What Stops Can I Start Going To

Can men stop peeing once they start?

I can

How to stop worrying and start living?

Embrace atheism

How can I stop losing, and start winning?

Learn. I'm not going to say don't give up. It's insanity to keep trying the same thing and expect a different result. That's not going to stop you from losing, it'll just get you used to it.So learn. First, about yourself. What can you do and what you cannot. What can you do better than other ? What makes you happy doing it ? What are your competitive advantages compared to others in the game ?Then learn more about the game. Whatever you're playing, knowing the rules and the field will makes it a lot easier. Afterward,  learn about your mistakes, and the mistakes of other. What have you done, what have they done that failed, and why did it happen. It's hard to learn from the success of other - what worked for them might not work for you. So learn from their mistakes.And then, learn to accept defeat - when you've tried everything you could. Sometimes it takes some luck, and there's nothing you can do about that. Accept your loss.Get depressed for sometime. Now, this is the part where you don't give up. Then, do it all over again.

How does rain start and stop?

Formation of rain is not so simple as it sounds. There are 5 steps involved in the formation of rain-First is Evapotranspiration-It is basically a process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants. This process we get humidity or water vapor in the air.Second step is Upliftment and Cooling-If the water vapor condenses on the surface of earth, we get different phenomenons like fog,dew etc. In order to get rainfall it is necessary that water vapor gets higher in the atmosphere. The uplift meant of water vapor can be achieved by different mechanism like by mountains or by the Cold fronts pushing the warm front above in mid latitude area or the intensive warming of earth surface causes the upliftment in low latitude area. As the vapor gets higher it expands and that expansion is the reason behind the decrease of temperature.Third step is Condensation- The cooling alone can't led to formation of water droplets, we need to add one more ingredient before we could get water droplets and that ingredient is known as hygroscopic nuclei. They are basically microscopic particle like dust particle, salt particles, smoke, soot. The process of condensation starts around them. And after the condensation we get microscopic water droplets These droplets are so small that they remain suspended in the atmosphere.Forth step is Aggregation-This process is the least known process. Due to some less known mechanisms involving vapor pressure and others, the water droplets starts colliding with each other. It takes approximately 8 million of water droplets to form raindrop of 5 mm diameter.Final step is Precipitation-after the innumerable amount of collisions, we get drops that are big enough to be pulled down by gravity.And when there is not enough moisture left to form rain drops in the sky, the rain stops.For those who understand Hindi (Subtitles are also available)-

Can a dog start labor and then stop?

I have a border collie that I rescued and she is pregnant. I have done the research as far as making all the proper arrangements for her to give birth safe and comfortably. And as of 3:30am this morning it looked like she was officially in labor. All the classic signs that I have read about- not eating yesterday, scraching at her bed (whelping box), panting, restless, unable to get comfortable, excessive licking of ther vulva, temp at 98.9, etc. She went outside to go to the bathroom at 9:00am, I watched her carefully. When she came in she dribbled lots of discharge on the floor and seemed to be having contractions. She layed back in her bed strained a couple of times like she was ready to push. But then as time went by, she stopped showing any signs of labor and went to sleep. This was after 9 hours of what I considered her being in active labor. I will ofcourse take her to the vet, If I see she is straining, in any pain, or If I see any strange looking or smelling discharge

When do you start on red and stop on green.?

when you're eating watermelon

I think too much about life. How do I stop analysing life & start enjoying it?

We Introverts are naturally deep thinkers and sometimes that power is taken to extreme levels where it becomes a crutch. We start suffering from “ Paralysis by analysis ” and are unable to take any action in life. So to combat that scenario, I always take action the moment I feel like doing something. I do not think about it anymore, just find the steps that I should take in order to achieve my goal and get on with it. Since we know the more time we think about something the more harder it is going to be for us to do it, we should not give ourself the opportunity to think about it more than necessary.You too can use this technique, the moment you want to do something, just find how you can do it and just follow the steps. You don’t even need to remind yourself that you are wasting time thinking about it. Just get into the habit of doing things the moment you want to do it.

Why do people say once you start shaving, you can never stop?

Well I was mainly referring to all body hair, but over winter I've let my leg hair grow since no one is going to see it (as it gets bloody cold here). But I remember the advice when I first wanted to start shaving and some of it was very bad, full of myths. I just don't understand why.

Can you start a sentence with 'And' after a full stop?

I have answered this question several times before. Click my avatars to see it in other contexts. It is neither the Old Testament of the Gospels that starting a sentence with "and" is forbidden, as long as the clause is independent. But be cautious [see how I just did it with "but"?] it is a stylistic device, and overusing it can become an annoying tic, a twitch. Obviously, it can be used for emphasis, as you did, because of its relative novelty. In some cases a sentence, though perfectly grammatical, can begin to spin out of control because of mere complexity; it can become a monster,a maze of commas and semicolons, of a maze of modifiers and relative pronoun constructions gone mad. And we wouldn't what that, would we? [See how it works?] That device can rescue you from a proto-Faulknerian nightmare by restoring rhythm and emphasis. But it requires quite a bit of practice and the will power to not over use it (as I just did).