What To Say When You Don

What does it mean when a girl says "You don't have to" when you offer something to her?

Pretty much.. she's telling you that you shouldn't have.. meaning that you didnt have to buy her anything.. like it wasnt manditory lol
wat you could say.. is "I know.. but I wanted to.."

What do you say when someone says "I miss you," but you don't miss them back?

What do you say when someone says "I miss you" and you don't miss him/her?It really depends on who it is. If it’s someone you love who is in your life for good but is just more emotional than you, it doesn’t hurt to say I miss you too even though you might not experience separation in the same way they do.If it’s someone you like but don’t want to see more of in your life, I’d make a friendly joke of it. ‘Oh, you sweet talker, you!’ or ‘You say the sweetest things!’If it’s someone you actively don’t want in your life - someone you broke up with but have seen to return keys or some such - just smile sadly.If it’s someone you don’t mind being a bit mean to because maybe they’ve been a bit mean to you in the past, you could say, ‘We’ll always have Woollongong.’Only Australians will really get that last bit.

How do you say sorry when you don’t mean it?

"It won't happen again, I'm very sorry.""How awful, you have my condolences.""Is there anything I can do for you?""I'm so sorry, I'll do better to avoid this next time.""Please, allow me to help, it's the least I can do.""I'm sorry."They're words, whether you mean them or not. It goes a long ways on both ends. You don't have to feel apologetic, but people often search for the reassurance in that situation. Actions are just as important if you are at fault. Do what's necessary to convey some sort of support so that you can get the situation over with.Good luck.

Why do you have to say you don't own a a song when you put it on youtube and can youtube still take it down?

I posted Don't Forget by Demi Lovato with Lyrics and said "I don't own anything!" Which is what most people do to keep the video from being removed. Now youtube is telling me that it is still available world wide but could be removed. It says the audio could be owned or licensed by someone else. What did I do wrong and why are they threatening to take my video down?
If you need to see it to answer these questions my user name on youtube is heysam22
Thanks! :)

What do you say when friends invite you out and you don't want to go?

• If your parents still ground u- I’m grounded (for not going to a family thing, doing chores, using your phone when u weren’t suppose to, for being late to school, missing school, etc.)• I have a bad migraine• I have homework or I have to work at my job• My mom (or sibling or dad) wants to spend time with me and I don’t get this chance often• I’m sorry I hanging with other friends tonight• I have to go to this family thing• if ur a girl say your getting bad cramps of bad PMS and you don’t want to be around anyone• you have to babysit sibling (or cousin or whoever)• If u have a bf or gf say ur with them• This weeks been a long week (with school, work or whatever) and you need to rest• your blank is sick and I need to help them• or frankly you just don’t want to hang out you want personal time

Why does she always say "You don't love me"?


From your perspective, you get up everyday and work like a dog to provide her a life that allows her to be happy and full of choices. For you, that daily sacrifice is the grandest display of love you can offer.

From your wife's perspective, she wants something more simpler probably. things like saying you love her once and a while, or some romantic gesture out of the blue.

Its really easy for people to overlook the things we do for love, becuase people tend to forget the DAILY displays of love. they just tend to take that for its just routine out of the day.

People are stupid that way in my opinion.

I suggest making it a point once a week to do something romantic for your wife's effects at home. It doesn't have to be big. Just something that says you are thinking about her.

It could be flowers or just a "I'm thinking about you" email. It just has to be ANYTHING.

Trust me. A little token of affection is cheaper than divorce costs.

What to say when people say "You don't need makeup."?

I hate when people say that. Makeup is not for "ugly people".

I personally am not ugly without makeup, but I look a lot better with it.

If applied properly, makeup enhances one's NATURAL beauty. Some people just don't have an appreciation for it.

The next time someone says, "you don't need makeup", just say "Thanks, but I prefer to wear it" and leave it at that. You offer them no further explanation.

How do you say you don't like or love her anymore?

When you know  it is the truth you just tell her. Something like: Anna, I have been thinking about life  a lot lately. You know like what will I do or where will I be in 5 years, my career and of course my heart. Then it really hit me, somewhere along our path together I learned I do not love you like I know I should at this point in our relationship. I don't think it is something that will ever come, so we should completely move on separately. Think about it;  it wouldn't be fair to either of us if I continued on with us without telling you what has happened inside of me. I am sorry if this hurts you or seems sudden, but I know it will be best for us to break up. I hope you have a terrific life and maybe we'll run into one another from time to time as friendship isn't even an option for me.  Then you decide if you want to give her constructive criticism on reasons you stopped liking and realized you had no love for her and never would. Best of luck

What do you say when you don’t want to tell someone something personal?

Original Question: What do you say when you don’t want to tell someone something personal?There’s not enough context in your question to answer this properly, but I’ll put out a few thoughts.Situation: Someone has asked you a personal question in a social setting.The appropriate response is, “I’d rather not say.” One needs to answer in such a way that there is no question about your stance, civilly but sternly. Almost as important is to not waffle on your opinion, no matter how much one is pestered for an answer. If you do end up relenting and answering the personal question, that’s a choice you’ve made, and to be frank, you’ve wasted everyone’s time by hemming and hawing just to ultimately give in to the asker.Situation: In a professional situation, such as a job interview, someone has asked you a personal question, and your answer might have a consequence in your professional life.Federal laws (including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act) are explicit with respect to what’s allowable in an in job interviews. If an illegal question is asked and you don’t want to answer it, I would recommend avoiding the question and bringing the conversation back to your work qualifications. Do note, however, that some questions are fully allowed. For example, if asked if you’ve been convicted of any felonies, you must answer truthfully.Situation: You are in a personal relationship and have personal history that may be significant.Perhaps some casual friends are planning a Las Vegas weekend, but unbeknownst to them, you’re a gambling addict. Or a personal relationship is developing, but you have in your work history “exotic dancer” on your resume. Or perhaps a conversation has come up around parenting, and you gave up a child for adoption when you were in high school. Ultimately, I would disclose the information if I thought there’d be a long-term impact or if not disclosing might lead to something more disastrous. Not everything is everyone’s business, but sometimes some sharing some information does matter, even if we might convince ourselves it doesn’t.