What Would Happen If We Gave Everyone In The Country A One-time Gift Of $10 000

If you have 1.3 billion dollars and gave a million to everyone in the U.S evenly, how much would everyone have?

I am not quite sure of your question .Here are a couple answers.The US population is 326,000 000.1.3 billion is 1,300 sets of $1 million dollars. So, if you were giving money away in units of $1m, you could make that gift 1,300 people.Second answer. You want to share $1.3 billion dollars equally with 326 million people. That would mean you would give each person $3.98. There is a little left over. I figure that would be administrative costs.Third answer. How could you help the most people with $1.3 billion dollars? Start a micro loan bank to incentivize small businesses. Maximum loan size might be $1,000. That would allow you to have 1.3 million active loans, if every needed the maximum loan size. That is pretty cool. The challenge would be to find deserving and responsible people.Other areas that could use money. Kids education. College education. Health care. Mental health. People leaving prison. Teen pregnancies. Elder care. (This is not an exhaustive list.)Best of luck.

If I gave $10,000 cash to everyone at a single homeless shelter, what would you say to me?

Okay… lets say that is 50 persons x $10k each totals $500,000 … I'd say you take that $$$$$$ and fund 501 non-profit organization and to invest it in a secured way you can harvest a 10% tax free return of $50k = $1000 a year per each person could = $ enough to cover basic $cost per month of about $70/person or about $3 to $5/day could go a long way to basically feed at cost wholesale price of food or gain donations and more of other necessities of life sustaining resources and with charity raising donations of goods and State or Federal grants while using voluntary help would be wisely more of benefit to aid those homeless for what ever reason one is justified of need of help… as seemingly of such as a small $amount used wisely could make a big difference… and a tax write off for your philanthropy. Win-WinFood, better shelter and developing a business for using homeless to produce goods and services that can be sold to further fund the 501. THIS would also help one homeless feel a sense of value and esteem of purpose and possible access to new skills to improve their potential to gain employment opportunities.Just handing each $10k may not necessarily be as helpful unless they can budget or invest such as small amount to get back up and in the game… THE OTHER PLAN would have me say to you… You have good sensibility and know how to help mitigate a very complicated social issue THAT SHOULD NOT EXIST TO BE A PROBLEM given the wealth of the world's nations and resources of plenty.

If I gave you £1,000,000 to spend In one hour or lose it all what would you buy?

£1,000,000 Amazon gift card I guess. Can't close on major property in an hour as far as I know, especially not real property. No, the thing to do would be to invest it in the FTSE 100 through an ETF, say VUKE so that you could purchase in middle of day and then have the ability, once the hour is over, to convert to money again or whatever. Outside trading hours I guess maybe you're back on the gift card.

If I gave you a $1,000,000 eBay gift card and you only had 48 hours to spend it what would you buy?

I would buyAn expensive katanaA really big tvSuper awesome home theaterA SUV for my wife, range roverA f150 for me, king ranch editionAnd English Bulldog if I could find one. Ok, two English bulldogs.A really nice bed, cali kingEvery piece of baby junk I could find (we are expecting a little girl)I'd like some ATVsSome power toolsOne of those little bulldozers (I don't know what I'd do with it but it would be cool)A pony for my wifeA cow for my wife (I don't know why she wants a cow)Some badass guns with all the trimmingsSome audiobooks bc I like audiobooksGift cards to pizza places bc I like pizzaSomething I could donate to charityThanks for that question. That was fun!

Billionaires: What would happen if the world's richest men donated $1 million to every inhabitant on earth?

People would burn the money, or make bookshelves out of it."Inflation" is an abstraction; let's step through this.   A million dollars a piece is distributed to each of 7 billion people.   There's a store down the street with some chickens in stock.Now everybody can afford a chicken!   The shop-keeper can do the Right Thing and keep the prices where they were.   Poof - he sells all his chickens in one day.   (Who doesn't want a chicken?   Besides - there's a rumor that things might sell out, because everyone can afford stuff now.)So the shops that hold prices steady quickly run out of stock.   They call their chicken distributor but are told, "sorry, we've been getting calls all morning.   Can we back to you?"Damn.   No more chickens.The Evil Chicken Shop across town says, "now wait a minute.   Since everybody's out of chickens - I'm  going to sell mine for ... a half million dollars each!   Don't like it, f- you.   Good luck finding a chicken."At first you balk.   No way am i spending a half million for a chicken.    But your family is getting hungry.   Maybe it's not such a bad idea, until this chicken thing blows over.And there's another problem with the chickens.   The truck drivers who were supposed to deliver what few chickens remain didn't show up for work.   They are drunk in Aruba celebrating their new-found wealth.   Who wants to drive chickens around if they don't have to?Damn.   This so did not work out.   You're rich but a chicken cost a half million bucks.Oh?   The half million-dollar chicken place just ran out because people got hungry.  Now chickens are 750,000.Better gas up quick before you go buy one.    There's a huge line and gas is $250,000 a gallon.   They tried to hold prices down but ..,

Can a transfer of $10,000 dollars be made to an account number without the bank or IRS becoming suspicious?

