What To Do If Your Parents Are Crying About You Growing Up

Have your parents ever told you to stop crying before they give you something to cry about?

Yes. This is something that happens occasionally.My mum was the first person to make me insecure. She said things about my appearance and about who I am. She compared me to everyone who were extraordinary and expected me to be like them or got upset or mad at me for not being like them. She always thinks that thinks that she doesn’t do are wrong.So as I became a teenager, I started taking her insults personally and anything that was a joke or an insult from people in school seriously.As she said things to me and my sisters like “I wanna kill all of you and leave. ” She told me “I didn’t know that I gave birth to someone like you. ” “Get out of this house, I don’t want to live under the same roof as you”(There are things she made me do but I don’t wanna get into detail)There’s also physical stuff but i don’t wanna talk about that.I started getting very distant from my family and like after a year of that change. She wanted to talk to me. My entire family was around me when she started asking questions like why are you like this, why can’t you be normal.How tf did she expect me to open up to her when she was the one who made me like this. How did she expect me to speak when everyone was staring at me.I tried to, but I couldn’t speak, my voice was stuck like if I said a word I would break down full on.But she kept pressuring me and was ready to beat me up so I spoke and broke down. She started screaming at me to stop crying or else she’ll beat me up and never gives me privacy to get myself together.** I know this is literally nothing and I’m being over-dramatic but I just needed to get these things out.

How do deaf parents hear their baby crying? How do they soothe the baby?

It's funny... I never thought to ask this question of my parents and how they handled hearing my sister and I when we were babies. I would think they had the light that alerted them to when we were crying, but then I'm not sure... my mom did used to tell me that she would occasionally sleep next to me and put her arm or leg on the crib while I slept so she would be awakened if I moved around. Kind of makes me sad that it was how she was alerted, but I can't imagine it was always like that. As far as soothing noises go, deaf voices were such a part of my growing up... so they were soothing to me. I just cherish the voices of deaf people. Only a hearing child of deaf parents would truly understand that.

Did you get spankings growing up?

spanking?? i used to get sandles to the face

I cry at the thought of growing up?!?

I cry at the thought of growing up. I turn seventeen this Sunday and I've been constantly crying when I think about growing up. Part of me feels silly for crying but I can't control it and I just break down into tears. I'm to scared to mention it to my parents but I'm tired of crying myself to sleep. What do I do and what could be causing my break downs?

Why do parents cry when their kids go to college?

I was upset because my kid was no longer around all the time. I wasn't upset for the entire school year they were away- like you said you e-mail, call and they come back lol. Sending your child to college though is a BIG step for parents. Your baby if finally leaving to be on their own and it's a proud/upsetting moment in time.
I was upset when my older two left and I'm sure I will be when #3 leaves in Sept. As for crying, I'm not a crier...though I did cry when my oldest left, but only because she began to cry and said, "Stay here with me!" lol.
You'll see when you have your own some day.
Good Luck

Why do mothers cry when their children are growing up?

Because all the big kids you know used to be little kids and you were all so cute and when you were little there was one person who was the center of your world. Can you guess/remember who that was? Yes, it was your mother. While she has enjoyed watching you grow up, The memories of when you all were little are precious. You will understand better when you have kids or even nephews and nieces.

How do parents feel when their children cry ( and are sad)?

Children can cry for any reason - legit or really stupid but as a parent, your heart breaks into thousand pieces every time you see drops of tears in those tiny eyes! You hug them, console them, deviate them and cheer them up to see their bright beautiful smile.Once they grow up, the heart still breaks into a thousand pieces. How do I know? I have never seen my dad crying but when I got married and was finally saying bye to my family, I started crying. The thought of staying away from my parents and sisters was too much for me. There I saw, my dad, standing in the corner and crying! When I was delivering my son, I was in extreme pain. My mum couldn’t bear my pain and seeing me like this, she cried!Parents raise and nurture kids with all their heart and soul - kids are a part of them and when a part of you is hurt, you are hurt!

Why do I always cry when my parents scold me?

Well, I'm this way. I'm just a cryer. My folks were a bit critical when I was growing up and I used to cry like mad whenever we argued. I've always cried in arguments with boyfriends, etc, as well, which is awful because many men believe women do this on purpose to be manipulative. (I don't!!)I also cry when I hear certain kinds of music, at the ending of most every movie, when I see a touching ad, when I think happy or joyful thoughts. When I get good news; when I get bad news. Basically, any emotion north or south of neutral moves me to tears.  I've only recently discovered this trick that sometimes works. I have this spreadsheet on my computer with my household budget on it, and if I sort of call up an image of it in my mind's eye, I get distracted and don't cry. Ha!I guess that doesn't answer your question of why. I've always wondered myself why I am this way, whether it's hereditary or what. Anyway, good luck, and just know that you're not the only one!