What Would Be A Good Intro For A Grade 8 Valedictorian Speech

I need help on my introduction for my valedictorian speech???

Everyone expects the traditional heavy duty words that sum up our time spent in this institution of learning, but I won't bore you with that... Let me break tradition and just say that I hope each and everyone one of you goes out of here and lives - really lives. Carpe diem anyone?

How do I write a good graduation speech?

Think about experiences you had at the school and what each of them meant for you. You can ask yourself whether you changed after starting the school? If yes, how did you exactly change, and what was the impact of the school on these changes. Also, you can share lessons that this school taught you. Maybe there are success stories you’d like to share that happened during the time you were studying at the school. Or you can tell about challenges you faced or your friends faced (though ask them first if they are not against it).It is important to think about structure of the speech you want to develop and a catchy beginning of your speech. And at the end make a lesson of your whole speech.You can get more helpful tips here: Very Effective Writing Tips.And great samples of speeches here: How to Deliver a Graduation Speech

I need to write a speech for my fifth grade promotion but I don't know what my topic sentence should be. How should I start my speech about my school?

Hi Yasmine,Fascinating question. The standard introductions, that audiences love, are: Statistics, Stories or Quotes. I always feel comfortable with a short story - for me, I would look up the history of the school/student newsletters/local newspapers/etc and find a paragraph (funny, interesting, startling) that relates to your audience - we all love to hear about ourselves or things that we are involved in! Statistics and quotes may be your thing - the internet is a good resource. If you want to follow this up, there’s a blog on ‘Introductions’ at Hope this helps, Paul

I need help in the conclusion of my Valedictorian speech for high school!!?

1. naive or synonym, etc.
2. mature or synonym, etc.
3. Our experience over the past ___ years (12, 5, or 4 - your choice)

Together, we have completed our journey through high school with many ups and downs. Now we embark on a new road and take with us a new lease on life. Congratulations Class of 2011! We did it!

I don't know if you're looking for an original ending, but I have been to about five graduations, and that seems to be the most typical ending (or some variation of it). They also always seem to have some kind of inspirational quote thrown in there right before the ending.

Here's a website with tips on writing grad speeches: http://www.graduation-invitations-gradua...

Good Luck!

8th grade American history hmwk?! Only smart people pleaseee?!?

Social studies help PLEASE?!
1. True/false: the constitution can be changed by a majority vote in the senate.

2. Shays rebellion helped persuade:
A. Congress to give itself greater power to tax citizens.
B. government leaders to hold a Constitutional Convention to revise articles of confederation
C. State gvmt. to print more money
D. Central gvmt. to pass new land ordinances

3. Besides representation, what other major issue required delegates to compromise during the Constitutional Convention?
A. Writing an introduction to the convention
B. continuing the slave trade
C. Choosing the person who led the executive branch
D. Giving free African Americans the right to vote

4. Why did some people oppose ratification of the constitution? 
A. It didn't include protection of individual rights
B. it eliminated state governments
C. It made slavery illegal 
D. Failed to include checks and balances

5. How did the bill of rights become part of the constitution?
A. Agreed upon I the Great Compromise
B. copied from a number of State Constitutions
C.approved by all delegates @ constitutional convention
D.added through amendment process

6. Under the bill of rights this is NOT protected
A. Freedom of speech
B. freedom of the press
C. Freedom of the military
7.what's a reason many called for changes to the Articles of Confederation?
A. Opposed northwest ordinance 
B. wanted a plan of government made up of two branches
C. Believed a weak central gvmt was ineffective
D. Thought state gvmt was doing fine and nothing should change 

8. The opening phrase of the constitution "we the people" means the constitution gets authority from:
A. Executive branch
B. state legislatures
D. Congress

9. How did Shays rebellion encourage people to push for a plan to revise the articles of confederation?
A. Made people worry about how a weak central government might respond to future rebellions.
B.encouraged farmers to petition state governments for economic relief
C.none of the above

How do you make certain that the major points of your speech are clear?

all of the above.

Mention them in the introduction then use the same wording when you reach them in the speech