What Were The Obstacles For Henry Iv Of France

What were the obstacles for Henry IV of France?

Henry IV was the first Bourbon King and a Protestant,, so the Catholic Church and the nobility would not allow him to become king. The only way the Church would allow it is he had to become Cathoilc, which he did. But even then a large number of the nobility refused to take the oath of fealty to him. He fought several civil wars with the nobility over the issue. Eventually he was assassinated simply because he was once a Protestant.

How did Henry IV lay the foundations for absolutism in france and how effective do you think he was?

" absolutism: “Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right” (Spiel.4thEd. 427)."
His conversion to Catholicism in 1593 re-established a catholic king on the throne, and the fact that he was the legitimate heir to the throne. He centralize the power of the monarch, and in such removed the influence of the nobles (nobility) as it was before he took the throne.
He was very successful in ending the war (such as with "The signing of the Edict of Nantes in 1598 "which" effectively ended the wars") And restore social hope for the masses.
"His Absolute Power resulted from several developments:...
he controlled religion...
he no longer even consulted with the aristocracy for advice...
he used the middle class for operation of government...
tax collection was not in the control of the nobles but the king’s own men called intendants..."

How do Henry IV(France) and Elizabeth I(England) compare in how they came into power and maintained power?

Not at all.

Elizabeth succeeded peacefully, retaining her Protestant religion and having the support of most of the population and senior nobility.

Henri had to win the Wars of Religion in France and convert to Catholicism to gain popular and aristocratic support as king.

How did Louis XIV centralize France? How did he gain the power to completely revolutionize what had been a feudal state before?

Louis XIV was an abominable butcher and dictator. This is my overall opinion, although I do roughly agree with many of the compliments one usually offers to that monarch. However one tends to omit important dimensions of Louis XIV’s reign. Once one integrates them, the resulting overall mood is different.Louis XIV was imprinted by the Fronde and his arrogant mother: “Monsieur, nous ne sommes pas en République” did she say to the head of the Paris Parliament (“Sir, weren’t in a republic”)Louis XIV exhibited a first clear case of misbehaving when he cancelled the inquiry in the Affaires des Poisons, when it implicated his de facto second wife (“mistress”). He threw the whole file in the fire.He also decided not to consult with the People anymore (“Etats Generaux”), and cancelled consulting with Parliaments. Louis XVI would go back to these, a century later, but, by then, it was too late, after a century of autocracy.The major disaster of Louis atrocious rule was the “Revocation de l’Edit de Nantes”, an edict of his grandfather making possible the life of Protestants in mostly Catholic France. The Revocation made life impossible for two million Protestants in France (10% of the population, often the most gifted). Most of them left, weakening France, and storing fuel for wars against Louis XIV, that is France. The result was the (world war) of the Spanish Succession, which ravaged Europe. That brought more than 1.2 million killed, a high percentage of the european population, and France lost sizable territory.The admiration of the all too many French for Louis XIV is just as immoral and demented as the admiration for Napoleon (who stole the revolution for his personal profit), or Joan of Arc (a pawn of the queen of Aragon and the three other kingdoms, who relaunched the “100 years war”, initially a civil war, between the French and the French, which lasted, as a result, nearly five centuries)…

Louis XIV monarchs,taxes,war,being a tyrant,building the palace?

i need info on that kind of stuff not his life like day born died.. just specificly of his monarchs his taxing , the war , how he did stuff, him being a ruler and a leader and king and how he controlled and did this