What Type Of Non-fish Pet S Can I Keep In A 10 Gallon Aquarium

What type of non-fish pet(s) can I keep in a 10 gallon aquarium?

I have a 10 gallon aquarium that had fish in it. I upgraded the fish to a 30 gallon tank and now that the smaller tank is empty I want to put something in it. Since I have fish already I'm looking for some non-fish suggestions

How many goldfish can you put in a 10 gallon aquarium?

.....jennie, everyone who starts keeping fish uses a 10 gallon tank at some point...and would like to keep more and more fish

.....temptation rules in this hobby

....goldfish have two things they do really well, (1) grow up fast and (2) make a lot of ammonia a 10 gallon set-up use fewer fish and more decorations is a chance to really work with various deocratiing concepts on a smaller scale (then you can apply those later once you decide to buy a 55 or 100 gallon set-up)

....probably TWO FANTAILS is the most 'gold fish' to get (personally i believe 'comets' produce much more ammonia and grow faster than 'fantails)

....use a water filter....and also use live plants, like mondo grass (the stuff from the lawn and garden of Wal-Mart) outside your house, at the faucet, wash all the dirt off the roots and then plant it right in the tank
and also use some corkscrew vallisneria (grows up to 10" and is a nice taller-grassy-type of plant
...grassy plants eat more ammonia
....those can be planted right into the gravel you choose to use
...the filter and plants help eat ammonia should plan to change 25% to 30% of the tank water every 10 to 15 days (if a 'sulphur-type' odor ever begins to occur, change water more frequently)
....use a dechlorinating product known as 'Prime', half-a-cap full for each 5 gallons of tap water

.....that's all you need

EDIT#1: you will read alot of obsessive compulsive type of answers about keeping 2 little goldfish in a 10 gallon tank might even surmise that some of the 'fish keepers' represented here never ever had a 10 gallon tank and never really ever had their 'first tanks',
.....but, do not be dismayed
...if your little fish grow too big, in a year or two, then get a bigger tank.....or trade the goldfish to someone else
....for now, the main thing is to make yourself happy and your tank pretty

What fish I can keep in a 2 gallon tank?

This is too small really. The smallest tank made for fish is a 2.5 , I’ve never seen a 2 gallon aquarium though. And unfortunately this size would not be good for shrimp at all. Shrimp do not like fluctuations and unfortunately a simple water change in a tank that small would be detrimental to the safety of the shrimp.If you haven’t already gotten the 2 gallon, you can find the 2.5 gallon in a pet store like PetSmart or Petco. And then, there are a few choices you can go with… I’ve got one 2.5 gallon aquarium with 2 regular sized Corydoras, one with 6 Dwarf Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras Habrosus/Salt n Pepper Corys with a sand substrate), and one with a female Betta (the longer fins of the male would make the 2.5 gallon aquariums a little too small I think because they are only about 8 inches high). There’s not too many other choices I’d go with. The tanks have a lid you can get for it which you would probably want. Hope this all helped.Good luck!

Can I keep two elephant nose fish in a 10 gallon aquarium?

i bought them yesterday and they are alone in a 10 gallon aquarium. the lady at the pet store said that a 10 gallon is big enough. she also said that she wasn't sure how big they get. she was an idiot. i got home and researched them and it looks like they can get to be 9 inches each.
i don't have the money or the space to get anything larger than 10 gallons. they are only about 3 or 4 inches long now and have plenty of space. with they adapt to the aquarium and not grow much larger?

should i just wait and let time decide if I should get a bigger aquarium?


What type of fish can live in a one gallon tank?

Unfortunately there are no fish that can live in a one gallon “tank.” Really, the smallest tank available is a 2.5 gallon aquarium. I have several. And I have several of those really tiny tropical aquarium species of fish that are considered nano fish. There are absolutely no nano fish that are appropriate for that size. I don’t want to discourage you from fish keeping, but I tell you tat based on a significant amount of research and many years of fish keeping. What you can keep in a one gallon bowl, assuming you have a heater and sponge filter, are dwarf shrimp, specifically Red Cherry Shrimp. I believe you can have something like 15 in a gallon. But, keep in mind that if you establish a good breeding colony you will need more space.Also, as shrimp are the only option regarding the space of a one gallon bowl, you may not be able to keep them as shrimp require very stable water parameters. And the smaller the body of water the harder it will be to keep stable parameters. Temp will probably be the most difficult to keep. I believe I have some of the lowest wattage heaters there are and they are too much when summer weather hits (mid-Atlantic region of the United States) in my 2.5 gallons. It’s just such a small amt of water. Unless you live in a verry stable tropical climate. Sorry, but opt for a small 2.5 gallon, a 10 watt heater, and a tiny sponge filter and you could have a Betta fish.

