means he can't possibly be worth all of her time and love. But whatever you do, please don't tell her that there's more fish in the sea, because she doesnt care about the other fish right now, she wants THAT fish. Not any other fish. Tell her that you will always be there for her.

Friend refuses to help me -- what do i say to her?

i asked my friend to babysit my 2 year old next saturday night so i could go out to dinner with my husband and some friends to celebrate my friends birthday. she has helped me out once or twice before. but this time she said no. she doesn't have plans or anything, and i'm giving her plenty of notice. but she said she just didn't want to spend her saturday night babysitting.

i told her i think that's terrible. if she had kids, i'd be more than happy to do it for her. but she said she doesn't want kids, and that i ask for too many favors. she said i can afford to pay a babysitter and that's what i should do. it's true i can pay for a babysitter, but i don't want to. i like to leave my precious boy with someone i know i can trust. i think she should be flattered i asked her and this is the kind of favor friends should be happy to do.

i am thinking she's not much of a friend if she won't help me out when i need it. am i right? what should i say to her?

i posted this in "friends", but i think their mostly teenagers. i'd like to hear from some moms and grownups who know what i'm talking about and understand real friendship!

A girl I like is stressed what do I say to her?

Relax Darling . You with me . I'll look after you , take care of you . If you've got any problems you let me know ok . If I can help you I will everything within my power to do so . Now your clear I that ya . You tell me when I'm with you or sms me or call anytime ok . Relax her . Reassure her . Comfort her and put her at Ease & Comfortable . Give her Confidence in your Gentlemanly Skills such that she may see  Your Maturity in handle stressful situations calmly, logically, responsibly & considerately . Impress her with your actions not your talk or the money in you pocket. Talks Cheap . Money Comes & Money Goes . Actions & Delverables of ones Word shows the Man in the Making . Good luck & thanks 4 the A2A

I have a friend who cuts herself commonly. What do I say to her to get her to stop?

You don’t tell her to stop. Never tell her to stop. Because if you tell them to stop, and they have a moment of weakness and cut anyway, your expectations will add to their guilt.This is obviously easier said than done because I know someone who cuts and I have instinctively told them not to and after further reflection, I realized I shouldn’t.Instead talk to them. Find out what makes them cut without showing discust or fear or anything that might cause them to withdraw from the conversation. You don’t want them to feel ashamed.Then do your best to help them avoid the situations that make them want to cut. This could be a person, a place… almost anything.Any addiction or coping habit often has a trigger. When I sit down at my computer, I want to play games and drink a coke. If I want to avoid games or stop drinking coke, I have to avoid being at my computer because it is a trigger.Often avoiding the triggers are enough, so identify what those are. If you can keep them away from it long enough, eventually they may no longer crave it. Keep conversations and activities positive and try to avoid the drama that makes them cut in the first place, atleast until they are no longer cutting. Deal with one issue at a time.

My girlfriends grandma is dying, what should i say to help my girlfriend?

You need to let her know that you are there for her all the time, like whenever she wants to talk to someone. Let her know that if she want to talk about it with you and you will listen and that you can handle all her emotions and stuff. Like even if she repeats her self and gets all worked up that you won't loose interest or shy away. Also reassure her a lot and let it known that you do care.

What should I say to a friend whose mother has died?

First, I have to say "good for you" that you are going to use the phone and not email.  I am horrified when people use email to inform others of someone's death and/or to respond.  I had to get that said.When someone dies, we are always sorry regardless of how well we knew the person or what we thought of him or her.  So, that is what you say:  "I am so sorry to hear that your mom died."Next, we want our friend to know that we care.  So, that is what you say:  "f there is anything at all that I can do for you or the family, you will ask me, won't you?"Most people want to empathize with how painful this is for their friend.  So, go ahead and say it:  "I am sure you are really hurting OR this is just the hardest thing OR I know it's going to be tough going on without your mom's love to support you."When we have known the person well enough -- say in this case, your friend's mom had you over for dinner countless times or treated you like you were a part of the family -- we say something about how important they were to us.  So, go ahead and say it:  "I just loved your mom.  She had such a wicked sense of humour.  I am really going to miss her."Lastly, avoid platitudes.  They are as empty as the thought that went into them.  No, never, not at all say thing like these:  I'm sure she's in a better place or she is at peace now or at least the suffering is over. further, the only appropriate occasion to mention anything religious or spiritual is when you attended the same church or shared the same faith.  If not, stay off the subject.In short, the most important things to say are the simple, heartfelt things.  Trust me.  Those are the words that mean everything.It is nice that you want to be thoughtful about this.  You must be a kind and caring person.

When my girlfriend is in pain what can i say to her?

my 15yr old girlfriend gets these ovarian cysts where it causes severe stomach pains. Well she called me last night crying because she was in so much pain. I need to know what i can say to comfort her. I always say "im always here for you" "it will go away soon (even though we know it takes days)" "i hope you feel better soon" and "ill always take care of you" and stuff but i need to know what else to say to comfort her. HELP??