What To Use For Dry Eye Condition

Can over sleeping cause dry eye syndrome?

i've been told i have dry eye syndrome and i've noticed that whenever i get into a bad sleeping pattern (sleeping for 10 hours +) the problem is amplified has anyone ever linked the 2 things together? has anyone else experienced this?

Is there a home remedy I could use for dry eyes?

here's what i found:

How do i get rid of dry eyes?

Go see an optometrist who works in dry eye treatment and can have a close look at things. There are many different potential causes of those symptoms and unless the right thing or things are addressed properly, you will not find relief.For example, there can be blepharitis, caused by a mite Demodex, ocular allergies, dry eye syndrome due to meibomian gland dysfunction or due to reduced aqueous tear production, or a combination of any or all of the above.Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that requires daily habits on your part and periodic management in office. You can find practioners who work on restoring the natural function of your eyelids and tearfilm as opposed to short term measures that may mask symptoms but do not make fundamental changes to the condition.

Dry, itchy, sore eyes.?

My eyes are constantly itchy and sore. they are red, however i have tried chloraphenicol in the dosage as prescribed. I have also tried an anti hystimine which does not help either. Some days are better than others. My optician beleives i may have dry eye condition which i currently use liposic eye gel. this helps on the short term, however after about 10 mins they are sore again.

has anyone got any idea how to permenantly cure this? i am thinking of booking an appointment with a doctor but am waiting to be registered in one.


Best cure for dry eyes?

Dry eye is really a whole body condition that affects your eyes. Nutrition is really important and there are several different vitamins and supplements that you can take to improve the condition. Eat lots of leafy green veggies and drink lots of water. Cut back on sugar and artificial sweeteners. Avoid smoking and coffee.

I found a lot of information about diet and specific drops to take here:

Be very careful about the drops that you take and be sure that they do not contain preservatives because they can actually make the condition worse.

Restasis or other prescription drops for Chronic Dry Eye?

I'm a 32 year old female in good health. I developed a chronic dry eye condition several months ago. I do not wear contacts and I have not had laser eye surgery. I do not live in a dry climate, have not moved to a new location recently, changed my lifestyle in anyway, or smoke anything. I eat well, take vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fish oil, drink lots of water and exercise regularly. My condition began with difficulty opening my eyes after sleeping (no eye crust like with pink eye - they just wouldn't open) and severe sensitivity to light. It then progressed to constant pain, burning, and itching. I have been using over the counter eye drops such as preservative free Thera Tears. They help a lot but they don't last very long. I need more that just a couple of drops like they recommend and use the drops quite often through out the day. The cheap eye drops don't work well and are not safe especially since I need so much - my eyes are extremely dry. I go through the drops quickly and it is becoming expensive. I plan on asking my doctor for a prescription for Restasis or anything he recommends. I know Restasis is expensive but my insurance will cover most of it. I also think I won't have to use more drops than prescribed (which I know I shouldn't do) if it works well and since Restasis is supposed to make you produce more of your own tears instead of lubricant drops that just dry up. Before I ask my doctor to do a tear production test and ask about Restasis or anything he recommends, I was wondering if anyone has used or uses Restasis or any prescription eye drops that work well for them. Please do not leave links to websites to tell me what dry eye is or what Restasis is as I already know. I want to know from your personal experience what has worked or not worked for you. Thank You. I appreciate your help.