Banks do not usually report balances or income to the IRS. If you get audited by the IRS, that's a different story. Working in banking for 4 years, I've seen transfers for lot more money so it's not really suspicious activity. Splitting up the transfers to smaller amounts is more suspicious. If you want to withdraw it immediately, that might be considered unusual and I would ask a few more questions before proceeding.If you are making the transfer by depositing cash, as long as the deposit is less than $10,000.01 the teller does not have to file a Currency Transaction Report. The CTR doesn’t get reported to the IRS though. It goes to the Fed as a way to track cash and prevent money laundering. If you’re going to deposit cash over the $10k and a penny mark, DO NOT SPLIT UP YOUR DEPOSITS. Just make the deposit and let them file the form. This is called structuring and is both illegal and considered suspicious activity by banks.Edit: I would also like to point out that there is a big difference between your bank, the Federal Reserve, and the IRS. The IRS is taxing your income. You should be reporting this as income and paying the appropriate tax on it if that's what it is. If you’re just transferring your own money, then no big deal. If it's a gift, ask a tax attorney about it. Your bank just wants to make sure the funds are legitimate and they arent involved in money laundering. They report to the Federal Reserve in this matter.

Should you tip you mailman? The person who takes the time to make sure your mail is delivered safe and secure.

People are going to chose to tip, or not to tip. It's a personal preference. Yes, mail carriers are just doing their job, but it's those special letter carriers that take the time to get to know the people on their route over the years that are part of your daily lives. During this time of the year letter carries are inundated with triple the work load from catalogues, holiday cards, and packages. My husband & brother are carriers and don't get home until 7:30-8:00 and they DO deliver in the dark. Their days off are taken away frequently this time of year. I put my son to sleep last week and daddy still wasn't even home from work-so the mandatory overtime takes away from family time. Who ever heard of a rich letter carrier?! A little Thank You is always appreciated, but never expected. A $5-10 gift card or homemade goodies means the world because it lets the carrier know "You are appreciated". If you don't want to leave a tip-then don't!

One year my brother saved an elderly woman's life by noticing her mail was backed up for 2 days. She fell in her apartment and had a broken hip. My husband frequently chases down a dog that always manages to get loose-because he knows the guy uses a walker and can't chase down his own dog. These are the little things that go above and beyond just doing their job-but there are thousands of mail carrier stories that go above and beyond the job. How about the mail carrier that had the courage to contact child protective serivces because she knew the parents were operating a meth lab? No, she won;t be getting any holiday tip or a basket of goodies, but she'll have satisfaction knowing those kids are safe now.

If someone wants to give me 20,000 dollars do i have to pay taxes on it?

The recipient of a gift in the United States of America NEVER has to pay a gift tax to the federal government. If it were a lottery or prize or something, then yes, but never a gift. The giver of the gift may have to file a gift tax return if the amount was over $12,000, but if they haven't given over a million dollars of gifts yet in their lifetime, then they won't owe any tax on the gift. It doesn't mean they don't have to fill out the return, it just means they won't owe Uncle Sam when they mail in the return.

There are ways around the gift tax. For example, they could have given you $10K and your spouse $10K. Or, if they are married, the couple could have each given you $10K. Or, they could have given you $10K and a trusted friend $10K who, in turn, could have given you the same $10K. These are all legal transactions. Well, the friend thing may not be totally legal....but you get the drift.

Bottom line, the recipient never pays a gift tax and the giver rarely pays a gift tax unless they've given away tons of loot in their lifetime. They may have to fill out a 709...but those are easy to do.

Hope this clears things up, and please, don't accept even my answer without researching it yourself. Try publication 950 at the IRS web site listed below.

What is one million yen worth in Japan?

Its a bit like asking how long is a piece of string. 1 million is riches to a beggar but pocket change to a millionaire.
US dollars are not used in Japan as legal currency but the exchange rate is around 110 yen to the $US dollar. If you are on about 250,000 yen a month then it's four months wages. You spend according to your budget and how much spending (disposable) money you have after paying rent bills, insurance, food etc. You earn more more you can afford to spend more (or save more if you are frugal).
There are billionaires in Japan as well as homeless people, single mothers and students working at part time jobs. If you want to know what the average or median income (i.e 50% are above and 50% are below this figure) its about 4.5 million yen, probably enough to support a wife and one or two kids in basic necessities.Some wives work part time but ensure not to earn over 1 million a year as it affects the tax status of husband's income if she earns over that or too much.

One million yen is the average tuition cost of a private university for one person for one year. 1 million yen will get you a decent late model used car (of courses new cars can go anything from 1-6 million yen depending on make.)

10 million yen is roughly $90,000, 1 million yen is about $9,000. You would probably be able to buy a garage or parking space for 10 million but would make a sizable deposit on something nice.