What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

What can you do if your dog is being attacked by another dog?

My dog was attacked and killed by another dog. She was 13 years old and gentle as a lamb. When it happened, I was totally shocked. Didn't know what to do. I had another smaller dog with me also. The owner came and grabbed his dog, and I cursed him up one side and down the other. My dog died of a stroke a couple days later from the head injuries. I was traumatized for years after that, but continued to walk my two remaining dogs. We encountered many loose dogs. Pepper spray, even bear spray, doesn't always work. For whatever reason, some dogs don't seem to be bothered by it! Bizarre. What I found worked, was to yell “NO! NO! NO!” in the loudest, lowest pitched voice repeatedly. Also, as previously mentioned, place your dog behind you out of reach of the charging dog. Most dogs know what “No” means, and most dogs won't tangle with a human. I now carry protection, but wouldn't use it unless the attack is serious enough to warrant taking the other dog’s life. And yes it entirely the owners fault. Sadly, these owners have very low intelligence and bungle through life like a bull in a china closet.

Can you kill a dog if it attacks you?

Yes, you can kill a dog who attacks you- if you feel your life is in jeopardy, defend yourself and worry about the law later…. most jurisdictions allow self defense. See all the posts about fighting off a police dog for that specific issue.But, can you actually kill the dog?Not without weapons, training and help. Unless it was a mop dog or lap dog, of course, but anything over say 10–12 kg (maybe less) and you are in trouble. Thats how much a staffordshire bull terrier weighs, and although I love staffies, I’ve seen one take a face full of pepper spray and keep attacking, and he was not going to stop unless he was prevented from attacking by some brave soul, who happened to be the SPCA officer with a neck loop. The SPCA guy nearly garrotted that dog before he would stop biting.Dogs attack for various reasons- because they are insanely aggressive, territorial, food-/resource guarding, or feel their breeding rights/pups are threatened. When they attack, unless they have been trained to attack “properly” like a Police dog, they go for the kill, because they assume you will. Unless you know what to do, they will get you before you get them.Most have a bite force strong enough to break bones and tear flesh. They will fight until subdued but you will stop when you are hurt. Other dogs may join in if present.If the dog has been trained to attack people, you’re in serious trouble.Best thing to do is learn to read dog calming signals and tell if a dog is aggressive- and if they are, calmly and quickly go the other way.

What to do if a dog attacks you?

John should, grab a rock, a stick, something to protect himself with, THEN
John should wave his arms wildly, growl, and yell at the dog in a guttural voice, and move threateningly towards the dog. A dog that is stalking John is trying to dominate John, John has to show HE is the dominate one.

If the dog still attacks, John needs to hit it with the stick, whatever he picked up, or just punch it, beat the crap out of it until John can pin its head to the ground, sit on the damn thing, and keep its head immovable, sometimes pinching its nose to cut off air will get them to stop struggling. Whatever, while John has the dog pinned, he needs to scream his head off for help.

If John can get the dog to go submissive, usually they will run away. If it has rabies or something weird (demon possession, as I can't imagine a lab doing this) then that's another story, John will need help.

After years of flower delivery, I have found usually just making yourself more dominant by growling, yelling, and advancing on the dog works, I have only had to pin two dogs, but they NEVER bothered me again!

Do i have the right to hit a dog if it attacks my dog?

ok i have a german shepherd and i always take him for walks and i never feel secure walking my dog sometimes because the neighborhood i live in has a lots of dogs and wat i mean by that is that almost every house has a dog nd wen i walk my dog there are a dogs inside there/fence nd they all look like they were train to attack every dog that they see so let me get to my point one day wen i was walking my dog and another german shepherd saw my dog and it almost jumped over the fence to attack my dog, if it ever jumps over to attack my dog do i have the right to hit the other dog with something to defend my dog??????

Can I legally kill a dog if it attacks me?

You killed the dog that attacked you? Good. But you know how things are today. The idiots are in charge and if enough people end up feeling sorry for "the poor dog," you could get into trouble. The fact that it attacked you first will mean nothing to the half-wits who will accuse you of "a vicious, unprovoked attack on an animal." One thing I've noticed is that these days, you can have all kinds of evidence to support what you're saying, but here's the point: Will the jury listen? Will they pay any attention to your evidence? If they're idiots they won't. If i were you, I'd start a nationwide organization made up of people who've been attacked by dogs and who chose to fight back. Alone you can't do much. Maybe if there are surveillance videos from the cameras you mentioned it could help you, but you need the power of an organization behind you because the animal rights people are not always sane and not always very intelligent. Yes, animals should be well-treated, blah, blah, blah, but when a dog attacks, you have the right to defend yourself. Just be careful how you handle this. "BonScott" said that you can press charges against the owner of the dog if he takes action against you. Might be a good idea ...

What Do You Do During Dog Attack?

if you are in a situation where escape is unlikely, and the owner is not there or unsucsessful at calling off the dog. this technique will get you the least amount of injury and works on most dogs that weight less than you do.

stand facing the dog with your legs slightly bent and your left (if you are right handed) leg forward slightly. hold your right arm out infront of you at shoulder height (your forearm should be guarding your neck, but not on it.) the dog will most likely bite your arm, at this point use all your body wieght and push yourself onto the dog. you will either knock the wind out of it, giving you time to escape, or you will snap its neck.

Please note this is for extreme cases. most dogs will give you a series of warnings before it bites. the warnings are: growling, barking, ears layed back, bared teeth. if you respect these warnings and walk out of the area the dog will likely calm down.

if a dog is following you, it likely just wants to play. most dogs know the phrase "go home" face the dog and in a firm (not scared or angry) tone say "go home" most dogs will leave.

Can I kill the attacking dog if they attack my dog?

Yes, you can. Legally and perhaps morally you’re right. The moral side is only perhaps, because you should only do it if the other dog is definitely dangerous, and not just growling and snapping at your dog.I had dogs for several years, since my early teenage years. I am an experienced trainer. Once we had three and a half German Shepherds, they were a beautiful pack. They were all highly trained, they never even needed a leash for walks. Time to time however, some idiot dog tried to attack my “wolves”. Usually because its owner was also an idiot. If he did nothing to stop his mutt, I didn’t stop the wolves either. The difference was, as I wrote, ours were trained, and not only obedience training. The pack leader was nothing short of the canine equivalent of a martial artist. If the other dog was really dangerous, and this usually meant some douchebag’s pitbull, I often helped my pack and beat the shit out of the attacker. If the douchebag intervened, he came next.You are part of the pack, you are one with them. Your dog would die for you any day. Do appreciate it and try to return at least part of it. If that dog attacks, protect your dog, and if necessary, yes, kill it.I do warn you though, aggressive dogs often have aggressive owners, and you will have to teach him a lesson too. I’d say in 50% of the cases if a dog attacked us, there had to be at least some punches delivered to the owner as well.