What Would Be A Better Alternative To Granting Amensty To The Refugee Children

How would Canadians feel if their Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, offered a general amnesty and citizenship to all of the illegal migrants that came across the border after his tweet on January 28, 2017?

We would feel that he had abused his authority and should immediately resign or face a vote of non-confidence in the House.The Prime Minister just doesn’t have that kind of authority. In order to do even anything close to this, he would need to pass legislation in the House and in the Senate. They would have to set up a system that would leave decisions like these entirely up to civil servants.In addition, there is no such thing as an “illegal migrant”. Yes, you can cross the border “illegally” but if you claim asylum, the Canadian government will give you a hearing. It may take a while, but, again, this thing is left up to bureaucrats and not politicians.If you’re not claiming asylum, the government ships your butt back across the border immediately. If you can’t be returned to the country you came from, the government will start deportation proceedings.Now, back 2 years ago, none of this was a problem. The U.S. system for hearing asylum claims was in great shape and both sides agreed that asylum seekers would be returned to their country of first refuge for a fair hearing. The problem now is, even though that agreement is still technically in place, most of these asylum seekers were treated in the U.S. in a manner not consistent with America’s obligations under various treaties. This new group of asylum seekers is now claiming they can’t get a fair hearing in the United States due to their country of origin or ethnic background.

Should the children of illegal immigrants be granted American citizenship, if they are born in the United States?

I think they should be granted citizenship because overall, it's better for the U.S. that way. These children are born in this country and we spend tax dollars to educate them and send them to school for the first several years of their life. Once they graduate and are looking to get a job, they can't, because oops! they're not legal citizens. They can try and get citizenship but will likely be deported and thus all the tax money we put into educating them goes down the drain and all the skills they learned here in the U.S, they apply in the country their parents are from.  It's a lose/lose situation for everyone. We spend time, money and resources educating students that we then send to lead successful lives somewhere else.Plus, we're essentially punishing children for something they played no part in. They didn't get to choose where they were born. I know that when we think of illegal immigrants, we think of children from Mexico, but those aren't the only immigrants. They could have had parents that left somewhere like Afghanistan or parts of Africa and then we're going to take an 18 year old kid, born and raised in the U.S. and deport him/her to Afghanistan because his/her parents did a bad thing and didn't get legal citizenship? We could be sending teenagers to countries where they don't even speak the language. They were born in America. They were raised in America. They're Americans plain and simple. There is no logic in punishing children for crimes that they didn't commit. When parents make mistakes, we don't send their children to jail. So when parents immigrate illegally, we don't deport their native born children to strange, foreign countries with no means to survive.

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Liberal comes from the word Liberty, because Liberals love liberty, the opposite of what conservatives want.

Liberals started America, they rebeled against the far right wing conservative British with their high taxes and excessive government, and won.

Conservatives say they want smaller government and lower taxes to get elected, they always increase government control over our private lives and and always increase taxes. The current conservative adminstration proves this, as they have increased government bureaucracy and spent more than all other previous administrations combined.

Famous Liberals:
Abraham Lincoln
Dwight D. Eisonhower
John F. Kennedy
George W. Bush
George Washington

Famous Conservatives:
Richard M. Nixon
Timothy McVeigh
David Koresh
Osama bin Laden
Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard.

Comment on neema s's answer: Wonderful copying and pasting, however the foreign economist Adam Smith has since been proven wrong by the American Professor John Nash, and I am an American not a Scotsman.

Comment: Am I serious? My answer has more truth in it than any of the other answers in here.

George W. Bush is the most honest, and most liberal president since Clinton.

All islamic wackos like bin Laden and Saddam are radical conservatives. Even conservatives admit that.

Timothy McVeigh was a wacko conservative.

Richard M. Nixon was a radical conservative. He had 95% of all Americans on his enemies list.

David Koresh was wacko conservative also. Religious wackos are almost always conservatives.

Who Needs to Be Present When Applying for Food Stamps?

In the past I would have said get a job and get off food stamps. Nowadays it not that easy to get a job especially if you live in the USA.

Why should we grant the illegal immigrants amnesty?

alena: excuse me?? none of us are american because our ancestors came here thesame way illegals do??

you have absolutely NO IDEA what youre talkin about! back when our ancestors came to america, they did it legally and were proud to do it legally! it wasnt as easy gettin in here illegally like the mexicans do.

my great grandmother came here with her mother and father from italy, and were VERY grateful to be able to! they would have never,ever done anything to disgrace the united states! they respected this country! they got jobs and done their part for america. the illegal mexicans DO NOT! they pretty much steal from us daily.

but, to answerthe question, we absolutely SHOULD NOT grant them amnesty.. it is very much rewarding them, and it will encourage more to come in. the immigration is getting out of control... well, it IS out of control! there is much more the government could do about this but they choose not to....

instead of putting them in american jails for crimes like driving on suspended license ( that seems to be the popular one in the weekly arrest reports) abuse, drug dealing,etc, deport them!!! it seems like the most reasonable thing to do, right?? but no, the government just grants them bail and sends them on their way... they do not follow thru with making sure they return to their country.

toby v: WOW! you are extrmemly uninformed on this subject.... illegal immigrants get taxed?? are you serious?? they pay NO TAXES!! how does the government tax them when they are paid with cash under the table?? that how most of them get paid... and so what if their children were born her... they wouldnt have been born here if their parents hadnt broke the law. the fact that an illegal immigrant gave birth doesnt give them the right to be able to stay here.

and you think the united states has this unlimited supply of land and housing??? you really need to not be so naive as to believe things like that... we cannot house(and support) the entire country of mexico.