Aquatic pets besides fish for 10 gallon tank?

I was going to get a certain fish but my fish store is lazy and liveaquaria doesn't sell anything I want or am interested in. Why not something that's not a fish but needs water? I have a little bit of marine salt in it already, but I have a few questions

-what kind of turtle could live in it if any?

Actually that's it but all ideas are accepted thank you

What can I keep in a 5 gallon tank? It doesn't have to be a fish, are there any invertebrates or other non aquatic animals that would be suitable?

May I suggest a pet Moss Ball? Specifically Marimo Moss Balls?They are like a living “pet-rock” underwater and are calming to look at while slow growing. They live for decades and can be divided to make more, or allowed to grow huge and passed down to relatives and friends :)Here is a video presentation I made about the Marimo Moss Balls… which really are composed of algae. Your 5 gl tank would be perfect for them!

Can I keep 2 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank?

You have had some really opinionated and negative responses! I keep a quarantine tank for my other tanks and I keep it cycling with goldfish. I have two 6 inch goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. I clean the filter and do a water change regularly. They have lived for over 5 years. If you really want to be accurate, no tank-kept tropical fish would be less than happy in anything smaller than an entire lake or river to live in. We (fish enthusiasts) are keeping animals in environments MUCH smaller than what nature intended. Our goal is to keep them for our enjoyment in a manner that allows them to be a happy as possible and healthy. IF YOU TAKE CARE OF THEM, your fish will do fine in a 10 gallon aquarium.

What pets can thrive in a 10 gallon tank?

I see you like invertebrates.Fret not, for such a tank can become a great freshwater invert haven!With some low-maintenance aquatic plants, a sponge filter and appropiate dark substrate, it’s also an inexpensive setup. Well, except for some of its possible inhabitants.You’ll utility need snails, like:Physa acutaMelanoides sp (tuberculata or maculata; you won’t see them most of the time, anyway)PlanorbariusWell, these are the dull ones, your just-in-case clean-up crew.Then there are more interesting snails, like apple snails, which come in a variety of colour morphs:And, the Sulawesi snails, Tylomelania sp.:and many more.Nerite snails are also an option:But snails… they are slow (heh, you haven’t kept Physas, have you?) and boring right?They are but the sideshow. The main inhabitants of your tank will be… crustaceans!My personal favourite are shrimp. Youc an start with cheap and hardy ones, like red cherry:And they also have some amazing colour morphs, like these:And many more.The other option are the fancier, yet more expensive and delicate, Caridina:You can house hundreds of these shrimp in your 10 gallon tank, in addition to the snails. How cool is that?But say, you prefer slightly bigger things. Well, you still find fancy dwarf crayfish:These however need a more careful setup with at least one hiding place for each individual, and they may kill each other or try to go after the snails if underfed.The shrimp tank, once cycled and properly setup, is almost maintenance-less: a small water change every week or two, some feeding once or twice a week, and you’re set. You’ll be looking for people to receive your shrimp babies in no time (because they breed like crazy if they are happy, but don’t worry, they won’t overpopulate to death the tank, like what can happen with some livebearer fish). Many people just sell the excess shrimp.So instead of a single pet, you can have a whole pet ecosystem! With hundreds of small colourful shrimp swimming around doing their business, and the bigger and peaceful snails contrasting with them.You may even get bored of your mantis, in comparison…

How many koi fish in a 10 gallon tank?

Koi are really meant for a large fish pond, not even one will grow to full size in a ten gallon tank, but you can keep them there for maybe a couple of months, even longer and you risk stunting them, while, maybe preparing to make an outdoor pond or a bigger aquarium(a lot bigger). Don't want to discourage you but it's for the fish' health. Good luck!