What Will Help With Making My Thighs And Calves Thinner

My thighs are thinner than my calves?

Do leg exercises. Not Cardio! that will make you thinner. Do squats and anything to build muscle which will make them grow.

I wish I had ur problem! I want to make mine shrink!! lol

Can sit-ups help in making my thighs thin? Or will they just give them more muscle?

You probably won’t see a change in your thighs unless you do them quick enough to count as cardio. Sit-ups will help strengthen your core and only that. You’d be better off doing something like squats or squat jumps if you want to lose fat (body-weight is ok when you are just starting out). I’m saying this because they work the largest muscle in your body, and the more muscle you have the more your body will burn fat at rest. They will also burn a lot more calories than sit-ups and as long as you’re eating less than you burn you will lose weight.You could do a circuit if you don’t want to get bored, mix up a few exercises like squats, sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, burpees, sprints (I am assuming you do not have access to a gym). Anything that challenges you enough and has your heart rate up.Also, don't be afraid of gaining muscle, it will make you look thinner.(photo not mine) Look at the difference between the fat and muscle, they both weigh 5 pounds!

Does running makes your calves and thighs fat?

I was concerned about this when I started running.
The truth, you will build muscle, you wont have those perfectly round smooth calves; but you will have a pair of nice lean defined calves (which is hella more sexy)
Some people do get quite large calves, some woman in the runners club had them, but it is dependant on your body type...If you already have big calves then they'll get a little bigger and definitly more definied if there lean; then not a thing to worry about.
Running has nothing to do with weight lifting or building huge mass amounts of muscle; your body is working to carry itself and its working on muscles that allow agility; runners don't tend to have big calves or thighs. They don't get very large because there not working against anything more than your body weight and gravity during the run; they are not working in a fashion (like I said) to build mass amounts of muscle but rather they build in the fashion that is most suitable for running; light weight. Your thighs will become more definied and toned; you will gain some shape to them from running; if your already a little thick in the thighs it will allow them to look shaply, defined and sexy. If there slender you'll gain some muscle but a good muscle; if your naturally stock then you'll stay that way; with definition of course. If you look at most people who do track and field there calves look actually quite thin; sometimes really thin. Yur calves (including your thighs)are muscle and fat; when you run you burn that fat and define those muscles; in turn your only creating a healthier you!
My dad picked up running and his became reallydefinied; he was doing the Ironman; running marathons, swimming and biking. The results of running will create more definition in your body overall; which is better than any other body shape. I also dance so I have thicker thighs on my tiny frame; but thats because they are working in a different way, im using my muscles to lift them and steer my body. Id rather have thick thighs like mine; they have great definition and hold a nice shape then nothing at all. trust me, most men like a girl who keeps herself in shape; and in shape doesn't mean thin, it means toned. When I picked up running all I earned was a healthier body, an enjoyable hobby, and a pair of nice looking calves!

don't worry about a thing!!!

Will jump roping make my thighs and calves bigger?

it might.. depending on how much you do them. it will work, but with time........
here are some of my favs for my thighs and calves:
♥ jumping jacks
♥ squats
♥ sumo squats (squats where u jump up when u come up)
♥ lift ups (where you lift up from a flat foot to your tippy toes & repeat for at least 20 times)
the lift ups really helped my calves become firm, but after 20 of 'em, u will start to feel the burn! :D
hope it helps
xoxo~ chicka♥

Would dancing make my thighs and calves bigger?

I've tried to understand by looking into it, but I still don't get it. Some articles say that if you do the wrong exercise, your calf muscles will get bulky rather than slimmer, some say that it doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do.

I've been using personal dancing workouts and taking dance classes because they're much more fun for me then walking around outside and stuff like that. I know any physical activity is good for you, but I don't want to end up having muscly, bulky calves and thighs if that's what dancing does to them.

How do I make my muscular thighs and calves smaller and more feminine?

Well, the beauty is the eyes of the beholder. Though some men may like muscular thighs, however, having slimmer calves and thighs are commonly regarded as a symbol of beauty.To make your thighs and calves smaller, it boils down to nutrition, weight loss and proper weight lifting.If you wish to reduce the muscularity on your thighs and calves, reduce the amount of weight you are lifting (preferably just bodyweight), do more cardio, so that your legs will be more toned and slimmer.Nevertheless, if you require more details and sample workouts on getting slimmer calves , do check out the link below:How to get Slimmer Calves and Ankles

Will skateboarding make my thighs smaller? ?

Honestly... no. Skateboarding alone will not make you're thighs smaller because skateboarding requires a lot of muscle. It'll make them get a bit bigger and be full of muscle and minimum fat(that is, if you're a frequent skater). Thighs are a hard thing to shrink. It's easier for boys, but girls are just programmed to have bigger thighs, unless you have a very small and thin build.

I am a guy. What exercise would help me make my thighs thinner without losing my upper body mass?

If you have thighs that you think are too fat yet already have muscle then you could do calisthenic exercises using your legs like lunges, squats, and box jumps. Keep in mind, if you want to lose fat you'll have to exercise using no weight and high reps. Also if you don't have much muscle on your legs to begin with then you'll gain muscle doing these types of exercises making your thighs more thick until you lose the fat. If you're just having trouble losing fat and aren't really concerned about not having muscular legs then I would recommend a lot of running and a lot of biking all the while continuing your upper body routine of low reps and high weight. You won't lose upper body muscle unless you stop exercising those parts of your body. If you're worried about losing upper body fat and want to lose lower body fat then you're just going to have to pick between the two. Stretch the muscles you use after every workout, it won't hinder your gains in mass and you'd feel a lot better than if you didn't.

Will running makes my thigh slimmer, or bigger with muscle?

Running can make your thighs BIGGER and SLIMMER - it depends on what type of run you do.Reasons running makes your thighs bigger:New to runningRunning too intensivelyRunning too muchReasons running makes your thighs slimmer:Running for long distancesRunning causes a loss in muscle massRunning to lose weightTo know more in details how running can make your thighs bigger or slimmer, read more about it in the article below:SevenFitness - Will Running make your Thighs Bigger or Slimmer?