What Time Should I Be Sleeping For School

What time should kids sleep on school nights?

7-12 Years Old : 10 - 11 hours per day

At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later, with most 12-years-olds going to bed at about 9 p.m. There is still a wide range of bedtimes, from 7:30 - 10 p.m., as well as total sleep times, from 9 - 12 hours, although the average is only 9 ½ hours.

Sleep needs do not decrease and remain vitally important to your child's health, development, and well-being. Without the proper amount of sleep, your child will become increasingly sleepy during the day. Those children with a history of sleep problems see them persist. They do not "outgrow them."

In his book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Marc Weissbluth, MD, sums up what you may find in children who routinely do not get the sleep they need, with a bit of a Catch 22: "School achievement difficulties were found more often among poor sleepers compared to good sleepers.... Young children who have difficulty sleeping become older children with more academic problems. But children who are academically successful risk not getting the sleep they need!"

12-18 Years Old : 8 ¼ - 9 ½ hours per day

Sleep needs remain just as vital to health and well-being for teenagers as when they were younger. It turns out that many teenagers over 15 actually need more sleep than in previous years. Now, however, social pressures conspire against getting the proper amount and quality of sleep.

Teens are not getting the sleep they once did, and many have difficulty falling asleep and frequently wake up at night. This is not normal, and all this is taking a toll. Sleep deprivation is associated with mood changes and behavioral problems, including conduct disorders and inattention.

One study of U.S. high school students found that 13% were chronically sleep-deprived. Other international studies confirm the global nature of this problem. Not getting enough sleep and not sleeping well is not OK.

Younger children need another hours sleep.

So it depends on their age. Start at the time they need to wake up, say 6:30, and go backwards. If they are 7-12, they should be asleep between 7:30 and 8:30. It may take them time to get used to this if they have been going to bed later, but it is worth it.
As a teacher, I can tell you which students don't get enough sleep!

What Time Do You Go To Sleep- SCHOOL Night?!!?!?

Heyy just wondering what peoples times are and stuffff....

What time do you go to sleep on a school night?
What time do you wake up for school?
What time does your school start??
What time does your school finish??

I go to sleep about 12:30, wake up at 7:30 and school starts at 9:00 and finishes at 3:30

arghh I hate school :/

At what time do teens sleep in school days ?

Im 15, and my parents are the type that dont really give a crap about at what time I go to sleep. I usually go to sleep at 2:00 am and wake up at 7:30, as a result my grades have been suffering, since im always sleepy and energy dead. A random conversation started in my class one day, about at what time people go to sleep, most answered 11.

What time do you sleep on school nights?

And how old are you? Do your parents care about ur sleeping routines? Well i'm sixteen and i usually sleep at 12 to 1. My school starts at 7.30. I wake up at 6'30

What time should I go to sleep?

10 - 11pm would be perfect, you need at least 8 hours of sleep to be fully function able.

At what time do you fall to sleep on a school night? Go to bed?

My mom keeps on telling me once September comes around and I go back to school I'll have to start going to bed at 8 - 9 pm. I currently don't go to bed until around the 11:40 pm - 1:00 am range. I think she's pulling my leg though, just emphasizing.

She'll probably make me go to bed at 9:30 - 10..Even then I don't fall asleep until around 2 am.

I'm curious; What time do you go to bed? If you go to bed late, does it affect you in the morning and afternoon? Affect your schoolwork?

How do you get used to going to bed early after going to bed late for a while (for example when school comes around, since a majority of teens don't go to sleep early during summer break).

Teens! what time do you go to sleep on a school night?

I go around 1-3am, I know it's bad.. Im always tired so I should start sleeping earlier haha.

Anyways teeeens, what time do you all go to sleep when you have school the next day??

Enjoy your day/night!!!! :D

What time should I go to sleep?


A minimum of 10 minutes intense exercise increases adrenalin, lactate, nerve acidity and nitric oxide. This stimulates the production of the growth hormone not only during the exercise period but also during rest periods. Since dehydration reduces the growth hormone production drinking enough water during exercise is important.

Exercise equipment that can aid proper performance of spine and knee exercises for height increase are the door gym, inversion boots and table, ankle weights, weightlifting wrist wraps and the stationary bike. Knee exercises are great to induce growth in people who have crossed the age of vertical growth. Stretching exercises, hanging and sprints are by far the most efficient ways to grow taller naturally.

Proper diet

Carbohydrates and fats deactivate the growth hormones and should be avoided. Fatty foods like burgers and chips lead to obesity and make a person look shorter. Soft drinks, alcohol, junk foods and caffeine hinder growth and should be left out from the diet. Sugar drinks with high phosphorous content can cause calcium excretion through urine and must be avoided.

Adequate sleep

The growth hormone release by the pituitary gland reaches its peak one hour after you sleep at night. Sound sleep for 8-9 hours a day is hence vital for augmenting height. A comfortable mattress and a dark warm room help to induce deep sleep.

Health supplements to induce growth

Personally I took a good growth booster called " HELPO Growth Formula " It helps build up cartilage and bones and increase height. The product allows quicker absorption. It helped me alot to grow taller.

These steps combined with a good posture can go a long way at making you appear and grow taller naturally.

Didn't sleep at all. I have school in 2 hours.?

Its fine sleep is good but you can go without for quite a long time it won't effect you negatively other than being tired and not paying attention in class. Sleep is how your brain processes all the information you took in during the day it sifts through what is important to keep and whats not ( every small detail can't be remembered no point) sleep also helps your body heal from working out. It plays major roles in life but you will be ok. Try going to sleep a little earlier at night.

Should I sleep first or do homework right after school?

I think that everyone should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. So, let's take a look at the schedule:School: 8am - 3pm. During this time, you may have a couple of hours free. You can do whatever you want - from socializing to getting homework done. If you have a "prep" period (or empty period - basically you don't have a class when most of the school does have one), work on homework then. The library or public library is a really good place to get stuff done, and the atmosphere is generally very nice to work in.After school: 3pm - 5pm-ish. This is the time when you just get off of school and you have the option to either socialize with your friends or go do your homework. What I like to do is go to a local coffee shop with a laptop and just work there until I don't feel like doing so, which is roughly somewhere at 5. Then, I go home and try to take a quick nap there.Roughly an hour (or less) later, have dinner, and then continue on working if you have any more work left.Since you're in high school, I suggest you get as much sleep as you possibly can. It's very critical, especially during our age, to get enough sleep so that we don't pass out or fall asleep in class when professors lecture. You may also be driving in the morning / afternoons, so you definitely don't want to sit behind the wheel when you're exhausted.