What Was Cnn Thinking

Do you think CNN is fake news?

The 2016 Milwaukee RiotsIn August 2016 Sylville Smith was the victim of an officer’s bullet, and Milwaukee quickly became ground zero in a series of riots. CNN was on the scene to keep their viewers up to date. They were able to capture footage of smith’s sister begging her community to end their violence . However, instead of showing viewers the real footage, they showed an edited version of her plea. They completely forgot to add the part on the end when she tells the rioters to bring the violence to the suburbs.Hands up, don’t shoot!In August 2014, Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. The details surrounding the case were unclear at the time, but that didn’t stop CNN from promoting their narrative. Some anchors at CNN went on the air and put their hands up as a symbol against police brutality. The only problem is, “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened.WikileaksIn March 2016, Wikileaks released thousands of emails that were sent and received through Hillary Clinton’s private server. (For those who don’t know, Wikileaks is an organization that publishes secret information, in an attempt to make the public more aware of corruption.) Anyway, when Chris Cuomo went on the air to share the information that he obtained from Wikileaks, Cuomo told viewers it is illegal for anyone outside of the media to see those emails. Cuomo lied to the public.Those are a few of my favorite examples of CNN being dishonest and misleading.So, is CNN Fake News? No.Does CNN have a massive bias? Absolutely.Does CNN rush to conclusions without facts? Of course.Do some news stories end up false? Yes.Are they really “The most trusted name in news”? Hell no.

What do Americans think about CNN? What do they think about Fareed Zakaria, who is trying to do a postmortem on the election with his program “GPS : Why Trump Won”?

Almost all of the comments here are negative and I suspect they come from Trump supporters. In reality CNN is fairly reliable and objective compared to, say, Fox News, which is pretty much a right-leaning organization more interested in conservative punditry than news.As one poster noted, CNN frequently analyzes stories by having analysts from both ends of the political spectrum commenting and though at times this can get annoying it does allow the viewer to look at both sides of an issue.Pay no attention to who the conspiracy theories about is married to who and where they used to work. It is nothing more than a distraction. CNN’s coverage of the Trump administration has been, for the most part, pretty accurate. Inane, unsupported arguments by Trump surrogates do not go unchallenged and for those who think Trump can do no wrong, this is falsely characterized as liberal bias.Personally, I believe Fareed Zakaria is very good at what he does. He is very knowledgeable in world affairs and always appears to be scrupulous in his reporting. His recent special on Trump was objective and informative.If I want objective, unbiased reporting on world news I go to CNN. I don’t want or need the obsequious, fawning praise of Trump that the uninformed call the news as reported by Fox.

What was Joe Jackson thinking?

What an old softy that guy must be.

Is the free thinking mind the greatest threat to the state?

As we become increasingly indoctrinated to the views of CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, and other outlets. There leaves no room to those who oppose the mainstream media. Either you believe in one view or the other, they leave us with no option to think for our selves.

I believe the whole idea of mass media is propaganda, it is a form of mind control. If a powerful person wants us to think a certain way, what do they do? they go on some BS news show or hold a BS press conference and try to tell people what they should think (Presidents included).

But they will never lay out the accurate facts and let you make what you will of them, they simply tell you what to think. They insult our intelligence however boldly or subtly. But there are too many people who buy into it.

People hear something and say "oh yeah" that's what I believe, without giving it a second thought. They go nuts whether it be right or left, But nobody questions the media and the way they spin facts.

Am I the only one that thinks this way...?

What do Jeffrey Lord's colleagues think of him on CNN?

They probably aren’t as upset about him as you or I might be, because they understand the reason he is there. Mr. Lord is a conservative provocateur— a paid commentator who was specifically hired to praise and defend Donald Trump. CNN also has hired Democratic and liberal commentators (also paid), and their role is the polar opposite— to be critical of Mr. Trump. While CNN is a news network, and its reporters are supposed to be neutral, it does hire commentators to represent particular points of view.Everyone on the set with Mr. Lord totally understands his role, as they understand their own. Thus, as annoying as his opinions might be to viewers who dislike Mr. Trump, people who are experienced with cable news realize that “point/counterpoint” is a strategy that inspires controversy and creates heated discussions (which is good for ratings). Mr. Lord may actually be a very nice person (I’ve never met him, so I cannot say); but once the cameras are on him, he plays his role well. And his CNN colleagues are probably not shocked by anything he says— since they know what he is there to accomplish.

What do people who live outside the US think of CNN?

As a Chinese Canadian working in United States, I view CNN as the boy who cried wolf.CNN and other mainstream media discredited themselves so much that when they actually tries to speak the truth, many people no longer believe them.Their biased and sometimes forged photos were directly responsible for the rise of new Chinese nationalism in 2009.April Media - WikipediaKarma

Why do people think Fox News is biased?

So CNN and MSNBC are not? All I ever hear is people complaining about how biased fox is and how CNN and other networks are not. Do they have a blindfold on? I mean look how liberal networks such as CNN are, and especially MSNBC. I can understand why people would call Fox's prime time biased such as Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc, but its news? Come on now. If you think it's biased, please explain to me logically why you believe it is and with evidence supporting your claims. Thank you, and keep it civil please.

What do CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post journalists feel about President Trump calling them fake news?

Trump can keep calling them fake news or whatever else.The truth is we are witnessing a renaissance for print journalism ever since Trump took office. There has been some remarkable reporting in the past year from outlets like NY Times and Washington Post along with others.Not since the Watergate era has the press been more appreciated and playing a vital role in bringing people the truth and keeping them informed. The last year has proven to be a bonanza for journalists and people are really appreciating the role of a free press in a democracy.NYT, WaPO, The Atlantic et al have brought some phenomenal journalism in the past year and people are actually subscribing a lot to online newspapers like NYT & WaPo in the past year and believe it or not, it needs the support really badly.Trump has been a boon for two categories of people….journalists and stand-up comedians.I don’t think the real journalists care what Trump thinks of them and they are going to keep reporting the truth as and when they get them. It hasn’t worked in Trump’s favor at all for the past year and without a free press to blow the whistle, we would all be in the dark.Kudos to all the journalists who try their best to bring the truth to people.Edited to Add (29-Jan-2018):I didn’t mean to miss out mentioning other outlets besides NYT & Washington Post. There has been excellent journalism from other outlets as well like the NewYorker, Vanity Fair, CNN(yes, the fake news CNN), NBC News, Yahoo News (Michael Isikoff in particular), NY Daily news, ProPublica, Axios, McClatchy, WSJ, Bloomberg, The Guardian, The Independent et al.Special shout out to all the investigative journalists in these outlets who go the extra mile to bring some excellent journalism and stopping democracy from dying in the dark and keeping people informed.