What Type Of Chemical Reaction Is This

What type of chemical reaction ?

Chemical reactions have the same numbers and kinds of atoms on each side. These do not. Every element gets a capital letter.

2NaBr + Ca(OH)2--->NaOH + CaBr2, double replacement

3Pb+ 2H3PO4---> 3H2 + Pb3(PO4)2, single replacement

Li3N +3 NH4NO3--->3 LiNO3 +( NH4)3N, double displacement

These do not work until you have the proper formulas for the reactants and products. Now, they may or may not occur.

What types of chemical reactions produce CO2?

CO2 that is sold commercially comes from 3 primary sources, it is not generally “produced” but is rather a byproduct of other processes.Petroleum processing: During the manufacture of a variety of petroleum products, raw oil is “cracked” a process in which the hydrocarbon molecules are broken down in to shorter hydrocarbons that we can use. The oil is changed from a nasty black sludge to everything from diesel fuel to gasoline, to solvents and other gases that are commercially used. All of these are just hydrocarbons of different molecular weights. This cracking process breaks up the large molecules to smaller ones and liberates CO2, which is literally captured, compressed, and shipped via truck to points of sale.Fermentation: Carbohydrates are digested by yeast or bacteria for energy, the goal of the fermentation is alcohol but once again the CO2 is a byproduct. It is captured, compressed and shipped to someone who will pay for the CO2.Naturally occurring CO2 is also drawn from wells. The US has vast amounts of naturally occurring CO2 underground in New Mexico and West Texas.There are places in the world in which there is little industry that produces CO2 as a byproduct. The cost of shipping CO2 to these places is substantial, so it is generated locally by burning gases like propane or butane. This CO2 is often used for consumer demanded products like beer and soda carbonation and for manufacturing dry ice.

What type of chemical reaction is Cu + 2HCl --> CuCl2 + H2?

It is a single replacement since one element takes out the other. Cu take out the H and replaces itself. Since one element has changed it is a single replacement.

What type of chemical reaction is likely to take place between a metal and a salt solution?

A displacement reaction. A more reactive metal can displace a less reactive one.

Eg Fe + CuSO4 ---> Cu = FeSO4

What type of chemical reaction is the rusting of iron?

This question was in a test--no multiple choice-- and i'm not sure whether i should have put down corrosion or combination. Which one would have been the more appropriate answer?