What would happen to the United States if all illegal immigrants gained amnesty?

It would make the illegals that were all ready here happy but it wouldn’t do anything to stop the ones that are still trying to get into the country. In fact it would just encourage them and even more to come here illegally making the problem worse.The Seven Amnesties Passed by Congress

Who Gains from Unchecked Illegal Immigration?

Everyone Gains, But its unsecure. We need a system that gives them Identity. Trying to secure 100% of our borders is really unrealistic, if someone is determined to do something, its hard to stop them, never the less, we should try our hardest, Immigrants are not the Enemy, in fact , unless you want to pay $20 for your plate at olive garden next time, we should have a system that works. Some say immigrants are exploited by corporation, that might be true, but they are still working our of their own will, what does that say about their home countries ? we should sort them out.. the ones who want to become american, and the ones who just want jobs, Path to legal stay for the first with fines, penalties etc... and guest workers program, with fines, penalties etc... for the latter..

They must pass and pay :Penalties, Fines, English test, Civics Tests.

Even though some of us can't even pass the Civics test to become an american... hypocrisy ? maybe.

Pop Question, How many senators in the US ? how many COngressmen ? how many branches of government?

What should Europe do to address/solve the migrant crisis? What is the best and most humane solution to the crisis?

1) It's a refugee crisis not a migrant crisis2) Europe should start giving out asylum seekers visas in embassies abroad for people coming from an acknowledged war zone like Syria so that asylum seekers can fly to their destination countries and don't have to take such a dangerous illegal journey upon themselves to reach Europe and in the process have organised crime and other bad people profit from them.The  way it is now, it's actually also a huge security risk for Europe.  The human trafficking and organised crime with fake papers. And there are people slipping in as refugees who are bad news for Europe. Cause basically the Schengen Dublin thing for refugees is not working anyways. Everyone knows that now.3) And EU countries should be made to put up a better infrastructure in place, to accommodate all those refugees. The sooner refugees can get integrated and start working, the better for everyone involved. And people should be able to go where they want in Europe. Where they already have family or friends or where they see a future. The worst part I've seen about Syrian refugees who are already here, is that their families and friends are spread all over Europe now. Just because some kids are 18 or 19 and don't count as part of their 'family' anymore.Refugees don't want to end up social insurance cases. They want to work, become contributing members of society, they want that their kids can go to school and have a future. So they need a little help to get started, most will even need housing and food in the begining cause they don't have family there supporting them and all will need language classes and integration classes. But if the politicians let them, they will soon start to work and start to pay back society and taxes.Personally I think on the long run, especially for Germany now, the Syrian refugees will be good for the economy. Sure it will not always be easy in the beginning but I'm convinced this is going to be mutually beneficial in the end.But it will continue to be hard. Especially with all those masses of refugees. Those are high numbers. Germany is not the golden land, Germany has problems too (and I'm not even German and I know that) and lots of xenophobia. And even though right now refugees get a lot of support from society, this will soon end and harsh refugee reality will hit with shelters that are over filled etc. Refugees will have it hard in Germany, too. But hopefully they will get a chance at a better life.

Illegal immigrants who have babies in the US are rewarded with citizenship for the child . . . ?

Senate rejects kids citizenship measure

Opponents call the Dream Act 'amnesty' for immigrant children.
By Nicole Gaouette and Johanna Neuman, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
October 25, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The Senate on Wednesday rejected a bill offering the children of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship if they serve in the military or complete two years of higher education. The defeat of the measure, which had attracted bipartisan support, underscored the difficulty of enacting even a narrowly tailored proposal in the polarizing atmosphere surrounding immigration reform.

The vote on the proposal was 52 to 44, short of the 60-vote margin needed to prevent a filibuster and begin debate.

The Dream Act would give conditional legal status to illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States at least five years and entered the country before age 16. They must graduate from high school, have no criminal record and have a "good moral character."

If these immigrants serve in the military or complete two years of higher education, the conditional status would be lifted. After five years, they could apply for citizenship.,1,6179098.story?coll=la-news-politics-national&track=crosspromo

What would when the brighter kids opt for two years of college or the military.
would the military have to lower its standards?
the community colleges have the freedom to change their cirriculem
they have remedial courses
don't think the Military needs to be operating high schools.

babies born in U.S are citizens automatically.