What To Do When People Put You In A Bad Mood Daily

What do you do to boost your mood when you're having a bad day?

What do you do to boost your mood when you're having a bad day?A bad day usually means I’m going through a depressed time. Nothing specific causes it, but it’s a feeling of worthlessness. How I deal with it is by doing almost equally worthless things:I watch YouTube. I like these young adults who’ve made a business out of finding abandoned buildings and filming tours through them. They’ve literally been abandoned but often with all furnishings and fascinating items left behind for many years. I can mull quietly over the possible reasons anyone would leave their property and contents and simply walk away. The question and the fascination take my mind off the depression.There are also “National Enquirer” type features on YouTube I like to veg out on; they put things into perspective, make me see there are people weirder and who have odd problems, like hoarding and being 500 pounds and living with a medical condition that’s not only rare but visually disturbing. When I’m depressed, I get off on that sort of thing.I have a room that’s half beads and bead accessories, the other half magazine ads and covers, mats, other supplies for the day when I’ll never start up the paper business again. But the beads - I can sit on the floor with my dog, Anna, nearby and sort out what jewelry pieces I took apart and threw all the components into one big container. That can keep me busy for an open-ended amount of time. Like months - okay, years then.As someone else said, I might turn on some good old rock music, especially Southern rock. Let it fill up the house and the townhouse neighbors be damned. Their late night arguments balance things out, anyway.I play MahJong. Lots of it.I scour the Internet for oddball stuff, for writing ideas, or enter the genealogy sites and continue trying to find more concrete history on my grandfather, bless his womanizing, sheep-shearing, state-hopping ass - er, heart.I might make pudding.Definitely, on those days, I turn on the electric blanket and take a long nap with Anna.Luxury needed; luxury found. This too shall pass. Darn it.

Why do black people always seem to be in bad moods?

When I go to public places and I see black people, but I never see them smiling or happy. They always have a frown in their forehead as if they were mad at the world. The other day this black lady was behind me in line at a grocery store and I gave her a smile and she rolled her eyes at me and turned away. why is this?

Why does my mom always in a bad mood?

I get tired of mom my always putting everyone in a bad mood. I have an older sister and my mom always picks little fights and arguments with her which becomes extremely annoying (this is daily). I feel that im always walking on egg shells not knowing if what im about to say next will piss her off. She is also very bitchy when people aren't around (i.e. As soon as someone leaves the room she begins to ***** about them and the worse thing is she begins repeating her self 10x and always says negative stuff about people that she actually does herself without realising). My family is well off with money but she still always seems to stress about EVERYTHING even things like what will happen in the future. I also get nervous when knowing she is in a bad mood when I get home from school, etc

Please help because its becoming very annoying and old. When she is in a good mood she is nice but as soon as someone does something she doesn't like she gets very angry. Why does she do this is, is it stress? or she finds it entertaining cause she doesn't have an interest in anything else?

School just puts me in a bad mood?

and ive tried taking positive approaches i have two classes that i love one is a wood working shop class and the other is an outdoor rec class so we do anything related with out doors like right now we are learning about winter survival and learning how to make snow forts and i really like these classes and i really like forward to them ...
then i have two classes that i really hate spanish and english class just because i hate the teachers with a passion then the rest of my classes are ok they arent fun or interesting but they arent horrible

ive went and talked with my school councelor and she doesnt even help me she pretty much tells me to suck it up and get over it... if i ever saw that woman broken down on the side of the road im driving by i dont care about her

Is drinking half a bottle of vodka every day bad?

You are right only alcoholics go to meetings. A half a bottle everyday is a lot of alcohol. But no one can predict what will be tomorrow. I do suggest you take 2 or 3 days off each week from the drinking.

Does puberty cause bad breath,body odor,and mood swings?

Your body is changing, as you know. You will start to sweat more so you must bath more often and use deodorant. You will also have hair grow in many more places on your body, including your face.
Bad breath, on the other hand, is not associated with puberty. The major cause of bad breath is the top of the tongue where bacteria produce those bad smells. Brush your teeth and then clean the top of your tongue. I use OraBrush tongue cleaner because it cleans the back of the tongue. I have used it for 6 months With great results.
Now that you are becoming interested in girls you will want to have fresh breath so you do not offend other people.