What Would Happen In This Case This Is A Legal Matter Involving Credit Card Fraud Professional

What would happen if you paid for a parking ticket with a credit card and then disputed that charge?

I mean especially if the city pushes back? Well, you might win with the credit card company anyway, or maybe not.

1. If the credit card company denies the dispute, then nothing--you're still just out the money you paid.

2. But if the credit card company grants your money back, then can the city still come back with a judgment and affect your credit rating, or are they just screwed? :D

Wouldn't it be great if you could screw the city who charged you for a parking ticket just by winning the dispute on the credit card, EVEN if the credit card company were lenient enough that they just gave ya the money back before you managed to get enough supporting material against the city?

Hey, as long as we're talking about disputing the charge after paying for a parking ticket (more of a civil matter), how about doing that with the charge from a moving traffic violation or worse criminally related matter?

What other details might I need to know about that kind of thing?

Will you come back and see my follow-ups on your answers and then follow up on my follow-ups? Thanks, if so.

Are Credit Card Generators Legal?

Legal until you make a purchase with the number. The it becomes credit card fraud - a felony. How will they find you? The shipping address is one way. Also, the computer you use can be traced through the IP address.

Besides the CC number, you need a valid expiration date and sometimes the CVV number. The CVV number is tied to the CC number. If there's a mismatch, it's not likely your purchase will be honored. But that also depends upon the merchant's checks and balances for purchases to prevent fraud.

How can you get away with it? Find the DUMBEST friend you have who doesn't know your name or address. Convince that dumb friend that you need to use his computer. Convince your dumb friend to accept delivery of your purchase. Convince your dumb friend to give you your purchase.

What happens when billing address is incorrectly entered for a credit card transaction?

It depends if the merchant is willing to accept orders where the addresses don't match. Some merchants have the system automatically decline any transaction where the address given by the customer doesn't match the address the bank has on file. Other merchants are willing to accept the risk of a charge back so they'll accept the order.Some online merchants may tentatively accept the order, but then have the fraud department review the order manually before actually shipping the product or completing the order. They look for other red flags that may indicate a fraudulent transaction and will decide whether to process the order or cancel the order without charging the card (or issuing a refund if they already did). The customer usually is never told about the fraud department looking at their order unless it looks suspicious, although the customer might notice a slight delay in processing their order if the merchant decides to process the order despite the address not natching.

Is credit card fraud a felony or a misdemeanor? ?

The seriousness of the offense is determined by the amount of the charge.

Strip searching is a matter of the jails policy. It is not usually done, only when there is a suspicion you are hiding contraband. You will probably have to disrobe, shower, and change into jail clothes in the presence of a jailer of the same gender, but the search will not be invasive. Invasive searches, commonly called "body cavity searches", are done by a medical professional only when there is probable cause you are hiding something.

As far as medications, you can bring them with, or have someone deliver them. Jails have a nurse on staff that assists with dispensing medications.