What Type Of Job Can Someone Get To Not Have To Deal With Too Many People

Why are people so mean and rude to cashiers?

I've been working as a cashier for 2 months now and I can't believe how mean people can be. Yestreday I felt like quitting because it was one of those days where everything goes wrong. I always try to be nice to people not because it's my job but because it's the right thing to do. One lady was talking on the phone the whole time and when I told her her total she kept looking at me and talking on the phone and after 5 minutes she had the nerve to tell the person on the phone "I didn't hear her say anything, she has a soft voice" like I was not there. The assistant manager was right there bagging her stuff and didn't say anything. I know they have to respect the customer but usually the customers don't respect anyone. I hate when people put their baskets on the belt and expect me to take their stuff out. People will argue with me over it like it's my job to do it. Even though there are moments when I feel like crying I still love my job.

What kind of jobs can mentally ill people do?

More than many people think! If well controlled with medications, then the sky could be the limit. My husband is bipolar, got the help he needed and works as an architect. He is very accomplished.

Google "famous bipolar people" for a big surprise, in fact. It gives you names like Leonardo da Vinci to think about.

I need a job but I hate to work. I hate people and socializing. What should I do?

You "hate work," "hate people," and "hate socializing." Let's figure this out here.What do you do in your free time? Do you read? Play computer games? Go running? Go driving? Post answers on Quora? There has to be something that you enjoy doing. You've probably had some bad experiences working in the past doing things that you didn't like in situations that didn't motivate you. I don't think that means that you would hate all work. There are people that enjoy solving problems or sitting in offices all day, but there are also people that enjoy being lumberjacks or camp counselors or truck drivers. It's a large world out there. Don't limit yourself to what you can find locally.What don't you like in people? You probably don't hate everyone. Certainly there are certain types of people that you could get along with, or at least tolerate. What are your friends like? Working with the same people on a daily basis is very different from dealing with the general population in a customer service position, for example.You hate socializing. That might not be as much of a problem as you think. There are many people who are introverted and aren't comfortable in large groups of people, but they're fine with close friends and around people that they know well.Answer the first question, and you'll be most of the way toward figuring out what you should do. Figure out the second question, and that will help you determine what you can tolerate. And accept the fact that you hate socializing, because that's something that's tough to change.

Why do some people take their jobs so seriously???

I work at a low paying job just to pay for college. Most of the people I work with are cool, but 2 of them take the job so ******* seriously. Everyone hates them. They act like the world is going to end if they don't do everything perfectly. They spend all day watching over everyones shoulders and they wont **** off. The job is just not that important. If they quit, they will just hire someone else. Anyone else have to put up with this bullshit????

What is a good job for someone with severe social anxiety?

You could always try your hand at cooking. As a cook, which there is a line cook, a short order cook, a prep cook, only have to deal with certain familiar people. The other employees. If you work in a small place like a mom and pop restaurant it is even easier as the employee list is even shorter than in chain restaurants.

Why not try an internet job, such as proofing websites or things of this nature. Research is also a good job for those who don't like to leave their homes. You can research on the web or go to a library and lose yourself in the columns of books.

Many places have jobs that are "behind the scenes" so to speak. Call some up and ask if there are any jobs available that do not require contact with the general public. the worst that can happen is that they will say NO and you will have to cross that employer off of your list. A night janitor in some offices would be ideal to ask about.

Is a Daycare job good for someone with social anxiety?

There are two types of daycare jobs. One is senior daycare and the other is children daycare. Both day care jobs can be very stressing at times in their own category of taking care of others. Seniors are more demanding than the children but the children can be really drive you up the walls with the screaming, running around and worst some kids can be awful and can file a complain against you when you are actually trying to protect them from falling etc by gently touching them could lead to them telling their parents you hit them. Both seniors and children are proclivity to tantrums, falling, accidents even social anxiety etc..You need to interact from your daycare director, coworkers and of course the family of the seniors and parents of the children like parents/teachers conference on their performance, interaction skills, communication skills, etc. In my opinion, not necessary that you should follow, is working with computers. You command the computers, program it and they will follow diligently. Depending on the different areas of computer technology etc you can choose the one computer programming or sciences that will alleviate your degree of stress and anxiety *