What Would Be The Best Title For A Documentary About Ilocano

What are the best movie titles and why?

It has to be an Indian movie called Anbe Sivam (2003)Here are my interpretations of the title:-Anbu refers to both anbarasu (A self-centered young brat who lacks compassion and empathy) and Love.Sivam refers to both Nallasivam (A middle aged man who understands life and gains compassion for fellow beings through some personal tragedies) and God. So the Title could mean any of the following things :-1. Anbarasu is god (Those who have seen the movie would know why)2. Love is god (The obvious meaning)3. Anbarasu and Nallasivam are the same guys. (Anbarasu eventually reaches the maturity of NallaSivam after getting to know him and starts understanding things from Nalla’s perspective as revealed in the climax.)4. Nallasivam is an embodiment of love. (He spreads nothing but love throughout the movie)5. Not just that, Anbarasu hates anbu in his name, he introduces himself as ARS initially and later embrases it, NallaSivam hates Sivam in his name and in the later parts he is called Sivam contradictory to how he was called Nalla in the flashback.The title is an amalgamation of the parts in the name of the protagonists which they hate in the beginning.I am sure we can add more to the list after every incremental viewing of the movie.A beautiful movie which i would recommend to everyone.

What Filipino movies are available on Netflix?

After typing in "Filipino movies" in the Netflix search, four titles came up.It gave me "On the Job","Metro Manila","Ilo Ilo",and "White Frog".I hope this helps :) have a great day!