What Would A Dead Body Look Like After 3-4 Months From Death

What is it like to look at the dead body of someone you once knew?

My mother died in front of me less than 2 months ago. She was battling cancer of the gallbladder and it only took 3 months from diagnosis to death.She was put on ventilator the day I rushed back home. She would look at me but could not speak because of all the tubes going into her mouth. Her condition was declining. Finally the doctors talked to us and decided to pull the plug. All her bodily functions had stopped. The minute they did it though the scene was unbelievable. She could not breathe because the lungs would not swell up anymore. She was desperately trying to inhale, struggling and moving her head around. All I could do is look at her and hold her hand. I was reminding her of my childhood. Never felt so helpless before.My dad was on the other side of the bed praying. After about 20 mins she lost grip of my hand.I knew it was happening but there was nothing I could do. Her heart rate was arrhythmic with too little oxygen in her blood. I saw her struggle for a couple more breaths and then she stopped moving. It was dramatic. All the equipment around her started beeping and I saw the line fall flat. Absolutely flat ! And when I looked back at her she was staring at me, only it was a blank one. My father was crying hysterically. All I did was closed her eyes and walked out of the ward. I did not cry. It did not hit me at all. I was in great disbelief. I was talking to myself saying here's the woman I loved most in my life and now she is dead. It just did not make any sense to me. And immediately after I had to perform the last rites and I lost all sense of time. I was not in panic. Everything seemed too unreal. I wanted to wake up and call it a bad dream. But no, before I know I was performing the last rites. Every now and then I would look at her body and get chills. I did not know how to react. And finally by the end of the day the body was taken to a funeral pyre. I felt disconnected from everything. Even to this day it doesn't seem to me that my mother is no more. It's a thought that gives me chills and feels like its a terrible thought. However another part of me does acknowledge that I can't see her anymore. Worst of all it was her birthday the next day.

How does dead body look like after 4 weeks?

Very, very dead.Unless there are unusual circumstances (extreme cold, embalming, sealed away from air), decomposition would be well established. How far decomposition would progress depends on the environment— indoors or out, temperature, moisture, animals and insects. It would be obviously a human body, but identifying the person would be difficult, and likely require an expert.The sight would be profoundly distressing to most people, even those experienced in dealing with human cadavers. The smell would be worse, and would attract considerable attention from anyone nearby. Most people wouldn’t be able to approach the body closely without becoming ill.I hope that answers your question— and I hope even more that you never experience the answer for yourself.

What does a dead body smell like after a month?

Unfortunately, I HAVE smelled a human body after it had been dead for a while. I don’t remember now exactly how long, whether it had been a couple of weeks or a month, but it was a smell that once you’ve been exposed to it you’ll never ever forget it.I was starting a new job as an autopsy master, basically the assistant to a pathologist, and this was my very first case. It was an elderly woman who had died alone in her apartment, in the late spring, and nobody reported it until the smell from her apartment got so bad that the other tenants complained.To describe her, the body, mostly the abdomen, was horribly bloated. The skin was all blotchy, different colours ranging from a dark green in some spots to purple in other spots.You can see a similar colour/pattern here. Two-Seaters 1918 I know that this isn’t a human body but it’s the same shades and patterns, and trust me, you don’t really want to see the real thing.Anyway, there was thick brownish fluid draining from her mouth, her nose, and her eyes. One eye had popped out from the swelling and was hanging on her cheek from the nerves and muscles. In spots her skin had split from the swelling and the flesh underneath was a sick grey with touches of brown and yellow. Touching her brought an ooze of fresh fluid from the nearest openings.But it’s the smell that was the most memorable. To say that it was nauseating would be an understatement. All the technicians had been warned beforehand and before we put on surgical masks we smeared Vicks under and around our noses.The best way to describe it would be to imagine a roast that you’d left in the back of the fridge and forgotten about for a very long time - say it was heavily wrapped in opaque plastic so you couldn’t smell it and didn’t know what was in the package.When you found it, after say two or three months (the cold in a fridge slows the process) you were curious and so opened it up and the smell hit you. By that point the smell is visceral. Despite your best efforts it makes you retch involuntarily. It cloys so that you just can’t get it out of your nose even if you leave the room. It has vague hints of sewage to it, but far, far worse.I’m sure it’s what’s meant by the smell of a battlefield, because if the bodies aren’t buried, that’s what would be on a battlefield. Lots, and lots of rotting meat.Dinner time anybody?

On average, how many hours does it take for a dead body to smell bad?

The smell that is associated with putrefaction, the decomposition of organic matter comes from foul-smelling compounds such as cadaverine, and putrescine found in all living things.The rate of decomposition varies depending upon environmental factors like temperature and humidity apart from the condition of the human body prior to death.What happens to your body after you dieDecomposition can be roughly divided into four stages: the fresh stage, the bloated stage, the active decay stage and the advanced decay stage. Some overviews of the process also add in a final stage, when all that is left of the corpse is dried remains.The fresh stage of decay kicks off about four minutes after death. Once the heart has stopped beating, the cells in the body are deprived of oxygen. As carbon dioxide and waste products build up, the cells start to break down as a result of enzymatic processes – these are known as autolysis. Initial visual signs of decomposition are minimal, although as autolysis progresses blisters and sloughing of skin may occur.The Chemistry of the Odour of DecompositionIn hot and humid places of India, on an average it takes about 3-4 days for smell to appear after death.

What does a dead body look like after one week from natural causes?

Human decomposition is a natural process involving the breakdown of tissues after death. While the rate of human decomposition varies due to several factors, including weather, temperature, moisture, pH, and oxygen levels, cause of death, and body position, all human bodies follow the same four stages of human decomposition. Decomposition begins around four minutes after a person dies and follows four stages: autolysis, bloat, active decay, and skeletonization. Autolysis, or self digestion begins immediately after death. As soon as blood circulation and respiration stop, the body has no way of getting oxygen or removing wastes. Excess carbon dioxide causes an acidic environment, causing membranes in cells to rupture. The membranes release enzymes that begin eating the cells fro the inside out. Rigor mortis causes muscle stiffening. Small blisters filled with nutrient-rich fluid begin appearing on internal organs and the skin’s surface. The body will appear to have a sheen due to ruptured blisters and the skin’s top layer will begin to loosen. Second stage is bloat. Leaked enzymes from the first stage begin producing many gases. The sulfer-containing compounds that the bacteria release also cause skin discoloration. Due to the gases, the human body can double in size in addition, insect activity can be present, and bacteria produce extremely unpleasant odors called putrefaction. Stage three is Active Decay. Fluids released through orifices indicate the beginning of active decay. Organs, muscles, and skin become liquefied. When all of the body’s soft tissue decomposes, hair, bones, cartilage and other byproducts of decay remain. Stage four is Skeletonization. Because the skeleton has a decomposition rate base on the loss of organic and inorganic components, there is no set time frame when skeletonization occurs. Here is is a breakdown of the timeline.A. 24–72 hours after death the internal organs decompose.B. 3–5 days after death the body starts to bloat and blood-containing foam leaks from the mouth and nose.C. 8–10 days after death the body turns green to red as the blood decomposes and the organs in the abdomen accumulate gas.D. Several weeks after death nails and teeth fall out.E. 1 month after death the body starts to liquify.

How long after a person's death does it usually take for burial?

On average, how long does it take after the person dies before they are buried? Is there a certain way to make the burial process happen sooner? Or to postpone it until later? What exactly are the procedures?

What is a realistic time period between a death and the wake?

A lot depends on the circumstances of the family. If the deceased was an Orthodox Jew, s/he would be buried within 24 hrs. That's part of their "law". If an autopsy is done, it can take more than a few days depending on what the ME is looking for & how complicated the autopsy is. If the family doesn't have much money, or doesn't want to spend it, it could be 1-2 days, depending if publication of the obituary notice was printed the day after death. You also need to take into consideration the weather. In cold winter months in some areas there may be a small funeral service @ the funeral home or @ a church. Then the body is probably taken to the cemetery where they have a building to hold the casket until the ground thaws & the grave can be dug. The family is notified & there is a small graveside service. If the body is cremated, then the memorial service is held @ the discretion & convenience of the family. You also have to take into account if the person died in another city, state, or country. Time needs to be given for the deceased to be transported either by an airline or driven back by the funeral home. If the deceased is a young child or a stillborn baby, the service is usually next day. Does your girl need reconstructive work done on her before the viewing? This requires more time for the funeral director to repair the damage. Of course it could always be a closed casket. I almost forgot: you also have to deal w/ out-of-town relatives who need time to get there. That's assuming you're burying her where she died.

I realize this doesn't give a specific time frame, but I hope it opens up possibilities for your story. Good luck with it.